St. Cyprian's Youth Group
Welcome to St. Cyprian’s Youth Group
Youth group is for teens in 6th-12th grade. We meet on Sunday nights from 6-7:30 from September-May.
What is youth group? Our youth group is a place that you can come and be yourself. It’s a place to share the joys, struggles and questions you have about life and your faith. It is a place for faith-based activities and spiritual growth.
What keeps kids coming back?
It’s a place where they feel welcome and comfortable- We make sure that all kids feel included and are heard. The adults are always available to talk to the teens one on one if needed.
We have fun. Our activities change week to week, but whether we are learning about our faith, playing games or doing service work, we always try to have fun and laugh.
Meet new people/make new friends- The teens that come may not all play the same sports, have the same circle of friends, be in the same classes/grade/school. The one thing that have in common is that we are all Catholic. You get to know other people that you generally might not talk to in school and find you have more in common than you realize.
What do we do? Each week is a little different. We do many different activities. Sometimes we have conversations about faith, our religion and how it applies to you even if that faith isn’t very strong. We have gone to the beach, watched movies, colored with chalk, and have game nights. We participate in service opportunities like Christmas caroling, washing cars, cleaning the church, making cards for the lonely or sick, putting together lunch sacks for Project Hope for the Homeless and serving dinner to clergy.
Can I bring a friend? YES! Please feel free to bring a friend. The one reminder is that this is a Catholic youth group. Your friend doesn’t need to be Catholic, but some of the discussion might surround what we believe as Catholics. We would never exclude anyone for NOT being Catholic. The more the merrier.
I challenge you to try youth group for one month. We willing to try new sports and new activities through school…. try something new through the church. We start meeting in September. More information will go home in the fall. In the meantime. Email Mrs. Kacsala with questions-