Previous Bulletins
September Announcements (09-2024)
Weekly Bulletin
Congratulations to Greg Anderson, our Early Bird drawing winner! Tickets are still on sale for our Annual Reverse Raffle to be held Saturday, October 26. The cost for a main board ticket is $75 which includes dinner. Companion dinner tickets are $25. Sideboards will be available as well as a 50/50 raffle and a bottle raffle. Come join us for a Great evening! Tickets will be sold after Masses and at the parish office.
Ladies Guild is having their annual Soup & Salad event on Oct 10 at 6:30 p.m. in Alexander Hall. If you’d like to attend or need more info, text or call Marie 440-478-6730.
As 40 Days for Life is approaching, the Pro-Life Committee invites you to pray with us for an end to abortion in front of Signature Health. No abortions are performed there but Family Planning is located in the building, and they provide referrals. St. Cyprian’s group will be witnessing on October 5 and 19 form 10-11 a.m. Please join us at 54 South State St. in Painesville to pray for an end to this abomination. Contact Donna Anderson with questions 440-476-8191
Devoted Catholics of all ages across North America are uniting in prayer on October 6. You are invited to join this extraordinary movement that is designed to mobilize and energize multi-generational groups of children and families. Join us October 6 at 4 p.m. in St. Cyprian Grotto (weather permitting) to help combat the forces of evil by praying with others throughout the country for the gift of human life.
After 30 years away from the Church, it was Blessed Mother Mary who brought blind radio host, Trapper Jack, back. Join us at Divine Word Catholic Church in Kirtland on Oct. 3 at 6:30 p.m. for this dynamic speaker who will be sharing his story of how a series of miraculous encounters re-ignited his faith.
The 38th Annual Blanket Sunday appeal kicks off the weekend of October 12-13. Last year, funds from the appeal were used to purchase nearly 5,000 new winter blankets, in addition to hats, gloves and other necessities provided to unhoused neighbors. Donations can be made securely online: Checks may also be mailed to St. Vincent de Paul Society Blanket Sunday, 1404 East 9th St. – 3rd Floor, Cleveland 44114. Thank you for helping us “blanket” neighbors in warmth and compassion!
St. Anthony Parish in Fairport if offering a 7-week grief support group. Come learn about the symptoms of grief, what you can expect to experience and new ways to reclaim moments of contentment and happiness while honoring those who have died. Tuesdays, Oct 8 – Nov 19 from 6:30 – 8 p.m. RSVP 440-354-4525 or
The Perry Center is our local food pantry supported by the churches in our community and private donations. For the month of OCTOBER, The Perry Center is requesting JUICE. There are boxes located at the entrances of our church. Thank you for helping those in need in our community
Rest in Peace
🕆 Marilyn Niebauer, Aunt of Nancy Sutula
🕆 William Pavlick, Brother of Theresa Spisak
🕆 Benjamin Burden, Brother of Cheryl Altizer
Our sincere sympathy and prayers are with your family and friends
Lector Schedule for October 5-6
Saturday 5 pm: Jason Ziga
Sunday 9 am: Jonathan Kacsala
Sunday 11 am: Mike Ryan
Dates To Note
Sept 29 – Donut Sunday, after 9 & 11 a.m. Mass
Sept 30 – RCIA begins, 6:15 – 7:30 p.m.
Oct 5– Rosary for our Country, 4:30 p.m.
Oct 6 – Children’s Liturgy of the Word, 11 a.m. Mass
Oct 6 – Confirmation Rite of Enrollment, 11 a.m. Mass
Oct 6 –Confirmation Information Mtg, after 11 a.m. Mass
Oct 10 – Ladies Guild Soup & Salad, 6 p.m.
Oct 24 – St. Cyprian Blood Drive, 1 – 6:30 p.m.
Oct 26 – St. Cyprian Reverse Raffle, 6 p.m.
Mass Intentions
Saturday, September 28: 5:00 p.m. 🕆 Clark Pagenstecher
Sunday, September 29: 9:00 a.m. 🕆 Vincent Pomietlo & Valva Sabo
Sunday, September 29: 11:00 a.m. 🕆 Jadranka Radmanic
Monday, September 30: 8:30 a.m. For Pilgrims
Tuesday, October 1: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Josephine Grof
Wednesday, October 2: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Sandy Hodapp
Thursday, October 3: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Stella Freeman
Friday, October 4: 7:00 a.m. 🕆 Steve Burke
Saturday, October 5: 5:00 p.m. 🕆 Analda Koeth
Sunday, October 6: 9:00 a.m. 🕆 Terezija Sifi
Sunday, October 6: 11:00 a.m. 🕆 Torrieri Family
Sunday Collection: $3,367
Weekly Electronic Giving: $660
Thank you for your generosity!
Weekly Bulletin
At the end of September, Debbie Kacsala will be stepping down as Director of Religious Education. We’d like to thank Debbie for all she’s done for our PSR program! We will miss you dearly. We’d like to welcome and give a big thank you to Yih-Ting Merk for taking on the challenge! Yih-Ting will step into the Coordinator of Religious Education position. Many Blessings to you both!
St. Cyprian Ladies Guild would like to extend an invitation to join them for lunch at Perry Family Restaurant on September 12 at 1 p.m. We hope you can attend our first meeting of the year. Reservations, please call Marie Coyle 440-478-6730
The next baptism class at St. Cyprian will be Monday, September 16 at 6:30 p.m. in the Deacons’ office. Please register by calling 440-259-2344 ext. 0 or email
PSR registration is open for the 2024-2025 catechetical year. If you have a child entering 1st grade or are new to the area, please visit and click on the St. Cyprian PSR link at the top of the page to fill out the PSR registration form. There are paper forms available in the parish office as well. A copy of your child’s baptism certificate and the signed Emergency Medical Authorization Form also need to be submitted to the parish office.
Beginning Sept. 24 at 6:30 p.m., we will host a 6-week book study in the front meeting room. The book is Real Presence: What Does it Mean and Why Does it Matter? by Timothy P. O’Malley. RSVP by September 16 so we have enough books or call parish office 440-259-2344
To commemorate the “little ways” of St. Therese of Lisieux, whose Feast Day is Oct. 1, families are invited to gather in Alexander Hall on September 29 after the 11 a.m. Mass to make Good Deed Beads. Good Deed Beads can encourage kids and adults alike to keep track of the good deeds done throughout the day, and likewise be mindful of when we do something that isn’t so good. RSVP to by September 24.
Tickets are on sale for our Annual Reverse Raffle to be held Saturday, October 26. The cost for a main board ticket remains the same at $75 which includes dinner. Companion dinner tickets are $25. Sideboards will be available as well as a 50/50 raffle and a bottle raffle. NEW this year – Purchase your ticket by September 15 to be eligible for an “Early Bird Drawing”. The holder of the lucky ticket number pulled by Fr. George will be refunded the amount of their main board ticket! Come join us for a great evening! Tickets will be sold after Masses and at the parish office.
St. Cyprian Children’s Liturgy of the Word takes place during 11 a.m. Mass on Sundays. Preschool aged children and older are welcome to join us as we leave Mass before the readings and return during the Offertory. This is a time for the children to hear the word of God in their own way with activities.
The Perry Center is our local food pantry supported by the churches in our community and private donations. For the month of SEPTEMBER, The Perry Center is requesting spaghetti sauce. There are boxes located at the entrances of our church. Thank you for helping those in need in our community
Rest in Peace
🕆 Mary Lou Miller, Mother of Craig Miller
Our sincere sympathy and prayers are with your family and friends
Lector Schedule for September 14-15
Saturday 5 pm: Tina Sajn
Sunday 9 am: Frank Leonbruno
Sunday 11 am: Whittaker
Dates To Note
Sept 9 – First night of PSR, 6:15 – 7:30 p.m.
Sept 12 – Ladies Guild lunch out, 1 p.m.
Sept. 13 – Fatima Prayer, 6 p.m.
Sept 14– Rosary for our Country, 4:30 p.m.
Sept 15 – Children’s Liturgy of the Word, 11 a.m. Mass
Sept 16 – Baptism Class, 6:30 p.m.
Sept 22 – Donut Sunday, after 9 & 11 a.m. Mass
Sept 22 – Confirmation Rite of Enrollment, 11 a.m. Mass
Sept 22–Confirmation Information Mtg, after 11 a.m. Mass
Mass Intentions
Saturday, September 7: 5:00 p.m. 🕆 William Blazek
Sunday, September 8: 9:00 a.m. 🕆 Francisco & Carmel Leonbruno
Sunday, September 8: 11:00 a.m. 🕆 Patricia Ann Ritchey
Monday, September 9: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Mike Blazek
Tuesday, September 10: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Steve Burke
Wednesday, September 11: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Sandra Hallen
Thursday, September 12: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Connie Kormanec
Friday, September 13: 7:00 a.m. For the Parish
Saturday, September 14: 5:00 p.m. 🕆 Josephine Grof
Sunday, September 15: 9:00 a.m. 🕆 Joe & Dorothy Troha
Sunday, September 15: 11:00 a.m. For the Parish
Sunday Collection: $4,568
Weekly Electronic Giving: $660
Monthly Electronic Giving: $3,020
Thank you for your generosity!
August Announcements (08-2024)
Sandra Lee Hodapp Funeral Mass
January 16, 1941 - August 18th, 2024
Funeral Mass at St Cyprian Parish (August 24th, 2024)
Weekly Bulletin
PSR registration is open for the 2024-2025 catechetical year. If you have a child entering 1st grade or are new to the area, please visit and click on the St. Cyprian PSR link at the top of the page to fill out the PSR registration form. There are paper forms available in the parish office as well. A copy of your child’s baptism certificate and the signed Emergency Medical Authorization Form also need to be submitted to the parish office.
Beginning September 24 at 6:30 p.m, we will host a book study for 6 weeks in the front meeting room. The book is entitled Real Presence: What Does it Mean and Why Does it Matter? By Timothy P. O’Malley. RSVP by September 16 so enough books can be ordered. Please consider donating $7 to help cover the cost of the book. RSVP to Debbie or call the parish office 440-259-2344
Baptism class can be taken before or after the birth of your child. The next baptism class at St. Cyprian will be Monday, September 16 at 6:30 p.m. in the Deacons’ office. Please register in advance by calling 440-259-2344 ext. 0 or email
To commemorate the “little ways” of St. Therese of Lisieux, whose Feast Day is Oct. 1, families are invited to gather in Alexander Hall on September 29 after the 11 a.m. Mass to make Good Deed Beads. Good Deed Beads can encourage kids and adults alike to keep track of the good deeds done throughout the day, and likewise be mindful of when we do something that isn’t so good. RSVP to by September 24.
Have you thought about becoming a Catholic? Do you want to learn more about your faith? RCIA will begin again this fall. Join Deacon Jay to explore who we are as Catholics, what we believe and why. To register, email or call the parish office 440-259-2344 ext 0
Tickets will be on sale soon for our Annual Reverse Raffle to be held Saturday, October 26. The cost for a main board ticket remains the same at $75 which includes dinner. Companion dinner tickets are $25. Sideboards will be available as well as a 50/50 raffle and a bottle raffle. Tickets will be available for sale at the church picnic on August 25th. NEW this year – Purchase your ticket by September 15 to be eligible for an “Early Bird Drawing”. The holder of the lucky ticket number pulled by Fr. George will be refunded the amount of their main board ticket! Come join us for a great evening! Tickets will be sold after Masses and at the parish office.
St. Anthony Parish in Fairport if offering a 7-week grief support group. Come learn about the symptoms of grief, what you can expect to experience and new ways to reclaim moments of contentment and happiness while honoring those who have died. Tuesdays, Oct 8 – Nov 19 from 6:30 – 8 p.m. RSVP 440-354-4525 or
St. Cyprian Children’s Liturgy of the Word will resume September 8 at 11 a.m. Mass on Sundays. Preschool aged children and older are welcome to join us as we leave Mass before the readings and return during the Offertory. This is a time for the children to hear the word of God in their own way with activities.
The Perry Center is our local food pantry supported by the churches in our community and private donations. For the month of AUGUST, The Perry Center is requesting canned pasta with meat. There are boxes located at the entrances of our church. Thank you for helping those in need in our community
Rest in Peace
🕆 Sandy Hodapp, Aunt of Debbie Barak
Our sincere sympathy and prayers are with your family and friends
Lector Schedule for August 31-September 1
Saturday 5 pm: Jason Ziga
Sunday 9 am: Jonathan Kacsala
Sunday 11 am: Mike Ryan
Dates To Note
Aug 25 – St. Cyprian Parish Picnic, 12-3 p.m.
Aug 31– Rosary for our Country, 4:30 p.m.
Sep 3 – PSR Teacher’s meeting, 6 p.m. Alexander Hall
Sept 8 – Children’s Liturgy Resumes, 11 a.m. Mass
Sept 12 – Ladies Guild lunch out, 1 p.m.
Sept 9 – First night of PSR, 6:15 – 7:30 p.m.
Sept. 13 – Fatima Prayer, 6 p.m.
Sept 16 – Baptism Class, 6:30 p.m.
Mass Intentions
Saturday, August 24: 5:00 p.m. 🕆 Anne & Anthony Zampini
Sunday, August 25: 9:00 a.m. 🕆 Josephine Grof
Sunday, August 25: 11:00 a.m. 🕆 Jan Mocarski
Monday, August 26: 8:30 a.m. For the Parish
Tuesday, August 27: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Jason Stevens
Wednesday, August 28: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Jeanette Papp
Thursday, August 29: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Lorene Yurkovich
Friday, August 30: 7:00 a.m. 🕆 Todd Lavit
Saturday, August 31: 5:00 p.m. 🕆 Evelyn Fox
Sunday, September 1: 9:00 a.m. Conversion for perpetrators of trafficking
Sunday, September 1: 11:00 a.m. 🕆 Renee Unger Wallace
Sunday Collection: $4,720
Weekly Electronic Giving: $660
Feast of the Assumption: $975
Thank you for your generosity!
Children's Liturgy of the Word
St. Cyprian Children’s Liturgy of the Word will resume September 8 at 11 a.m. Mass on Sundays.
Preschool aged children and older are welcome to join us as we leave Mass before the readings and return during the Offertory.
This is a time for the children to hear the word of God in their own way with activities.
6th Annual Reverse Raffle
Tickets will be on sale soon for our Annual Reverse Raffle to be held Saturday, October 26.
The cost for a main board ticket remains the same at $75 which includes dinner. Companion dinner tickets are $25. Sideboards will be available as well as a 50/50 raffle and a bottle raffle. Tickets will be available for sale at the church picnic on August 25th.
NEW this year – Purchase your ticket by September 15 to be eligible for an “Early Bird Drawing”. The holder of the lucky ticket number pulled by Fr. George will be refunded the amount of their main board ticket! Come join us for a great evening! Tickets will be sold after Masses and at the parish office.
Weekly Bulletin
PSR registration is open for the 2024-2025 catechetical year. If you have a child entering 1st grade or are new to the area, please visit and click on the St. Cyprian PSR link at the top of the page to fill out the PSR registration form. There are paper forms available in the parish office as well. A copy of your child’s baptism certificate and the signed Emergency Medical Authorization Form also need to be submitted to the parish office.
Come pray with us! The Rosary is one of the most powerful prayers to recite. We offer two opportunities each week to gather and pray the Holy Rosary together: Everyone is welcome to join us in this special devotion to the Blessed Mother after adoration on Tuesdays at 6 p.m. and for our country on Saturdays at 4:30 p.m. before Mass.
Flowers for the Blessed Virgin have been donated in celebration of Mike & Marie Coyle’s 39th wedding anniversary.
Baptism class can be taken before or after the birth of your child. The next baptism class at St. Cyprian will be Monday, September 16 at 6:30 p.m. in the Deacons’ office. Please register in advance by calling 440-259-2344 ext. 0 or email
The August 8 blood drive was a fantastic success collecting 39 total pints of blood which will help approximately 117 patients in need! The Red Cross thanks you! Our next blood drive will take place Thursday, Oct. 24 from 1-6 p.m.
St. Cyprian Children’s Liturgy of the Word will resume September 8 at 11 a.m. Mass on Sundays. Preschool aged children and older are welcome to join us as we leave Mass before the readings and return during the Offertory. This is a time for the children to hear the word of God in their own way with activities.
Tickets will be on sale soon for our Annual Reverse Raffle to be held Saturday, October 26. The cost for a main board ticket remains the same at $75 which includes dinner. Companion dinner tickets are $25. Sideboards will be available as well as a 50/50 raffle and a bottle raffle. Tickets will be available for sale at the church picnic on August 25th. NEW this year – Purchase your ticket by September 15 to be eligible for an “Early Bird Drawing”. The holder of the lucky ticket number pulled by Fr. George will be refunded the amount of their main board ticket! Come join us for a great evening! Tickets will be sold after Masses and at the parish office.
The Christ Child Society of the Western Reserve is looking for caring Christian women to attend an Informational Coffee on Friday, September 6 at 1 p.m. at Immaculate Conception in Willoughby (St. Joseph Hall). If you are a woman of faith and want an opportunity to broaden your friendships while serving the needs of the children of Lake County, you will want to attend. RSVP by August 31. Tell your friends and come together! To receive an invitation and answer any questions, contact: Janet Kushlan 440-289-5535.
Have you thought about becoming a Catholic? Do you want to learn more about your faith? RCIA will begin again this fall. Join Deacon Jay to explore who we are as Catholics, what we believe and why. To register, email or call the parish office 440-259-2344 ext 0
The Perry Center is our local food pantry supported by the churches in our community and private donations. For the month of AUGUST, The Perry Center is requesting canned pasta with meat. There are boxes located at the entrances of our church. Thank you for helping those in need in our community
Lector Schedule for August 24-25
Saturday 5 pm: Frank Whalen
Sunday 9 am: John Leonbruno
Sunday 11 am: Chris Ciolli
Dates To Note
Aug 24– Rosary for our Country, 4:30 p.m.
Aug 25 – St. Cyprian Parish Picnic, 12-3 p.m.
Sep 3 – PSR Teacher’s meeting, 6 p.m. Alexander Hall
Sept 8 – Children’s Liturgy Resumes, 11 a.m. Mass
Sept 9 – First night of PSR, 6:15 – 7:30 p.m.
Sept. 13 – Fatima Prayer, 6 p.m.
Sept 16 – Baptism Class, 6:30 p.m.
Oct 26 – St. Cyprian Reverse Raffle
Mass Intentions
Saturday, August 17: 11:00 a.m. 🕆 Peggy Mayfield Memorial Mass
Saturday, August 17: 5:00 p.m. 🕆 Mario Tamburro
Sunday, August 18: 9:00 a.m. 🕆 Vincent Pomietlo & Valva Sabo
Sunday, August 18: 11:00 a.m. 🕆 Sandra Hallen
Monday, August 19: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Amie Stanko
Tuesday, August 20: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Conrad Galayda
Wednesday, August 21: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Josephine Grof
Thursday, August 22: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Tulio & Rose Vicini
Friday, August 23: 7:00 a.m. For the Parish
Saturday, August 24: 5:00 p.m. 🕆 Anne & Anthony Zampini
Sunday, August 25: 9:00 a.m. 🕆 Josephine Grof
Sunday, August 25: 11:00 a.m. 🕆 Jan Mocarski
Sunday Collection: $3,892
Weekly Electronic Giving: $660
Thank you for your generosity!
July Announcements (07-2024)
St. Cyprian Blood Drive
Right now, it is important to maximize our efforts to ensure we have blood on the shelves for those affected by Hurricane Beryl. Due to recent drastic shortfalls of donations over the last several weeks, donors of all blood types are critically needed, especially those with type O blood.
All who come to give blood on August 8 at St. Cyprian will get a $20 Amazon gift card by email! Visit for details.
Weekly Bulletin
Do you have a heart for young people and desire for them to learn the Catholic faith? We need some teachers and aides for this upcoming PSR year. To help you discern if helping with PSR would be a good fit for you, there will be a NEW Catechist information night on July 30 at 6 p.m. If you would like to attend, please RSVP to
Parishioners are welcome to make memorial donations to cover the cost of flowers to be placed by our Blessed Virgin. An intention can be to remember a loved one or for a celebration of a birthday, anniversary or any other special family event. Names and occasions will be published in the bulletin unless otherwise noted. Suggested donation will be $20. Forms are available at all church entrances. Intentions will be included on a first come, first served basis.
Right now, it is important to maximize our efforts to ensure we have blood on the shelves for those affected by Hurricane Beryl. Due to recent drastic shortfalls of donations over the last several weeks, donors of all blood types are critically needed, especially those with type O blood. All who come to give blood on August 8 at St. Cyprian will get a $20 Amazon gift card by email! Visit for details.
Baptism class can be taken before or after the birth of your child. The next baptism class at St. Cyprian will be Monday, September 16 at 6:30 p.m. in the Deacons’ office. Please register in advance by calling 440-259-2344 ext. 0 or email
Join us next Sunday, August 4, for The FEST at the Center for Pastoral Leadership in Wickliffe. For thousands across our region, it’s the highlight of the summer as we come together for an inspiring day of faith, family and fun – all for FREE. Come and hear the best Contemporary Christian artists (Casting Crowns, We the Kingdom, Cochren & Co., Caleb and John). Wander around the 56-acre campus and find opportunities for prayer, reflection, Confession and Adoration. There are engaging displays and giveaway items for the adults, along with lots of activities for the kids and grandkids (petting zoo, BMX Shows, crafts and so much more). Check out all the details at Join Bishop Malesic and Bishop Woost for a beautiful outdoor Mass starting at 8 p.m. followed by an American Fireworks display.
Mark your calendars September 20-22 for this program designed to help married couples develop improved ways of communicating and relating to each other in order to overcome challenges which have left them feeling frustrated, hurt, distant or even hopeless. Retrouvaille, which means rediscover, is open to couples of all faiths and is supported by the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland. This program consists of a weekend experience and six follow-up sessions. For more information or to register visit or call Shelly or Rob at 216-509-0301 or 440-836-4810
Have you thought about becoming a Catholic? Do you want to learn more about your faith? RCIA will begin again this fall. Join Deacon Jay to explore who we are as Catholics, what we believe and why. To register, email or call the parish office 440-259-2344 ext 0
The Perry Center is our local food pantry supported by the churches in our community and private donations. For the month of AUGUST, The Perry Center is requesting canned pasta with meat. There are boxes located at the entrances of our church. Thank you for helping those in need in our community
Rest in Peace
🕆 Mirko Jeras, Father of Nikola and David
Our sincere sympathy and prayers are with your family and friends
Lector Schedule for August 3-4
Saturday 5 pm: Pat Merrell
Sunday 9 am: Pat Freeman
Sunday 11 am: Mike Ryan
Dates To Note
Jul 30 – New Catechist Information Night, 6 p.m.
Aug 3– Rosary for our Country, 4:30 p.m.
Aug 8 – St. Cyprian Blood Drive, 1-6 p.m.
Aug 25 – St. Cyprian Parish Picnic
Sep 3 – PSR Teacher’s meeting, 6 p.m.
Sept 16 – Baptism Class, 6:30 p.m.
Mass Intentions
Saturday, July 27: 5:00 p.m. 🕆 Helen Panfil
Sunday, July 28: 9:00 a.m. 🕆 Evelyn Stuermer
Sunday, July 28: 11:00 a.m. 🕆 Jan Mocarski
Monday, July 29: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 James, Donald, McKinley Parker
Tuesday, July 30: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Jan Mocarski
Wednesday, July 31: 8:30 a.m. For the Parish
Thursday, August 1: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Johanna Zevnik
Friday, August 2: 7:00 a.m. 🕆 Robert Vicini
Saturday, August 3: 5:00 p.m. 🕆 Dorothy Pagenstecher
Sunday, August 4: 9:00 a.m. 🕆 Sue Ellen Tumbleson
Sunday, August 4: 11:00 a.m. 🕆 Analda Koeth
Sunday Collection: $4,560
Weekly Electronic Giving: $630
Thank you for your generosity!
Weekly Bulletin
Catholic Cemeteries Association is looking for energetic volunteers to help us make and distribute free sno-cones at this year’s FEST on Sunday, August 4 from 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. at the Center for Pastoral Leadership in Wickliffe. Volunteers will work 2 hour shifts crushing ice, putting ice in sno-cone cups and pouring on flavored syrup. Volunteers will be free to enjoy the FESTivities after their assigned shift. Interested volunteers should contact Paige at or 216-554-6073. Great opportunity for students in need of service hours.
Right now, it is important to maximize our efforts to ensure we have blood on the shelves for those affected by Hurricane Beryl. Due to recent drastic shortfalls of donations over the last several weeks, donors of all blood types are critically needed, especially those with type O blood. All who come to give blood on August 8 at St. Cyprian will get a $20 Amazon gift card by email! Visit for details.
Do you have a heart for young people and desire for them to learn the Catholic faith? We need some teachers and aides for this upcoming PSR year. To help you discern if helping with PSR would be a good fit for you, there will be a NEW Catechist information night on July 30 at 6 p.m. If you would like to attend, please RSVP to
The Catholic Cemeteries Association invites you to attend a 1-hour pre-planning seminar on Wednesday, July 24 at 5:30 p.m. in the main cemetery office at All Souls Cemetery in Chardon. Please join us to learn more about the necessary steps to pre-planning the burial process, burial options including options for cremated remains, and the Catholic burial rite. We kindly ask that you RSVP to this event 216-641-7575 ext. 4 or
Join us on Sunday, August 4 for The FEST at the Center for Pastoral Leadership in Wickliffe from noon until 10 p.m. It is the perfect family day and one-tank trip! The FEST is an inspiring day of faith, family and fun – all for FREE. You can hear the best national Christian artists – Casting Crowns, We the Kingdom, Cochren & Co., and Caleb and John. There are amazing activities, inflatables, BMX show, petting zoo, water tag and lots of fun for the kids and grandkids. You’ll be able to visit the Marc’s Moms Station and the Man Cave. Great festival food, convenient parking and more! Join us Sunday, August 4. The FEST day comes to a close with a beautiful outdoor Mass with Bishop Malesic and Bishop Woost at 8 p.m. American Fireworks will cap off this GREAT family day. Check out all the details and a complete schedule by going to The FEST is truly FREE thanks to great sponsors: Marc’s, Baron’s Bus and the Diocese of Cleveland.
Come join St. Anthony Parish at Fairport Harbor Beach for a spiritual, relaxing and fun beach Mass with potluck cookout! Mass will begin at 2 p.m. rain or shine on July 21 at the east end pavilion past the concession stand. A main dish and drinks will be provided. Bring a side dish or dessert to share, a bathing suit / towel and beach chairs. Remember to dress for the weather. RSVP to Debbie Kacsala by July 14th with how many people will be attending:
We’d like to thank Babbette Stanko for donating a refrigerator to our parish for use in Alexander Hall! We are so appreciative of your generosity.
The Perry Center is our local food pantry supported by the churches in our community and private donations. For the month of JULY, The Perry Center is requesting BEEF STEW. There are boxes located at the entrances of our church. Thank you for helping those in need in our community
Lector Schedule for July 20-21
Saturday 5 pm: Frank Whalen
Sunday 9 am: Jonathan Kacsala
Sunday 11 am: Chris Ciolli
Dates To Note
Jul 27– Rosary for our Country, 4:30 p.m.
Jul 30 – New Catechist Information Night, 6 p.m.
Aug 8 – St. Cyprian Blood Drive, 1-6 p.m.
Aug 25 – St. Cyprian Parish Picnic
Sep 3 – PSR Teacher’s meeting, 6 p.m.
Mass Intentions
Saturday, July 20: 5:00 p.m. 🕆 Mike Panfil
Sunday, July 21: 9:00 a.m. 🕆 Anne & Anthony Zampini
Sunday, July 21: 11:00 a.m. 🕆 Jan Mocarski
Monday, July 22: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Debbie Anderson
Tuesday, July 23: 8:30 a.m. For the Parish
Wednesday, July 24: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Josephine Grof
Thursday, July 25: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Linda Fisher
Friday, July 26: 7:00 a.m. 🕆 Mike Sweeney
Saturday, July 27: 5:00 p.m. 🕆 Helen Panfil
Sunday, July 28: 9:00 a.m. 🕆 Evelyn Stuermer
Sunday, July 28: 11:00 a.m. 🕆 Jan Mocarski
Sunday Collection: $4,547
Weekly Electronic Giving: $630
Thank you for your generosity!
Visit from Queen of the Universe Church Youth Group!
St Cyprian Parish had visitors from the Youth Group from Queen of the Universe Church out of Chicago, IL! The Youth Group is making a pilgrimage through a number of parishes in Canada and a couple of the States from the U.S.A. They shared a couple lovely songs with us, please check out the linked videos and picture from their visit!
St. Anthony's Beach Mass
Come join St. Anthony Parish at Fairport Harbor Beach for a spiritual, relaxing and fun beach Mass with potluck cookout! Mass will begin at 2 p.m. rain or shine on July 21 at the east end pavilion past the concession stand.
A main dish and drinks will be provided. Bring a side dish or dessert to share, a bathing suit / towel and beach chairs. Remember to dress for the weather.
Please RSVP to Debbie Kacsala by July 14th with how many people will be attending:
PSR Teachers & Aides Needed
Do you have a heart for young people and desire for them to learn the Catholic faith? We need some teachers and aides for this upcoming PSR year.
To help you discern if helping with PSR would be a good fit for you, there will be a NEW Catechist information night on July 30 at 6 p.m.
If you would like to attend, please RSVP to
Weekly Bulletin
Come join St. Anthony Parish at Fairport Harbor Beach for a spiritual, relaxing and fun beach Mass with potluck cookout! Mass will begin at 2 p.m. rain or shine on July 21 at the east end pavilion past the concession stand. A main dish and drinks will be provided. Bring a side dish or dessert to share, a bathing suit / towel and beach chairs. Remember to dress for the weather. Please RSVP to Debbie Kacsala by July 14th with how many people will be attending:
Join Immaculate Conception Church in Madison on Thursday, July 18th as they host a visit from the International Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Fatima. This is a spiritually powerful event that spreads our Lady’s message of hope, peace, and salvation and brings the graces of Fatima to the many millions of people who may not otherwise have the opportunity to make a pilgrimage to Fatima. For the schedule of the day, visit
Each year, the Mission Office of our Diocese invites a missionary group to every parish to share about their mission work. Next weekend, July 13-14, Fr. Sony Joseph will speak on behalf of the Salesian Missions, a U.S. based, nonprofit, Catholic organization working to raise funds for international programs that serve youth and families in poor communities around the globe. Every day, the Salesians are proactively working in big cities and remote countries, with thousands of homeless and runaway children who have been forgotten and neglected by society.
We are looking for a refrigerator in good working condition to be donated for use in St. Cyprian’s Alexander Hall. Let us know if you or someone you know is willing to donate theirs. Call the parish office 440-259-2344 ext. 0 or let Father George know!
Catholic Cemeteries Association is looking for energetic volunteers to help us make and distribute free sno-cones at this year’s FEST on Sunday, August 4 from 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. at the Center for Pastoral Leadership in Wickliffe. Volunteers will work 2 hour shifts crushing ice, putting ice in sno-cone cups and pouring on flavored syrup. Volunteers will be free to enjoy the FESTivities after their assigned shift. Interested volunteers should contact Paige at or 216-554-6073. Great opportunity for students in need of service hours.
St. Bede will host GriefShare, a nine-week grief support program on Thursdays, July 11 to September 5 from 7 – 9 p.m. in their Library. GriefShare is a Christian-based program whose goal is to offer guidance, support and encouragement to those who are dealing with the death of a loved one. For planning purposes, please RSVP to Cindy Cole or call the parish office 440-257-5544. Please provide your name, email, phone number and the relationship to your lost loved one.
You’re invited to Lake/Geauga District Summer formation series! These Catholic Spirituality evenings include dinner and presentation from 6-8 p.m. on Mondays through July 15. The next topic, on July 8, will be “Spirituality and the Saints” presented by Bishop Michael Woost. To view the schedule of speakers and topics and to register, visit or contact Michele Baetzold 440-946-0881 ext. 121
Do you have a heart for young people and desire for them to learn the Catholic faith? We need some teachers and aides for this upcoming PSR year. To help you discern if helping with PSR would be a good fit for you, there will be a NEW Catechist information night on July 30 at 6 p.m. If you would like to attend, please RSVP to
Mark your calendars September 20-22 for this program designed to help married couples develop improved ways of communicating and relating to each other. For more information or to register visit or call Shelly or Rob at 216-509-0301 or 440-836-4810
Lector Schedule for July 13-14
Saturday 5 pm: Bea Woidtke
Sunday 9 am: Debbie Sanford
Sunday 11 am:
Dates To Note
Jul 13 – Fatima Prayer, 9 a.m.
Jul 13– Rosary for our Country, 4:30 p.m.
Jul 13-14 – Mission Appeal, All Masses
Jul 30 – New Catechist Information Night, 6 p.m.
Aug 8 – St. Cyprian Blood Drive, 1-6 p.m.
Aug 25 – St. Cyprian Parish Picnic
Mass Intentions
Saturday, July 6: 5:00 p.m. 🕆 Art Strozewski
Sunday, July 7: 9:00 a.m. 🕆 Peggy Freeman
Sunday, July 7: 11:00 a.m. 🕆 Marvin L. Moss
Monday, July 8: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Elizabeth & Harry Bezkorovan
Tuesday, July 9: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Brian Schreiber
Wednesday, July 10: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Analda Koeth
Thursday, July 11: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Debbie Anderson
Friday, July 12: 7:00 a.m. For the Parish
Saturday, July 13: 9:00 a.m. Fatima Prayer
Saturday, July 13: 5:00 p.m. 🕆 Josephine Grof
Sunday, July 14: 9:00 a.m. 🕆 The Young Families
Sunday, July 14: 11:00 a.m. 🕆 Dianna Walker & Robert DiFranco
Sunday Collection: $4,283
Weekly Electronic Giving: $630
Monthly Electronic Giving: $2,820
Thank you for your generosity!
June Announcements (06-2024)
Weekly Bulletin
Forms are available on the parish website and in the entrances of the church if you are interested in an electronic option for making your regular weekly or monthly offering. Contributions can be automatically debited from your checking or savings account. If you are currently giving on a weekly basis, you will no longer need to write out 52 checks a year. This program will allow your weekly or monthly contributions to continue uninterrupted when travel, illness or other circumstances prevent you from attending Mass. Forms can be placed in the basket at Mass or given to Father George or one of the deacons.
St. Bede will host GriefShare, a nine-week grief support program on Thursdays, July 11 to September 5 from 7 – 9 p.m. in their Library. GriefShare is a Christian-based program whose goal is to offer guidance, support and encouragement to those who are dealing with the death of a loved one. For planning purposes, please RSVP to Cindy Cole or call the parish office 440-257-5544. Please provide your name, email, phone number and the relationship to your lost loved one.
Catholic Cemeteries Association continues their free monthly in-office grief support group on June 23 In-Office at 3 p.m. at All Souls Cemetery in Chardon and Virtual at 5 p.m. They offer a comfortable, private and safe environment where you are free to explore your grief. Meetings are open discussion format, surrounding a monthly topic or whatever is on your heart. If you are not yet able to talk about your grief, come and listen and be in the presence of those who understand. The June topics are “Loss of a Spouse”, “Non-Death Loss”, and “Loneliness”. Please RSVP or 216-930-4866
Last week, we almost met our patient need goal by collecting a total of 29 pints. This will eventually help up to 87 patients in need! Thanks to everyone who came out to support Red Cross’ lifesaving mission!
You’re invited to Lake/Geauga District Summer formation series! These Catholic Spirituality evenings include dinner and presentation from 6-8 p.m. on Mondays beginning June 24 through July 15. To view the schedule of speakers and topics and to register visit or contact Michele Baetzold 440-946-0881 ext. 121
Do something good and win great prizes!! Every year The FEST creates an inspiring day of faith, family and fun for thousands of people across our region – and beyond – thanks to the goodness and support of wonderful people just like YOU. The FEST raffle keeps The FEST FREE and open to everyone. By purchasing a FEST raffle ticket, you not only make this great day possible, but you can also win over $40,000 in prizes. But wait…there’s more! If you purchase your ticket by July 1, you will be entered in our Early Bird Drawing for a chance to win $250 in Marc’s Gift Cards! For details, a list of prizes, or to purchase your ticket, head to Join us on Sunday, August 4 for an inspiring day of faith, family and fun – all for FREE – The FEST
Mark your calendar for the Christ Child Society of the Western Reserve’s 29th annual golf outing – The Daisy Classic – on Monday, July 8 at Pineridge Country Club in Wickliffe. A portion of your registration fee is tax deductible! Watch for more information on our Cottage FB page and our website
The Perry Center is our local food pantry supported by the churches in our community and private donations. For the month of June, The Perry Center is requesting jelly or jam. There are boxes located at the entrances of our church. Thank you for helping those in need in our community
Rest in Peace
🕆 Johanna Zevnik, Sister of Terry Zevnik
Our sincere sympathy and prayers are with your family and friends
Lector Schedule for June 29-30
Saturday 5 pm: Pat Merrell
Sunday 9 am: Pat Freeman
Sunday 11 am: Mike Ryan
Dates To Note
Jun 23 – International Food Festival, 12:15 – 3 p.m.
Jun 29– Rosary for our Country, 4:30 p.m.
Aug 8 – St. Cyprian Blood Drive, 1-6 p.m.
Mass Intentions
Saturday, June 22: 5:00 p.m. 🕆 Marjorie Pocius
Sunday, June 23: 9:00 a.m. 🕆 Fr. Gerard Cupple
Sunday, June 23: 11:00 a.m. For the Parish
Monday, June 24: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Meg Anderson
Tuesday, June 25: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Stella Freeman
Wednesday, June 26: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Fr. James Patton
Thursday, June 27: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Carroll Miller
Friday, June 28: 7:00 a.m. For the Parish
Saturday, June 29: 5:00 p.m. Mike & Linda Pezo 50th Anniversary
Sunday, June 30: 9:00 a.m. 🕆 Josephine Grof
Sunday, June 30: 11:00 a.m. 🕆 David Kanda
Sunday Collection: $4,129
Weekly Electronic Giving: $615
Thank you for your generosity!
International Food Festival Presale Tickets Available
Presale tickets for the upcoming International Food Festival (on June 23rd) will be available after all Masses on June 15th & 16th, as well as before all Masses on June 22nd & 23rd.
Tickets will be 10 for $10 during the presale. Get your tickets ahead of time so you can dive right in to trying all the delicious food that will be available!
Weekly Bulletin
Baptism class can be taken before or after the birth of your child. The next baptism class at St. Cyprians will be Monday, June 17 at 6:30 p.m. in the Deacons’ office. Please register in advance by calling 440-259-2344 ext. 0 or email
Join us Sunday, June 23. for the International Food Festival! We will begin with a multi-language Mass outdoors (weather permitting) at 11 a.m. with Bishop Gries presiding. Afterward, join us in Alexander Hall to enjoy food tastings from around the world, a chance at Chinese Auction prizes and plenty of fellowship from 12:15 – 3 p.m. Tickets are sold in groups of 10 for $10. Get your presale tickets this weekend after all Masses!
The International Food Festival is looking for volunteers to help with cooking and serving on June 23. We invite you to join our team and share the wonderful foods from your heritage. Bring a group of friends or family members to assist, or we can pair you with others cooking from the same country you chose.
Catholic Cemeteries Association continues their free monthly in-office grief support group on June 23 In-Office at 3 p.m. at All Souls Cemetery in Chardon and Virtual at 5 p.m. They offer a comfortable, private and safe environment where you are free to explore your grief. Meetings are open discussion format, surrounding a monthly topic or whatever is on your heart. If you are not yet able to talk about your grief, come and listen and be in the presence of those who understand. The June topics are “Loss of a Spouse”, “Non-Death Loss”, and “Loneliness”. Please RSVP or 216-930-4866
St. Mary in Chardon is inviting everyone to a Lake & Geauga District Event on June 20. The World Apostolate of Fatima is bringing to St. Mary’s the National Pilgrim Virgin Statue for a “Night of Love” offering an evening vigil of Eucharistic reparation for the return of fallen-away and marginal Catholics. This beautiful statue of Our Lady of Fatima was blessed by Pope St. Paul VI and given to our country by the Bishiop of Fatima to carry the important message of Fatima to the United States. All are invited and encouraged to come see this beautiful statue. We all have family members who have fallen away from the Catholic Faith. Let’s pray them back! Church opens at 1 p.m. veneration.
Give your dad the best gift! Our Church – and our world – needs strong men of faith! Invite your dad and grandfather to join you at The FEST on Sunday, August 4. The FEST is a day of faith and fun for the whole family. Come and hear your favorite Christian artists: Casting Crowns, We the Kingdom, Cochren & Co., and Caleb and John. The FEST has inspiring displays and activities to encourage you and your family to live out this year’s FEST theme: Instruments of Peace. Special thanks to our friends at Marc’s, Sherwood Foods, Baron’s Bus Lines, Petitti Garden Centers, Remarkable Lake County and more – for their support to make The FEST possible. It’s the perfect family day. Mark your calendar (and your dad’s too) to join us at The FEST. Bishop Malesic and Bishop Woost will conclude FEST day with a beautiful outdoor Mass at 8 p.m. Check out all the details by going to:
Mark your calendar for the Christ Child Society of the Western Reserve’s 29th annual golf outing – The Daisy Classic – on Monday, July 8 at Pineridge Country Club in Wickliffe. A portion of your registration fee is tax deductible! Watch for more information on our Cottage FB page and our website
The Perry Center is our local food pantry supported by the churches in our community and private donations. For the month of June, The Perry Center is requesting jelly or jam. There are boxes located at the entrances of our church. Thank you for helping those in need in our community
Lector Schedule for June 22-23
Saturday 5 pm: Jason Ziga
Sunday 9 am: Jonathan Kacsala
Sunday 11 am: Volunteers
Dates To Note
Jun 17-21 – Vacation Bible School, 9 a.m. – noon
Jun 17 – Baptism Class, 6:30 p.m.
Jun 22– Rosary for our Country, 4:30 p.m.
Jun 23 – International Food Festival
Mass Intentions
Saturday, June 15: 5:00 p.m. 🕆 Debbie Anderson
Sunday, June 16: 9:00 a.m. 🕆 Dennis Long
Sunday, June 16: 11:00 a.m. 🕆 John Andrews
Monday, June 17: 8:30 a.m. For an end to abortion
Tuesday, June 18: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Ray Mestrovich
Wednesday, June 19: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Josephine Grof
Thursday, June 20: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Jan Mocarski
Friday, June 21: 7:00 a.m. 🕆 Robert M. Puchan
Saturday, June 22:5:00 p.m. 🕆 Marjorie Pocius
Sunday, June 23:9:00 a.m. 🕆 Fr. Gerard Cupple
Sunday, June 23: 11:00 a.m. For the Parish
Sunday Collection: $6,758
Weekly Electronic Giving: $615
Thank you for your generosity!
Weekly Bulletin
Baptism class can be taken before or after the birth of your child. The next baptism class at St. Cyprians will be Monday, June 17 at 6:30 p.m. in the Deacons’ office. Please register in advance by calling 440-259-2344 ext. 0 or email
Join us Sunday, June 23. for the International Food Festival! We will begin with a multi-language Mass outdoors (weather permitting) at 11 a.m. with Bishop Gries presiding. Afterward, join us in Alexander Hall to enjoy food tastings from around the world, a chance at Chinese Auction prizes and plenty of fellowship from 12:15 – 3 p.m.
St. Cyprian Ladies Guild will be having our lunch out on Thursday, June 13 at 1 p.m. at the Village Pub! All women of the parish are welcome! Please contact Leslie Hannah 440-478-4804 to reserve your spot!
Don’t miss out on St. Cyprian Vacation Bible School June 17 – 21 from 9-12 a.m. where we get the inside scoop from Jesus’ mom, Mary! We will take kids back to hometown Nazareth, where they’ll stand up for their faith among people who doubt that a carpenter’s son is really God’s Son. Registration forms must be returned by June 6 to ensure your child receives a T-shirt.
Be a part of something big this summer. Schedule an appointment, then hike into a blood drive to make a life-changing donation for patients across the country. Donors are needed in June to ensure there’s enough blood available throughout the busy summer months. St. Cyprian will host a blood drive on June 13 from 1-6 p.m. Those who come to give will receive a $15 e-Gift Card to a merchant of choice! See details at
St. Mary in Chardon is inviting everyone to a Lake & Geauga District Event on June 20. The World Apostolate of Fatima is bringing to St. Mary’s the National Pilgrim Virgin Statue for a “Night of Love” offering an evening vigil of Eucharistic reparation for the return of fallen-away and marginal Catholics. This beautiful statue of Our Lady of Fatima was blessed by Pope St. Paul VI and given to our country by the Bishiop of Fatima to carry the important message of Fatima to the United States. All are invited and encouraged to come see this beautiful statue. We all have family members who have fallen away from the Catholic Faith. Let’s pray them back! Church opens at 1 p.m. veneration.
Be Inspiring! Calling all volunteers! The FEST needs YOU to create a day of hope that will inspire thousands of Christians across our region! We need 1,000+ volunteers to bring to life this inspiring day of faith, family and fun – all for FREE. The FEST will feature the BEST Christian artists. Sign up to sing in the Mass choir, work in one of our kid’s area booths, or help grill up burgers and dogs – we need YOU! God will take all of us working together to create a day of hope and inspiration. Details at Be sure to join us for Mass at 8 p.m. with Bishiop Malesic and Bishiop Woost (we need Eucharistic Ministers and Ushers). Join us on Sunday, August 4 for the 24th Annual Diocesan Family FESTival – the FEST. Find a complete schedule of the day and ways you can share your gifts and talents by going to:
The St. Cyprian Music Ministry will sing the National Anthem prior to the Lake County Captains baseball game on Friday, June 14 at 7 p.m. It’s Faith Night and other area churches will be in attendance as well. Invite your family and friends to enjoy a night out at the ballpark. Fireworks after the game. Tickets as low as $12!
The Perry Center is our local food pantry supported by the churches in our community and private donations. For the month of June, The Perry Center is requesting jelly or jam. There are boxes located at the entrances of our church. Thank you for helping those in need in our community
Lector Schedule for June 15-16
Saturday 5 pm: Frank Whalen
Sunday 9 am: John Leonbruno
Sunday 11 am: Joe Tromba
Dates To Note
Jun 13 – St. Cyprian Blood Drive, 1-6 p.m.
Jun 13 – Ladies Guild Lunch Out, Village Pub, 1 p.m.
Jun 13 – Fatima Prayer, 6 p.m.
Jun 15– Rosary for our Country, 4:30 p.m.
Jun 17-21 – Vacation Bible School, 9 a.m. – noon
Jun 17 – Baptism Class, 6:30 p.m.
Jun 23 – International Food Festival
Mass Intentions
Saturday, June 8: 5:00 p.m. 🕆 Robert Vicini
Sunday, June 9: 9:00 a.m. 🕆 Fr. Edward Sittinger
Sunday, June 9: 11:00 a.m. 🕆 Dianna Walker & David DiFranco
Monday, June 10: 8:30 a.m. For the Parish
Tuesday, June 11: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Analda Koeth
Wednesday, June 12: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 MaryAnn & Albert Polo
Thursday, June 13: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Jan Mocarski
Thursday, June 13: 6:00 p.m. Fatima Prayer
Friday, June 14: 7:00 a.m. 🕆 Jan Mocarski
Saturday, June 15: 5:00 p.m. 🕆 Debbie Anderson
Sunday, June 16: 9:00 a.m. 🕆 Dennis Long
Sunday, June 16: 11:00 a.m. 🕆 John Andrews
Sunday Collection: $4,217
Weekly Electronic Giving: $615
Monthly Electronic Giving: $2,870
Thank you for your generosity!
Choir Singing the National Anthem for Lake County Captains
The St. Cyprian Music Ministry will sing the National Anthem prior to the Lake County Captains baseball game on Friday, June 14 at 7 p.m.
It’s Faith Night and other area churches will be in attendance as well. Invite your family and friends to enjoy a night out at the ballpark. Fireworks after the game.
St. Cyprian Blood Drive
The American Red Cross is asking healthy individuals to ensure blood is on the shelves this summer by donating in June. Patients are counting on the kindness and generosity of volunteer blood donors to meet the needs of patients in hospitals across the U.S.
St. Cyprian will host a blood drive on June 13 from 1-6 p.m. in appreciation, all donors can receive a $15 e-Gift Card! For more information go to
Weekly Bulletin
Join us Sunday, June 23. for the International Food Festival! We will begin with a multi-language Mass outdoors (weather permitting) at 11 a.m. with Bishop Gries presiding. Afterward, join us in Alexander Hall to enjoy food tastings from around the world, a chance at Chinese Auction prizes and plenty of fellowship from 12:15 – 3 p.m.
The International Food Festival is looking for volunteers to help with cooking and serving on June 23. We invite you to join our team and share the wonderful foods from your heritage. Bring a group of friends or family members to assist, or we can pair you with others cooking from the same country you chose. Our next meeting will be on Thursday, June 6, at 6:27 pm, in Alexander Hall.
St. Cyprian Ladies Guild will be having our lunch out on Thursday, June 13 at 1 p.m. at the Village Pub! All women of the parish are welcome! Please contact Leslie Hannah 440-478-4804 to reserve your spot!
Don’t miss out on St. Cyprian Vacation Bible School June 17 – 21 from 9-12 a.m. where we get the inside scoop from Jesus’ mom, Mary! We will take kids back to hometown Nazareth, where they’ll stand up for their faith among people who doubt that a carpenter’s son is really God’s Son. Registration forms must be returned by June 6 to ensure your child receives a T-shirt.
The St. Cyprian Music Ministry will sing the National Anthem prior to the Lake County Captains baseball game on Friday, June 14 at 7 p.m. It’s Faith Night and other area churches will be in attendance as well. Invite your family and friends to enjoy a night out at the ballpark. Fireworks after the game. Tickets as low as $12!
You and your family are invited to join in one of the two retreats being led by Sr. Marie Paule, O.SS.T. on June 12 from 9:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m. for children ages 13 and younger or June 14 from 9:30 a.m.–2:30 p.m. for teens and young adults at Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine in Euclid. If you have questions or would like to register, email
On June 8-9, we will host a follow-up appeal to the formal Catholic Charities In-Pew Appeal. All funds raised this weekend will strengthen Catholic Charities’ Substance Use Disorder treatments and programs in the 8 counties of the Diocese of Cleveland. You can donate to this special appeal using the envelopes in the pew, online at or by texting ccsud to 41444. Help transform lives in Northeast Ohio through your love for one another and your generous gift to the Catholic Charities Appeal!
Baptism class can be taken before or after the birth of your child. The next baptism class at St. Cyprians will be Monday, June 17 at 6:30 p.m. in the Deacons’ office. Please register in advance by calling 440-259-2344 ext. 0 or email
Join us Sunday, August 4 for The FEST. It’s the perfect family day and an amazing one-tank trip. Come hear the best Christian artists and enjoy activities, events and fun for the entire family. Bishop Malesic and Bishop Woost will bring FEST day to a close with a beautifu outdoor Mass at 8 p.m. followed by fireworks.
The American Red Cross is asking healthy individuals to ensure blood is on the shelves this summer by donating in June. Patients are counting on the kindness and generosity of volunteer blood donors to meet the needs of patients in hospitals across the U.S. St. Cyprian will host a blood drive on June 13 from 1-6 p.m. in appreciation, all donors can receive a $15 e-Gift Card! For more information go to
The Perry Center is our local food pantry supported by the churches in our community and private donations. For the month of June, The Perry Center is requesting jelly or jam. There are boxes located at the entrances of our church. Thank you for helping those in need in our community
Lector Schedule for June 8-9
Saturday 5 pm: Bea Woidtke
Sunday 9 am: Debbie Sanford
Sunday 11 am: Debbie Hull
Dates To Note
Jun 6 – Food Festival Meeting, 6:27 p.m.
Jun 8– Rosary for our Country, 4:30 p.m.
Jun 13 – St. Cyprian Blood Drive, 1-6 p.m.
Jun 13 – Ladies Guild Lunch Out, Village Pub, 1 p.m.
Jun 13 – Fatima Prayer, 6 p.m.
Jun 17-21 – Vacation Bible School, 9 a.m. – noon
Jun 17 – Baptism Class, 6:30 p.m.
Jun 23 – International Food Festival
Mass Intentions
Saturday, June 1: 5:00 p.m. 🕆 Mike Panfil
Sunday, June 2: 9:00 a.m. 🕆 Sandra Hallen
Sunday, June 2: 11:00 a.m. For the Parish
Monday, June 3: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Anne & Anthony Zampini
Tuesday, June 4: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Brian Schreiber
Wednesday, June 5: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Todd Lavit
Thursday, June 6: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Thayer & Florence Anderson
Friday, June 7: 7:00 a.m. 🕆 Josephine Grof
Saturday, June 8: 5:00 p.m. 🕆 Robert Vicini
Sunday, June 9:9:00 a.m. 🕆 Fr. Edward Sittinger
Sunday, June 9: 11:00 a.m. 🕆 Dianna Walker & David DiFranco
Sunday Collection: $4,326
Weekly Electronic Giving: $615
Thank you for your generosity!
May Announcements (05-2024)
Weekly Bulletin
Flowers for the Blessed Virgin have been donated in honor of Mary Lou Miller on her Birthday. The flowers were donated by her family.
Join us Sunday, June 23. for the International Food Festival! We will begin with a multi-language Mass outdoors (weather permitting) at 11 a.m. with Bishop Gries presiding. Afterward, join us in Alexander Hall to enjoy food tastings from around the world, a chance at Chinese Auction prizes and plenty of fellowship from 12:15 – 3 p.m.
The International Food Festival is looking for volunteers to help with cooking and serving on June 23. We invite you to join our team and share the wonderful foods from your heritage. Bring a group of friends or family members to assist, or we can pair you with others cooking from the same country you chose. Our next meeting will be on Thursday, May 23, at 6:27 pm, in Alexander Hall.
Ever wonder what Jesus was like when he was a kid? If you do, don’t miss out on St. Cyprian Vacation Bible School June 17 – 21 from 9-12 a.m. where we get the inside scoop from Jesus’ mom, Mary! We will take kids back to hometown Nazareth, where they’ll stand up for their faith among people who doubt that a carpenter’s son is really God’s Son. Registration forms must be returned by June 6 to ensure your child receives a T-shirt.
Notices for the bulletin must be submitted in writing or emailed to Kelly in the parish office by 10 a.m. on Mondays. Please include a contact name and phone number when submitting the information. Announcements will be included as space permits. Phone: 259-2344 or email:
You and your family are invited to join in one of the two retreats being led by Sr. Marie Paule, O.SS.T. on June 12 from 9:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m. for children ages 13 and younger or June 14 from 9:30 a.m.–2:30 p.m. for teens and young adults at Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine in Euclid. If you have questions or would like to register, email
The American Red Cross is asking healthy individuals to ensure blood is on the shelves this summer by donating in June. Patients are counting on the kindness and generosity of volunteer blood donors to meet the needs of patients in hospitals across the U.S. St. Cyprian will host a blood drive on June 13 from 1-6 p.m. For more information or to make an appointment go to
Join the Catholic Cemeteries Association to honor those who gave their lives serving God and country. Mass will be held at All Souls Cemetery in Chardon outoors at 10 a.m. Please bring your own seating and an umbrella if the weather is inclement. For more information email Rhonda Abrams at
Mark your calendar for the Christ Child Society of the Western Reserve’s 29th annual golf outing – The Daisy Classic – on Monday, July 8 at Pineridge Country Club in Wickliffe. A portion of your registration fee is tax deductible! Watch for more information on our Cottage FB page and our website
Baptism class can be taken before or after the birth of your child. The next baptism class at St. Cyprians will be Monday, June 17 at 6:30 p.m. in the Deacons’ office. Please register in advance by calling 440-259-2344 ext. 0 or email
The Perry Center is our local food pantry supported by the churches in our community and private donations. For the month of May, The Perry Center is requesting sugar. There are boxes located at the entrances of our church. Thank you for helping those in need in our community
Lector Schedule for June 1-2
Saturday 5 pm: Tina Sajn
Sunday 9 am: Frank Leonbruno
Sunday 11 am: Mike Ryan
Dates To Note
May 27 – No Mass
Jun 1– Rosary for our Country, 4:30 p.m.
Jun 13 – St. Cyprian Blood Drive, 1-6 p.m.
Jun 13 – Fatima Prayer, 6 p.m.
Jun 17-21 – Vacation Bible School, 9 a.m. – noon
Jun 17 – Baptism Class, 6:30 p.m.
Jun 23 – International Food Festival
Mass Intentions
Saturday, May 25:5:00 p.m. 🕆 Bryant D. Fasula
Sunday, May 26:9:00 a.m. 🕆 Josephine Grof
Sunday, May 26: 11:00 a.m. For the Parish
Monday, May 27:8:30 a.m. NO MASS
Tuesday, May 28: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Carl Sebetich
Wednesday, May 29: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Charles Cummings
Thursday, May 30:8:30 a.m. 🕆 Tulio & Rose Vicini
Friday, May 31:7:00 a.m. 🕆 John Andrews
Saturday, June 1:5:00 p.m. 🕆 Mike Panfil
Sunday, June 2:9:00 a.m. 🕆 Josephine Grof
Sunday, June 2: 11:00 a.m. For the Parish
Sunday Collection: $4,896
Weekly Electronic Giving: $615
Thank you for your generosity!
Weekly Bulletin
Join us Sunday, June 23. for the International Food Festival! We will begin with a multi-language Mass outdoors (weather permitting) at 11 a.m. with Bishop Gries presiding. Afterward, join us in Alexander Hall to enjoy food tastings from around the world, a chance at Chinese Auction prizes and plenty of fellowship from 12:15 – 3 p.m.
The International Food Festival is looking for volunteers to help with cooking and serving on June 23. We invite you to join our team and share the wonderful foods from your heritage. Bring a group of friends or family members to assist, or we can pair you with others cooking from the same country you chose. Our next meeting will be on Thursday, May 23, at 6:27 pm, in Alexander Hall.
Flowers for the Blessed Virgin have been donated by Greg Anderson in memory of Debbie Anderson on their 50th wedding anniversary.
Ever wonder what Jesus was like when he was a kid? Or how his life was in the past? If you do, don’t miss out on St. Cyprian Vacation Bible School where we get the inside scoop from Jesus’ mom, Mary! We will take kids back to hometown Nazareth, where they’ll stand up for their faith among people who doubt that a carpenter’s son is really God’s Son. Save the date: June 17 – 21 from 9-12 a.m.
Thank you all for your delicious bakery donations! They were appreciated. As you know we were at all three Masses, and you were a very generous congregation. You helped raise $700 for St. Cyprian’s Pro-Life Ministry!
Please join us on Sunday, May 26 at the 11 a.m. Mass which will be dedicated to honoring our military personnel, particularly those who gave their lives in service to our country. A short ceremony will take place after Mass outside where we will bless our new flagpoles. If you have any deceased family or friends who served in the military, we would like to include them in our Veterans Memorial Book in the back of the church near the center aisle. If you are not able to put the Veteran’s information in the book, you can contact Tom or Donna Anderson 259-1925 with the information. We are still accepting donations for our new flagpole project that will be located at the front of the west parking lot.
Notices for the bulletin must be submitted in writing or emailed to Kelly in the parish office by 10 a.m. on Mondays. Please include a contact name and phone number when submitting the information. Announcements will be included as space permits. Phone: 259-2344 or email:
You and your family are invited to join in one of the two retreats being led by Sr. Marie Paule, O.SS.T. on June 12 from 9:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m. for children ages 13 and younger or June 14 from 9:30 a.m.–2:30 p.m. for teens and young adults at Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine in Euclid. If you have questions or would like to register, email
Robert Theiss & Maggie Zimmerman
Baptism class can be taken before or after the birth of your child. The next baptism class at St. Cyprians will be Monday, June 17 at 6:30 p.m. in the Deacons’ office. Please register in advance by calling 440-259-2344 ext. 0 or email
The Perry Center is our local food pantry supported by the churches in our community and private donations. For the month of May, The Perry Center is requesting sugar. There are boxes located at the entrances of our church. Thank you for helping those in need in our community
Rest in Peace
🕆 Andrew Kormanec, Brother of Verna Vicini
Our sincere sympathy and prayers are with your family and friends
Lector Schedule for May 25-26
Saturday 5 pm: Pat Merrell
Sunday 9 am: Pat Freeman
Sunday 11 am: Chris Ciolli
Dates To Note
May 19 – Donut Sunday, Alexander Hall
May 23 – International Food Festival meeting, 6:27 p.m.
May 25– Rosary for our Country, 4:30 p.m.
Jun 13 – Fatima Prayer, 6 p.m.
Jun 17-21 – Vacation Bible School, 9 a.m. – noon
Jun 17 – Baptism Class, 6:30 p.m.
Jun 23 – International Food Festival
Mass Intentions
Saturday, May 18:5:00 p.m. 🕆 Bertha Strozewski
Sunday, May 19: 9:00 a.m. 🕆 The Hartman Families
Sunday, May 19: 11:00 a.m. 🕆 Debbie Anderson
Monday, May 20:8:30 a.m. 🕆 Meg Anderson
Tuesday, May 21: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Marvin L. Moss
Wednesday, May 22: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 James Scullly
Thursday, May 23:8:30 a.m. 🕆 Bernie & Donna Vick
Friday, May 24:7:00 a.m. 🕆 Jan Mocarski
Saturday, May 25:5:00 p.m. 🕆 Bryant D. Fasula
Sunday, May 26:9:00 a.m. 🕆 Josephine Grof
Sunday, May 26: 11:00 a.m. For the Parish
Sunday Collection: $4,399
Weekly Electronic Giving: $615
Thank you for your generosity!
International Food Festival
Join us Sunday, June 23. for the International Food Festival!
We will begin with a multi-language Mass outdoors (weather permitting) at 11 a.m. with Bishop Gries presiding.
Afterward, join us in Alexander Hall to enjoy food tastings from around the world, a chance at Chinese Auction prizes and plenty of fellowship from 12:15 – 3 p.m.
Children's Liturgy of the Word
Children’s Liturgy of the Word during 11 a.m. Mass, will resume in September!
Thank you for sharing your children with us and allowing them to experience the Gospel on a child’s level.
Weekly Bulletin
Join us Sunday, June 23. for the International Food Festival! We will begin with a multi-language Mass outdoors (weather permitting) at 11 a.m. with Bishop Gries presiding. Afterward, join us in Alexander Hall to enjoy food tastings from around the world, a chance at Chinese Auction prizes and plenty of fellowship from 12:15 – 3 p.m.
St. Cyprian Pro-Life Committee is sponsoring a bake sale in the West Portico TODAY immediately following the Masses. Proceeds will go to the St. Cyprian Pro-Life Ministry. Questions? Contact Nita Wyatt 440-520-3221
Baptism class can be taken before or after the birth of your child. The next baptism class at St. Cyprians will be Monday, June 17 at 6:30 p.m. in the Deacons’ office. Please register in advance by calling 440-259-2344 ext. 0 or email
Children’s Liturgy of the Word during 11 a.m. Mass, will resume in September! Thank you for sharing your children with us and allowing them to experience the Gospel on a child’s level.
Congratulations to Richard and Mary Slaper on your 50th Wedding Anniversary! May the Lord continue to bless you and keep your faith and love strong.
Ever wonder what Jesus was like when he was a kid? Or how his life was in the past? If you do, don’t miss out on St. Cyprian Vacation Bible School where we get the inside scoop from Jesus’ mom, Mary! We will take kids back to hometown Nazareth, where they’ll stand up for their faith among people who doubt that a carpenter’s son is really God’s Son. Save the date: June 17 – 21 from 9-12 a.m.
This 8-week support group, designed to meet the needs of those who are divorced or separated, is meeting Thursdays, May 9 through June 20 at St. Noel Parish in Willoughby Hills. The group meets from 6:30 -8:30 p.m. Our goal is to provide a place where we can share support and encouragement while offering direction and guidance for those that are struggling with separation / divorce. For more info or to register, call Karen at 440-352-8282 or
The Perry Center is our local food pantry supported by the churches in our community and private donations. For the month of May, The Perry Center is requesting sugar. There are boxes located at the entrances of our church. Thank you for helping those in need in our community
Please join us on Sunday, May 26 at the 11 a.m. Mass. This Mass will be dedicated to honoring our military personnel, particularly those who gave their lives in service to our country. A short ceremony will be held outside near the flagpole following Mass. If you have any deceased family or friends who served in the military, we would like to include them in our Veterans Memorial Book. The book is in the back of the church near the center aisle. If you are not able to put the Veteran’s information in the book, you can contact Tom or Donna Anderson 259-1925 with Veteran’s information.
Rest in Peace
🕆 Maurice Hennessey, Jr, Brother-in-Law of Rose Mary Sironen
Our sincere sympathy and prayers are with your family and friends
Lector Schedule for May 18-19
Saturday 5 pm: Jason Ziga
Sunday 9 am: Jonathan Kacsala
Sunday 11 am: Joe Tromba
Dates To Note
May 11-12 – Pro Life Bake Sale, Today after Mass
May 13 – Fatima Prayer, 6 p.m.
May 18– Rosary for our Country, 4:30 p.m.
May 19 – Donut Sunday, Alexander Hall
May 23 – International Food Festival meeting, 6:27 p.m.
Jun 17-21 – Vacation Bible School, 9 a.m. – noon
Jun 17 – Baptism Class, 6:30 p.m.
Jun 23 – International Food Festival
Mass Intentions
Saturday, May 11:5:00 p.m. 🕆 Mary Platko
Sunday, May 12:9:00 a.m. 🕆 Lorene Yurkovich
Sunday, May 12: 11:00 a.m. 🕆 Dianna Walker
Monday, May 13:8:30 a.m. 🕆 Arnie Stanko
Tuesday, May 14: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Josephine Grof
Wednesday, May 15: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Elizabeth & Harry Bezkorovan
Thursday, May 16:8:30 a.m. 🕆 Jack Terchek
Friday, May 17:7:00 a.m. For the Parish
Saturday, May 18:5:00 p.m. 🕆 Bertha Strozewski
Sunday, May 19:9:00 a.m. 🕆 The Harman Families
Sunday, May 19: 11:00 a.m. 🕆 Debbie Anderson
Sunday Collection: $5,268
Weekly Electronic Giving: $615
Syria Donations: $3,100
Thank you for your generosity!
Memorial Day Veterans Mass
Please join us on Sunday, May 26 at the 11 a.m. Mass. This Mass will be dedicated to honoring our military personnel, particularly those who gave their lives in service to our country. A short ceremony will be held outside near the flagpole following Mass.
If you have any deceased family or friends who served in the military, we would like to include them in our Veterans Memorial Book. The book is in the back of the church near the center aisle. If you are not able to put the Veteran’s information in the book, you can contact Tom or Donna Anderson 259-1925 with Veteran’s information.
Weekly Bulletin
St. Cyprian Pro-Life Committee is sponsoring a bake sale in the West Portico on May 11 & 12 immediately following the Masses. Proceeds will go to the St. Cyprian Pro-Life Ministry. Questions? Contact Nita Wyatt 440-520-3221
Join us Sunday, June 23. for the International Food Festival! We will begin with a multi-language Mass outdoors (weather permitting) at 11 a.m. with Bishop Gries presiding. Afterward, join us in Alexander Hall to enjoy food tastings from around the world, a chance at Chinese Auction prizes and plenty of fellowship from 12:15 – 3 p.m.
Congratulations to the following 2nd graders who will make their First Communion on Sunday, May 5th at 1 p.m.
Aubrey Carcell Adaline Darrah
Addison Daughters Caden Flynt
Max Freeman Carlo Gianfagna
Milena Gruttadauria William Halsey
Eva Janson Jonathan Janson
Graham Miller James Murphy
Maximilian Napoli Enzo Perry
Sydney Sabol
We cordially invite ALL 2024 graduates (and their family) to a Baccalaureate Service on Thursday, May 9 at 6:30 p.m. in St. Cyprian’s Peace Garden. In the case of inclement weather, the service will be moved indoors. Graduates should report to Alexander Hall by 6:15 p.m. An informal reception will be held immediately after. Questions? Contact Carrie Scales
Ever wonder what Jesus was like when he was a kid? Or how his life was in the past? If you do, don’t miss out on St. Cyprian Vacation Bible School where we get the inside scoop from Jesus’ mom, Mary! We will take kids back to hometown Nazareth, where they’ll stand up for their faith among people who doubt that a carpenter’s son is really God’s Son. Save the date: June 17 – 21 from 9-12 a.m.
This 8-week support group, designed to meet the needs of those who are divorced or separated, is meeting Thursdays, May 9 through June 20 at St. Noel Parish in Willoughby Hills. The group meets from 6:30 -8:30 p.m. Our goal is to provide a place where we can share support and encouragement while offering direction and guidance for those that are struggling with separation / divorce. For more info or to register, call Karen at 440-352-8282 or
The Catholic Cemeteries Association invites you to attend a 1-hour pre-planning seminar on May 18 at 1pm in the main cemetery office at All Souls Cemetery in Chardon. Join us to learn more about the necessary steps to pre-planning the burial process, burial options including options for cremated remains, and the Catholic burial rite. We ask that you RSVP to this event 216-641-7575 ext. 4 or
Please join us on Sunday, May 26 at the 11 a.m. Mass. This Mass will be dedicated to honoring our military personnel, particularly those who gave their lives in service to our country. A short ceremony will be held outside near the flagpole following Mass. If you have any deceased family or friends who served in the military, we would like to include them in our Veterans Memorial Book. The book is in the back of the church near the center aisle. If you are not able to put the Veteran’s information in the book, you can contact Tom or Donna Anderson 259-1925 with Veteran’s information.
Lector Schedule for May 11-12
Saturday 5 pm: Frank Whalen
Sunday 9 am: John Leonbruno
Sunday 11 am: Debbie Hull
Dates To Note
May 5 – First Communion, 1 p.m.
May 6 & 7 – PSR Masses, 6:30 p.m. All Welcome!
May 9 – Ladies Guild Meeting, 6:30 p.m.
May 11-12 – Pro Life Bake Sale, after all Masses
May 11– Rosary for our Country, 4:30 p.m.
May 12 – Children’s Liturgy of the Word, 11 a.m. Mass
May 13 – Fatima Prayer, 6 p.m.
Jun 17-21 – Vacation Bible School, 9 a.m. – noon
Jun 17 – Baptism Class, 6:30 p.m.
Jun 23 – International Food Festival
Mass Intentions
Saturday, May 4:5:00 p.m. 🕆 Robert Vicini
Sunday, May 5:9:00 a.m. 🕆 Louis Freeman
Sunday, May 5: 11:00 a.m. 🕆 Carl Janz, Jr.
Sunday, May 5: 1:00 p.m. First Communion
Monday, May 6:8:30 a.m. 🕆 Caroline Cawley
Tuesday, May 7: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Analda Koeth
Wednesday, May 8: 8:30 a.m. For the Parish
Thursday, May 9:8:30 a.m. 🕆 Anne & Anthony Zampini
Friday, May 10:7:00 a.m. Conversion for the abortion industry
Saturday, May 11:5:00 p.m. 🕆 Mary Platko
Sunday, May 12:9:00 a.m. 🕆 Lorene Yurkovich
Sunday, May 12: 11:00 a.m. 🕆 Dianna Walker
Sunday Collection: $4,074
Weekly Electronic Giving: $615
Monthly Electronic Giving: $2,745
Syria Donations: $3,100
Thank you for your generosity!
April Announcements (04-2024)
Vacation Bible School 2024
Ever wonder what Jesus was like when he was a kid? Or how his life was in the past? If you do, don’t miss out on St. Cyprian Vacation Bible School where we get the inside scoop from Jesus’ mom, Mary! We will take kids back to hometown Nazareth, where they’ll stand up for their faith among people who doubt that a carpenter’s son is really God’s Son.
Check out Vacation Bible School for additional details.
Weekly Bulletin
The St. Cyprian Ladies Guild is hosting a parish family breakfast on Sunday, April 28th in Alexander Hall, following the 9am Mass. Please return the reservation form to the parish office by Monday, April 22. We hope to see you there!
Ever wonder what Jesus was like when he was a kid? Or how his life was in the past? If you do, don’t miss out on St. Cyprian Vacation Bible School where we get the inside scoop from Jesus’ mom, Mary! We will take kids back to hometown Nazareth, where they’ll stand up for their faith among people who doubt that a carpenter’s son is really God’s Son. Save the date: June 17 – 21 from 9-12 a.m.
St. Cyprian is planning the International Food Festival to be held on June 23. If you have a favorite dish you prepare that represents your ancestral background or would simply like to join in the fun of preparing a good food from a foreign country, please join us for an informational meeting on Wednesday, May 1 at 6:27 p.m. in Alexander Hall. Questions? Call Sue 440-667-1907
We would like to thank Joe Leben and Cle Electric, LLC for their generous donation of all their labor when replacing the parking lot lights. Thanks for all you do!
On Sunday, June 9 at 2 p.m. The Diocese of Cleveland invites all couples married in 1974 to celebrate Mass at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist in downtown Cleveland. Visit the diocesan website: for more information or to request a certificate! Please contact Mary Fugate at 216-696-6525, ext. 3500, if you have questions.
Come pray with us! The Rosary is one of the most powerful prayers to recite. We offer two opportunities each week to gather and pray the Holy Rosary together: Everyone is welcome to join us in this special devotion to the Blessed Mother after adoration on Tuesdays at 7 p.m. and for our country on Saturdays at 4:30 p.m. before Mass.
Forms are available on the parish website if you are interested in an electronic option for making your regular weekly or monthly offering. Contributions can be automatically debited from your checking or savings account. If you are currently giving on a weekly basis, you will no longer need to write out 52 checks a year. This program will allow your weekly or monthly contributions to continue uninterrupted when travel, illness or other circumstances prevent you from attending Mass. Forms can be placed in the basket at Mass or given to Father George or one of the deacons.
We want to remind you of the Children’s Liturgy of the Word that takes place on Sundays during the 11 a.m. Mass. Children, 3 years old (potty trained) through 2nd grade are welcome. It’s an opportunity for them to experience the Gospel and readings on their level.
The Perry Center is our local food pantry supported by the churches in our community and private donations. For the month of April, The Perry Center is requesting canned tuna. There are boxes located at the entrances of our church. Thank you for helping those in need in our community
Lector Schedule for April 27-28
Saturday 5 pm: Tina Sajn
Sunday 9 am: Frank Whalen
Sunday 11 am: Mike Ryan
Dates To Note
Apr 21 – Donut Sunday, After 9 & 11 a.m. Mass
Apr 27 – First Reconciliation, 10:30 a.m.
Apr 27 – Rosary for our Country, 4:30 p.m.
Apr 28 – Ladies Guild Family Breakfast, after 9 a.m. Mass
Apr 28 – Children’s Liturgy of the Word, 11 a.m. Mass
Jun 17-21 – Vacation Bible School, 9a.m. - noon
Jun 23 – International Food Festival, 12 p.m.
Mass Intentions
Saturday, April 20:5:00 p.m. 🕆 Mike Panfil
Sunday, April 21:9:00 a.m. 🕆 Richard Bielak
Sunday, April 21: 11:00 a.m. 🕆 Zygmunt Tomkalski
Monday, April 22:8:30 a.m. 🕆 Analda Koeth
Tuesday, April 23: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 The Kusy Family
Wednesday, April 24: 8:30 a.m. Healing for post abortive mothers
Thursday, April 25:8:30 a.m. For the Parish
Friday, April 26:7:00 a.m. 🕆 Peter Lillash
Saturday, April 27:5:00 p.m. 🕆 Josephine Grof
Sunday, April 28:9:00 a.m. 🕆 Anne Krause
Sunday, April 28: 11:00 a.m. 🕆 John Andrews
Easter Sunday Collection: $4,297
Weekly Electronic Giving: $615
Thank you for your generosity!
Congratulations to this year's Confirmation class. Please continue to pray for the following individuals who were sealed with the gifts of the Holy Spirit last Sunday by Bishop Michael Woost.
Colton Crissinger, Sophie Siegel, Gavin Elmore, Joshua Skunda, Addison Flenner, Derek Solar, Marylynn Kacsala, Emma Taylor, Payton Kerr, James Trentanelli, Christian Kytta, Aubrey Yeager, Emily Mechenbier
Weekly Bulletin
The St. Cyprian Ladies Guild is hosting a parish family breakfast on Sunday, April 28th in Alexander Hall, following the 9am Mass. Please check the bulletin for details and the reservation form. We hope to see you there!
The green charity envelope found in your monthly packet is for our parish’s financial support for the needs of The Perry Center, other local and Diocesan Charities and inner-city parishes and schools. There is always a need to help those less fortunate. If you have a little left over and you want to share it with the less fortunate, just put your donations in the green envelope marked “Charity Fund.” We also accept a different type of food donation each month for The Perry Center which is specified in our weekly bulletin. Currently, St. Cyprian is not able to accept clothing or other material items for people in need.
Congratulations to this year's Confirmation class. Please continue to pray for the following individuals who were sealed with the gifts of the Holy Spirit last Sunday by Bishop Michael Woost.
Colton Crissinger Sophie Siegel
Gavin Elmore Joshua Skunda
Addison Flenner Derek Solar
Marylynn Kacsala Emma Taylor
Payton Kerr James Trentanelli
Christian Kytta Aubrey Yeager
Emily Mechenbier
I take this opportunity to thank you all for the Easter and birthday prayers, gifts and wishes. Your support and prayers mean more to me than you will ever know. May the Risen Christ bless, guide and protect you always.
- Fr. George
Ever wonder what Jesus was like when he was a kid? Or how his life was in the past? If you do, don’t miss out on St. Cyprian Vacation Bible School where we get the inside scoop from Jesus’ mom, Mary! We will take kids back to hometown Nazareth, where they’ll stand up for their faith among people who doubt that a carpenter’s son is really God’s Son. Save the date: June 17 – 21 from 9-12 a.m. The registration form will be in next weekend’s bulletin.
Catholic Cemeteries Association continues their free monthly grief support group on April 21 In-Office at 3 p.m. at All Souls Cemetery in Chardon and Virtual at 5 p.m. They offer a comfortable, private and safe environment where you are free to explore your grief. Meetings are open discussion format, surrounding a monthly topic or whatever is on your heart. If you are not yet able to talk about your grief, come and listen and be in the presence of those who understand. The April topic is “Mother’s Day and Grief”. Please RSVP or 216-930-4866
On Sunday, June 9 at 2 p.m. The Diocese of Cleveland invites all couples married in 1974 to celebrate Mass at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist in downtown Cleveland. Visit the diocesan website: for more information or to request a certificate! Please contact Mary Fugate at 216-696-6525, ext. 3500, if you have questions.
We want to remind you of the Children’s Liturgy of the Word that takes place on Sundays during the 11 a.m. Mass. Children, 3 years old (potty trained) through 2nd grade are welcome. It’s an opportunity for them to experience the Gospel and readings on their level.
The Perry Center is our local food pantry supported by the churches in our community and private donations. For the month of April, The Perry Center is requesting canned tuna. There are boxes located at the entrances of our church. Thank you for helping those in need in our community
Lector Schedule for April 20-21
Saturday 5 pm: Pat Merrell
Sunday 9 am: Frank Leonbruno
Sunday 11 am: Chris Ciolli
Dates To Note
Apr 20 – Rosary for our Country, 4:30 p.m.
Apr 21 – Donut Sunday, After 9 & 11 a.m. Mass
Apr 21 – Children’s Liturgy of the Word, 11 a.m. Mass
Apr 27 – First Reconciliation, 10:30 a.m.
Apr 28 – Ladies Guild Family Breakfast, after 9 a.m. Mass
Mass Intentions
Saturday, April 13:5:00 p.m. 🕆 Lorene Yurkovich
Sunday, April 14:9:00 a.m. 🕆 Anne & Anthony Zampini
Sunday, April 14: 11:00 a.m. 🕆 Robert DiFranco & David DiFranco
Monday, April 15:8:30 a.m. For the Parish
Tuesday, April 16: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Marie Parker
Wednesday, April 17: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Josephine Grof
Thursday, April 18:8:30 a.m. 🕆 Lefelhoc & Anderson Families
Friday, April 19:7:00 a.m. 🕆 Al Mocarski
Saturday, April 20:5:00 p.m. 🕆 Mike Panfil
Sunday, April 21:9:00 a.m. 🕆 Richard Bielak
Sunday, April 21: 11:00 a.m. 🕆 Zygmunt Tomkalski
Easter Sunday Collection: $6,564
Weekly Electronic Giving: $615
Thank you for your generosity!
Weekly Bulletin
Christ Child Society is having its Red Wagon luncheon to help children in need in Lake County. The event is Wed, April 24 at Regovich Catering in Eastlake. Doors open at 10:30. Tickets are going fast! They are $50 and are available thru Eventbrite on You may also purchase tickets at the Clothing Cottage in Mentor with cash or check. Questions? Donna Perrine 440-221-7140
On Sunday, June 9 at 2 p.m. The Diocese of Cleveland invites all couples married in 1974 to celebrate Mass at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist in downtown Cleveland. Visit the diocesan website: for more information or to request a certificate! Please contact Mary Fugate at 216-696-6525, ext. 3500, if you have questions.
Ever wonder what Jesus was like when he was a kid? Or how his life was in the past? If you do, don’t miss out on St. Cyprian Vacation Bible School where we get the inside scoop from Jesus’ mom, Mary! We will take kids back to hometown Nazareth, where they’ll stand up for their faith among people who doubt that a carpenter’s son is really God’s Son. Save the date: June 17 – 21 from 9-12 a.m. Registration begins April 15th.
Catholic Cemeteries Association continues their free monthly grief support group on April 21 In-Office at 3 p.m. at All Souls Cemetery in Chardon and Virtual at 5 p.m. They offer a comfortable, private and safe environment where you are free to explore your grief. Meetings are open discussion format, surrounding a monthly topic or whatever is on your heart. If you are not yet able to talk about your grief, come and listen and be in the presence of those who understand. The April topic is “Mother’s Day and Grief”. Please RSVP or 216-930-4866
As we gather together this Divine Mercy Sunday, we celebrate God’s mercy and love for all of us and we hear about the words of the Risen Christ to His disciples: “Peace be with you.” Our theme for The FEST this year is “Instruments of Peace” – join us on Sunday August 4th as we reflect on the words of peace we hear in the Gospel and our call to spread that same message of peace to our world. Mark your calendar for The FEST – Sunday, August 4 – an annual retreat day for thousands in our region. For more information go to:
The green charity envelope found in your monthly packet is for our parish’s financial support for the needs of The Perry Center, other local and Diocesan Charities and inner-city parishes and schools. There is always a need to help those less fortunate. If you have a little left over and you want to share it with the less fortunate, just put your donations in the green envelope marked “Charity Fund.” We also accept a different type of food donation each month for The Perry Center which is specified in our weekly bulletin. Currently, St. Cyprian is not able to accept clothing or other material items for people in need.
We want to remind you of the Children’s Liturgy of the Word that takes place on Sundays during the 11 a.m. Mass. Children, 3 years old (potty trained) through 2nd grade are welcome. It’s an opportunity for them to experience the Gospel and readings on their level.
The Perry Center is our local food pantry supported by the churches in our community and private donations. For the month of April, The Perry Center is requesting canned tuna. There are boxes located at the entrances of our church. Thank you for helping those in need in our community
Lector Schedule for April 13-14
Saturday 5 pm: Pat Merrell
Sunday 9 am: Pat Freeman
Sunday 11 am: Joe Tromba
Dates To Note
Apr 7 – Confirmation, 1 p.m.
Apr 11 – Ladies Guild Meeting, 6:30 p.m.
Apr 13 – Rosary for our Country, 4:30 p.m.
Apr 14 – Children’s Liturgy of the Word, 11 a.m. Mass
Apr 21 – Donut Sunday, After 9 & 11 a.m. Mass
Apr 27 – First Reconciliation, 10:30 a.m.
Mass Intentions
Saturday, April 6: 5:00 p.m. 🕆 Ursula Strozewski
Sunday, April 7: 9:00 a.m. 🕆 Vincent Pomietlo
Sunday, April 7: 11:00 a.m. For the Parish
Sunday, April 7: 1:00 p.m. Confirmation
Monday, April 8: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Charles Pavlick
Tuesday, April 9: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Evelyn Stuermer
Wednesday, April 10: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 James Scully
Thursday, April 11: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Debbie Anderson
Friday, April 12: 7:00 a.m. 🕆 Bill & Lois Mott
Saturday, April 13: 5:00 p.m. 🕆 Lorene Yurkovich
Sunday, April 14: 9:00 a.m. 🕆 Anne & Anthony Zampini
Sunday, April 14: 11:00 a.m. 🕆 Robert DiFranco & David DiFranco
Easter Sunday Collection: $11,268
Weekly Electronic Giving: $615
Holy Land Collection: $1,085
Thank you for your generosity!
March Announcements (03-2024)
Weekly Bulletin
Christ Child Society is having its Red Wagon luncheon to help children in need in Lake County. The event is Wed, April 24 at Regovich Catering in Eastlake. Doors open at 10:30. Tickets are $50 and are available thru Eventbrite on You may also purchase tickets at the Clothing Cottage in Mentor with cash or check. Questions? Donna Perrine 440-221-7140
Thank you to everyone who attended our Lenten Dinner! Once again, a big thank you to Frank Whalen with his team and Rideout’s IGA for their help and donations!
Ever wonder what Jesus was like when he was a kid? Or how his life was in the past? If you do, don’t miss out on St. Cyprian Vacation Bible School where we get the inside scoop from Jesus’ mom, Mary! We will take kids back to hometown Nazareth, where they’ll stand up for their faith among people who doubt that a carpenter’s son is really God’s Son. Save the date: June 17 – 21 from 9-12 a.m. Registration begins April 15th.
We’re looking for enthusiastic individuals who are interested in volunteering for Vacation Bible School. If you have some time to spare and would like to work with youth who want to learn about God, we would love to have your help. If you would like to sign up or have questions, contact Yih-ting Merk,
Catholic Cemeteries Association continues their free monthly grief support group on April 21 In-Office at 3 p.m. at All Souls Cemetery in Chardon and Virtual at 5 p.m. They offer a comfortable, private and safe environment where you are free to explore your grief. Meetings are open discussion format, surrounding a monthly topic or whatever is on your heart. If you are not yet able to talk about your grief, come and listen and be in the presence of those who understand. The April topic is “Mother’s Day and Grief”. Please RSVP or 216-930-4866
As we approach spring, set your sights on the highlight of the summer season. Mark your calendars for Sunday, August 4 for an inspiring day of faith, family and fun – all for FREE – The FEST. Join us on the campus of the Center for Pastoral Leadership in Wickliffe. Come hear the best Contemporary Christian musicians: Casting Crowns, We the Kingdom, Cochran and Company. The FEST will close out the day with a beautiful outdoor Mass at 8 p.m. Save the date. Spread the word. Make plans to join us for the highlight of the summer. Check out all the details by going to: See you on Aug 4!
Save the date: On Sunday, June 9 at 2 p.m. we will celebrate with all couples married in 1974. Contact the Marriage and Family Office if you have any questions. Visit the diocesan website: for more information or to request a certificate!
The Perry Center is our local food pantry supported by the churches in our community and private donations. For the month of April, The Perry Center is requesting canned tuna. There are boxes located at the entrances of our church. Thank you for helping those in need in our community
Lector Schedule for April 6-7
Saturday 5 pm: Frank Whalen
Sunday 9 am: Bill Grof
Sunday 11 am: Debbie Hull
Dates To Note
Apr 6 – Rosary for our Country, 4:30 p.m.
Apr 7 – Children’s Liturgy of the Word, 11 a.m. Mass
Apr 7 – Confirmation, 1 p.m.
Apr 11 – Ladies Guild Meeting, 6:30 p.m.
Apr 27 – First Reconciliation, 10:30 a.m.
Mass Intentions
Saturday, March 30 (Holy Saturday): 8:00 p.m. 🕆 Kitty Kyle
Sunday, March 31 (Easter Sunday): 7:00 a.m. 🕆 Lorene Yurkovich
Sunday, March 31 (Easter Sunday): 9:00 a.m. For the Parish
Sunday, March 31 (Easter Sunday): 11:00 a.m. 🕆 Bryant D. Fasula
Monday, April 1: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Nico & Stosija Jeras
Tuesday, April 2: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Raymond & Emma Joles
Wednesday, April 3: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Helen Troha
Thursday, April 4: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Debbie Connor
Friday, April 5: 7:00 a.m. 🕆 Josephine Grof
Saturday, April 6: 5:00 p.m. 🕆 Ursula Strozewski
Sunday, April 7: 9:00 a.m. 🕆 Vincent Pomietlo
Sunday, April 7: 11:00 a.m. For the Parish
Sunday, April 7: 1:00 p.m. Confirmation
Sunday Collection: $5,321.75
Weekly Electronic Giving: $615
Monthly Electronic Giving: $2,805
Thank you for your generosity!
Weekly Bulletin
Ever wonder what Jesus was like when he was a kid? Or how his life was in the past? If you do, don’t miss out on St. Cyprian Vacation Bible School where we get the inside scoop from Jesus’ mom, Mary! We will take kids back to hometown Nazareth, where they’ll stand up for their faith among people who doubt that a carpenter’s son is really God’s Son. Save the date: June 17 – 21 from 9-12 a.m. Registration begins April 15th.
We’re looking for enthusiastic individuals who are interested in volunteering for Vacation Bible School. If you have some time to spare and would like to work with youth who want to learn about God, we would love to have your help. If you would like to sign up or have questions, contact Yih-ting Merk,
Catholic Cemeteries Association continues their free monthly grief support group on April 21 In-Office at 3 p.m. at All Souls Cemetery in Chardon and Virtual at 5 p.m. They offer a comfortable, private and safe environment where you are free to explore your grief. Meetings are open discussion format, surrounding a monthly topic or whatever is on your heart. If you are not yet able to talk about your grief, come and listen and be in the presence of those who understand. The April topic is “Mother’s Day and Grief”. Please RSVP or 216-930-4866
Christ Child Society is having its Red Wagon luncheon to help children in need in Lake County. The event is Wed, April 24 at Regovich Catering in Eastlake. Doors open at 10:30. Tickets are $50 and are available thru Eventbrite on You may also purchase tickets at the Clothing Cottage in Mentor with cash or check. Questions? Donna Perrine 440-221-7140
For the month of March, The Perry Center is requesting chili. There are boxes located at the entrances of our church. Thank you for helping those in need in our community
On Tuesday of Holy Week, the Blessed Sacrament will be exposed after the 8:30 a.m. Mass for adoration and prayer. Divine Mercy Chaplet is at 3 p.m., Rosary at 6 p.m. followed by Stations of the Cross and Benediction. On the Friday of Holy Week, Stations will be at 7 p.m. followed by confessions.
Lector Schedule for March 28-31
Holy Thursday 7:30 pm: Pat Freeman
Easter Vigil 8 pm: Joe Tromba & Pat Merrill
Easter Sunday 7 am:
Easter Sunday 9am: John Leonbruno
Easter Sunday 11 am: Jason Ziga
Dates To Note
Mar 31 – Easter Sunday
Apr 5 – Confirmation Rehearsal, 6 p.m.
Apr 7 – Confirmation, 1 p.m.
Mass Intentions
Saturday, March 23: 5:00 p.m. 🕆 Analda Koeth
Sunday, March 24: Palm Sunday9:00 a.m. 🕆 Francis Mulhall
Sunday, March 24: 11:00 a.m. 🕆 Dianna Walker & Robert DiFranco
Monday, March 25:8:30 a.m. 🕆 Josephine Grof
Tuesday, March 26: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Jesse & Pauline Mott
Wednesday, March 27 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Anne & Anthony Zampini
Thursday, March 28 (Holy Thursday): 7:30 p.m. For the Parish
Friday, March 29 (Good Friday): No Mass
Saturday, March 30 (Holy Saturday): 8:00 p.m. 🕆 Kitty Kyle
Sunday, March 31 (Easter Sunday): 7:00 a.m. 🕆 Lorene Yurkovich
Sunday, March 31 (Easter Sunday): 9:00 a.m. For the Parish
Sunday, March 31 (Easter Sunday): 11:00 a.m. 🕆 Bryant D. Fasula
Sunday Collection: $3,928
Weekly Electronic Giving: $615
Thank you for your generosity!
Holy Week & Easter Mass Schedule
Saturday, March 23: 3:30 – 4:45 p.m. Confession
Sunday, March 24 (Palm Sunday): 11 a.m. Outside Procession before Mass (weather permitting)
Tuesday, March 26: 9 a.m. All day Adoration until 7 p.m.
Tuesday, March 26: 3 p.m. Divine Mercy Chaplet
Tuesday, March 26: 6 p.m. Rosary
Tuesday, March 26: 6:30 p.m. Stations of the Cross, Benediction
Wednesday, March 27: 7 p.m. St. Mary’s, Painesville (Communal Penance)
Wednesday, March 27: 7:30 p.m. Tenebrae
Holy Thursday, March 28: 7:30 p.m. Solemn Mass of the Lord’s Supper (Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament to follow)
Holy Thursday, March 28: 8:30 p.m. Confession
Good Friday, March 29: 12-1 p.m. Confession
Good Friday, March 29: 3 p.m. Lord’s Passion Service & Communion
Good Friday, March 29: 7 p.m. – Stations of the Cross (Confessions to follow)
Holy Saturday, March 30: 11 a.m. Blessing of Food (Confession to follow until 1)
Holy Saturday, March 30: 8 p.m. Easter Vigil
Easter Sunday, March 31: 7 a.m. Resurrection Mass (with outside procession)
Easter Sunday, March 31: 9 a.m. Easter Mass
Easter Sunday, March 31: 11 a.m. Easter Mass
Weekly Bulletin
Join us in Alexander Hall on March 22 at 6 p.m. for St. Cyprian’s Lenten Dinner. Meatless pasta, garlic bread, salad and pizza will be served. All you can eat $10 Adults/ $5 Kids 7 and under. Please remember to RSVP by tomorrow!
On every Tuesday of Lent, the Blessed Sacrament will be exposed after the 8:30 a.m. Mass for adoration and prayer. Divine Mercy Chaplet is at 3 p.m., Rosary at 6 p.m. followed by Stations of the Cross and Benediction. On the Fridays of Lent, Stations will be after 7 a.m. Mass.
Ever wonder what Jesus was like when he was a kid? Or how his life was in the past? If you do, don’t miss out on St. Cyprian Vacation Bible School where we get the inside scoop from Jesus’ mom, Mary! We will take kids back to hometown Nazareth, where they’ll stand up for their faith among people who doubt that a carpenter’s son is really God’s Son. Save the date: June 17 – 21 from 9-12 a.m. Registration begins April 15th.
We’re looking for enthusiastic individuals who are interested in volunteering for Vacation Bible School. If you have some time to spare and would like to work with youth who want to learn about God, we would love to have your help. If you would like to sign up or have questions, contact Yih-ting Merk,
The Perry Center is our local food pantry supported by the churches in our community and private donations. For the month of March, The Perry Center is requesting chili. There are boxes located at the entrances of our church. Thank you for helping those in need in our community
Rest in Peace
🕆 Mario Tamburro, Sr., Husband of Dixie
Our sincere sympathy and prayers are with your family and friends
Lector Schedule for March 23-24
Saturday 5 pm: Bea Woidtke
Sunday 9 am: Debbie Sanford
Sunday 11 am: Mike Ryan
Server Schedule for March 23-24
Saturday 5 pm: Gabriel Davis, Marija Davis
Sunday 9 am: Hunter Shimko, Kaylee Napoli
Sunday 11 am: Alphonse Merk, Ethan Loerch, Evan Whittaker, Andrew Beardslee
Dates To Note
Mar 17 – Donut Sunday Today, after 9 & 11 a.m. Mass
Mar 22 – Lenten Dinner, 6 p.m. Alexander Hall
Mar 23- Rosary for our Country, 4:30 p.m.
Mar 24 – Children’s Liturgy of the Word, 11 a.m. Mass
Mar 24 – Youth Group, 6 p.m.
Mar 31 – Easter Sunday
Apr 5 – Confirmation Rehearsal, 6 p.m.
Apr 7 – Confirmation, 1 p.m.
Mass Intentions
Saturday, March 16: 5:00 p.m. 🕆 Debbie Anderson
Sunday, March 17: 9:00 a.m. 🕆 Valva Sabo & Vincent Pomietlo
Sunday, March 17: 11:00 a.m. 🕆 Susan Muzic
Monday, March 18:8:30 a.m. 🕆 Marie Parker
Tuesday, March 19: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 John Andrews
Wednesday, March 20 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Mark Welch
Thursday, March 21: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Goldie Sherlock
Friday, March 22: 7:00 a.m. 🕆 John Andrews
Saturday, March 23: 5:00 p.m. 🕆 Analda Koeth
Sunday, March 24 (Palm Sunday): 9:00 a.m. 🕆 Francis Mulhall
Sunday, March 24: 11:00 a.m. 🕆 Dianna Walker & Robert DiFranco
Sunday Collection: $4,558
Weekly Electronic Giving: $615
Thank you for your generosity!
St Cyprian Blood Drive This Week
All who come to give on March 14 will receive a $10 e-gift card to a pet supply merchant of choice. Plus, you’ll be automatically entered for a chance to win a $3,000 gift card. There will be five lucky winners!
Details are available at We encourage donors of all blood types to make a paws-itive impact in March by scheduling and keeping your donation appointments.
Lenten Dinner
St. Cyprian is hosting another Lenten Dinner on Friday, March 22nd 2024 from 5:30 to 7:30PM.
Dinner will be provided by IGA, we will be having pasta with meatless sauce, garlic bread, salad, and we'll also have meatless pizza. Dinner is all-you-can-stomach, so please come hungry!
Registration is required, please complete the registration form and drop off in the collection basket or at the parish office. Please contact Frank Whalen with any questions at 440-781-9427.
2nd Annual Egg Hunt
Join us Saturday, March 16 at 10 a.m. in the West lot for our 2nd annual Easter Egg Hunt! Children grades 4 and younger are welcome.
Bring a basket to collect your eggs. The lucky hunter who finds the Golden Egg will receive free registration to VBS this year! We are also looking for donations of candy and non-candy items for our eggs.
There is no charge, but please pre-register by email at to let us know how many children will be attending.
Weekly Bulletin
Join us Saturday, March 16 at 10 a.m. in the West lot for our 2nd annual Easter Egg Hunt! Children grades 4 and younger are welcome. Bring a basket to collect your eggs. The lucky hunter who finds the Golden Egg will receive free registration to VBS this year! We are also looking for donations of candy and non-candy items for our eggs. There is no charge, but please pre-register by email at to let us know how many children will be attending.
On every Tuesday of Lent, the Blessed Sacrament will be exposed after the 8:30 a.m. Mass for adoration and prayer. Divine Mercy Chaplet is at 3 p.m., Rosary at 6 p.m. followed by Stations of the Cross and Benediction. On the Fridays of Lent, Stations will be after the 7 a.m. Mass.
March is Red Cross Month. All who come to give on March 14 will receive a $10 e-gift card to a pet supply merchant of choice. Plus, you’ll be automatically entered for a chance to win a $3,000 gift card. There will be five lucky winners! Details are available at We encourage donors of all blood types to make a paws-itive impact in March by scheduling and keeping yout donation appointments.
The St. Cyprian Ladies Guild is inviting all women of the parish to attend our Women’s retreat on Saturday, March 16. It will start at 9 a.m. in Alexander Hall and conclude with the 5 p.m. Mass. For more info, call Leslie Hanna 440-478-4804. Invite your friends!
Christ Child Society is having its annual Red Wagon luncheon to help children in need in Lake County. The event is Wed, April 24 at Regovich Catering in Eastlake. Doors open at 10:30. Tickets are $50 and are available thru Eventbrite on You may also purchase tickets at the Clothing Cottage in Mentor with cash or check. Call Donna Perrine 440-221-7140 for more details.
Ever wonder what Jesus was like when he was a kid? Or how his life was in the past? If you do, don’t miss out on St. Cyprian Vacation Bible School where we get the inside scoop from Jesus’ mom, Mary! We will take kids back to hometown Nazareth, where they’ll stand up for their faith among people who doubt that a carpenter’s son is really God’s Son. Save the date: June 17 – 21 from 9-12 a.m. Registration begins April 15th.
We’re looking for enthusiastic individuals who are interested in volunteering for Vacation Bible School. If you have some time to spare and would like to work with youth who want to learn about God, we would love to have your help. If you would like to sign up or have questions, contact Yih-ting Merk,
The Perry Center is our local food pantry supported by the churches in our community and private donations. For the month of March, The Perry Center is requesting chili. There are boxes located at the entrances of our church. Thank you for helping those in need in our community
Lector Schedule for March 16-17
Saturday 5 pm: Tina Sajn
Sunday 9 am: Frank Leonbruno
Sunday 11 am: Chris Ciolli
Server Schedule for March 16-17
Saturday 5 pm: Gabriel Davis, Marija Davis
Sunday 9 am: Hunter Shimko, Kaylee Napoli
Sunday 11 am: Alphonse Merk, Ethan Loerch, Evan Whittaker, Andrew Beardslee
Dates To Note
Mar 10- Youth Group, 6 p.m.
Mar 11 & 12 – PSR Confessions, 6:30 p.m. All Welcome!
Mar 11 – Baptism Class, 7:35 p.m.
Mar 14 – St. Cyprian Blood Drive, 1-6:30 p.m.
Mar 16 – Women’s Lenten Retreat, 9 a.m. Alexander Hall
Mar 16- Rosary for our Country, 4:30 p.m.
Mar 16 – Easter Egg Hunt, West Parking Lot, 10 a.m.
Mar 17 – Donut Sunday, after 9 & 11 a.m. Mass
Mar 17 – Children’s Liturgy of the Word, 11 a.m. Mass
Mar 24 – Youth Group, 6 p.m.
Mass Intentions
Saturday, March 9: 5:00 p.m. 🕆 Mike Panfil
Sunday, March 10: 9 a.m. 🕆 The Kamesis Families
Sunday, March 10: 11 a.m. 🕆 Agnes & Carl Janz
Monday, March 11:8:30 a.m. 🕆 Evelyn Koterba
Tuesday, March 12: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Eleanor Blazek
Wednesday, March 13: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Josephine Grof
Thursday, March 14: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Kathryn & Andrew Kormanec
Friday, March 15: 7:00 a.m. For the Parish
Saturday, March 16: 5:00 p.m. 🕆 Debbie Anderson
Sunday, March 17: 9 a.m. 🕆 Valva Sabo & Vincent Pomietlo
Sunday, March 17: 11 a.m. 🕆 Susan Muzic
Sunday Collection: $5,037
Weekly Electronic Giving: $615
Monthly Electronic Giving: $2,805
Thank you for your generosity!
February Announcements (02-2024)
Weekly Bulletin
Baptism class can be taken before or after the birth of your child. The next baptism class at St. Cyprians will be Monday, March 11 at 7:35 p.m. in the Deacons’ office. Please register in advance by calling 440-259-2344 ext. 0 or email
We had a nice turnout for our first Friday Lenten Dinner with a profit of $340! Thank you to Frank Whalen all you’ve done to make it happen and to Rideout’s IGA for donating the food! Check the bulletin for the opportunity to attend another meatless dinner this Lenten Season.
Flowers for the Blessed Virgin have been donated by Carolyn Rufo in memory of Dorothy Rebar.
On every Tuesday of Lent, the Blessed Sacrament will be exposed after the 8:30 a.m. Mass for adoration and prayer. Divine Mercy Chaplet is at 3 p.m., Rosary at 6 p.m. followed by Stations of the Cross and Benediction. On the Fridays of Lent, Stations will be after the 7 a.m. Mass.
Thank you to the Ladies Guild for all their hard work in planning another successful Mardi Gras Dinner Dance! Everyone had a wonderful time! Thanks to all who attended, the Mardi Gras profit was $344.19!
The Diocesan Evening of Confession returns this year on February 28. All parishes in the diocese will be participating. Join us to celebrate in the Sacrament of God’s mercy at St. Cyprian from 5-8 p.m.
On March 3rd, after the 11 a.m. Mass, you are invited to come and paint a Lenten picture of Christ on the Cross. This will be led by one of our parishioners, Becky Ziemba. This is open to anyone who is willing to paint, but pre-registration is required. There is a $5 supply fee which can be paid the day of the event. Please email Debbie at no later than February 25 to register the number of people who will be attending.
St. Cyprian Ladies Guild invites all women of the parish to attend the 14th Annual Women’s Retreat on Saturday, March 16. It will start at 9 a.m. in Alexander Hall and conclude with the 5 p.m. Mass. The reservation form will be included in the bulletin next weekend. Call Leslie Hanna with questions 440-478-4804. Invite your friends!
Catholic Renewal Ministries’ Traveling Healing Charismatic Mass for March will be held at St. John Vianney Chapel in Mentor on Friday, March 15 at 7 p.m. Praise and worship will begin at 7 and the liturgy will start at 7:30. Healing prayer teams will be available after Mass for individual prayer, and there will also be a social after Mass. For more info, please contact CRM at 440-944-9445. Come, sing, praise God with joy in the new year!
We’re looking for enthusiastic individuals who are interested in volunteering for Vacation Bible School. If you have some time to spare and would like to work with youth who want to learn about God, we would love to have your help. If you would like to sign up or have questions, contact Yih-ting Merk,
Lector Schedule for March 2-3
Saturday 5 pm: Emily Evanson
Sunday 9 am: Jonathan Kacsala
Sunday 11 am: Debbie Hull
Server Schedule for March 2-3
Saturday 5 pm: Gabriel Davis, Marija Davis
Sunday 9 am: Hunter Shimko, Kaylee Napoli
Sunday 11 am: Alphonse Merk, Ethan Loerch, Evan Whittaker, Andrew Beardslee
Dates To Note
Feb 28 – Evening Confession, 5-8 p.m.
Mar 3 – Family Paint Day, after 11 a.m. Mass
Mar 6- Rosary for our Country, 4:30 p.m.
Mar 7 – Children’s Liturgy of the Word, 11 a.m. Mass
Mar 11 – Baptism Class, 7:35 p.m.
Mar 14 – St. Cyprian Blood Drive, 1-6:30 p.m.
Mar 16 – Women’s Lenten Retreat, 9 a.m. Alexander Hall
Mass Intentions
Saturday, February 24: 5:00 p.m. 🕆 Mary & Joseph Strozewski
Sunday, February 25: 9 a.m. 🕆 Josephine Grof
Sunday, February 25: 11 a.m. 🕆 Dianna Walker
Monday, February 26:8:30 a.m. For the Parish
Tuesday, February 27: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Analda Koeth
Wednesday, February 28: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 John Andrews
Thursday, February 29: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Pace & Panzarella Families
Friday, March 1: 7:00 a.m. 🕆 Danielle Bishop
Saturday, March 2: 5:00 p.m. 🕆 Don King
Sunday, March 3: 9 a.m. 🕆 Josephine Grof
Sunday, March 3: 11 a.m. healing for post abortive grandparents
Sunday Collection: $4,339
Weekly Electronic Giving: $615
Ash Wednesday Collection: $1,178
Thank you for your generosity!
Weekly Bulletin
We’re looking for enthusiastic individuals who are interested in volunteering for Vacation Bible School. If you have some time to spare and would like to work with youth who want to learn about God, we would love to have your help. If you would like to sign up or have questions, contact Yih-ting Merk,
Baptism class can be taken before or after the birth of your child. The next baptism class at St. Cyprians will be Monday, March 11 at 7:35 p.m. in the Deacons’ office. Please register in advance by calling 440-259-2344 ext. 0 or email
On every Tuesday of Lent, the Blessed Sacrament will be exposed after the 8:30 a.m. Mass for adoration and prayer. Divine Mercy Chaplet is at 3 p.m., Rosary at 6 p.m. followed by Stations of the Cross and Benediction. On the Fridays of Lent, Stations will be after the 7 a.m. Mass.
On March 3rd, after the 11 a.m. Mass, you are invited to come and paint a Lenten picture of Christ on the Cross. This will be led by one of our parishioners, Becky Ziemba. This is open to anyone who is willing to paint, but pre-registration is required. There is a $5 supply fee which can be paid the day of the event. Please email Debbie at no later than February 25 to register the number of people who will be attending.
Calling all Pro-Life warriors to join the St. Cyprian Pro-Life Committee on March 23 for a peaceful vigil of silent prayer and witness for the 40 Days for Life Campaign to end abortion. We meet at Family Planning now known as Signature Health’s Sexual and Reproductive Health Program at 54 S. State St. in Painesville form 10-11 a.m. Parking is on the street. Questions? Contact Paul Long or 440-488-0352
Lent is a great time to change your habits. Turn off the noise and turn on Catholic radio! The Chaplet of the Divine Mercy will continue to air on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 3 p.m. throughout Lent. For more, go to or call 216-227-1260.
The Catholic Cemeteries Association invites you to attend a 1-hour pre-planning seminar on Wednesday, Mar 13 at 5:30 p.m. Join us to learn more about the steps to pre-planning the burial process, burial options including options for cremated remains, and the Catholic burial rite. RSVP to this event to All Souls Cemetery, 216-641-7575 ext. 4 or email
The Perry Center is our local food pantry supported by the churches in our community and private donations. For the month of February, The Perry Center is requesting peanut butter. There are boxes located at the entrances of our church. Thank you for helping those in need in our community
Rest in Peace
🕆 Frances Zirkle, Sister of Joe Sironen
🕆 Eleanor Zimny, Aunt of Deacon Andy Novak
🕆 Mary Ann Zizelman, Mother of Debbie & Sherri
🕆 Sharon L. Wozniak, Mother of Tara Wozniak
Our sincere sympathy and prayers are with your family and friends
Lector Schedule for February 24-25
Saturday 5 pm: Jason Ziga
Sunday 9 am: John Leonbruno
Sunday 11 am: Mike Ryan
Server Schedule for February 24-25
Saturday 5 pm: Gabriel Davis, Marija Davis
Sunday 9 am: Hunter Shimko, Kaylee Napoli
Sunday 11 am: Alphonse Merk, Ethan Loerch, Evan Whittaker, Andrew Beardslee
Dates To Note
Feb 24 - Rosary for our Country, 4:30 p.m.
Feb 25 – Children’s Liturgy of the Word, 11 a.m. Mass
Feb 28 – Evening Confession, 5-8 p.m.
Mar 3 – Family Paint Day, after 11 a.m. Mass
Mar 11 – Baptism Class, 7:35 p.m.
Mass Intentions
Saturday, February 17: 5:00 p.m. 🕆 Lorene Yurkovich
Sunday, February 18: 9 a.m. 🕆 Rose Mihu
Sunday, February 18: 11 a.m. For the Parish
Monday, February 19:8:30 a.m. 🕆 Susan Muzic
Tuesday, February 20: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Andrea Coladangelo
Wednesday, February 21: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Marie Parker
Thursday, February 22: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Louis & Stella Freeman
Friday, February 23: 7:00 a.m. 🕆 John Andrews
Saturday, February 24: 5:00 p.m. 🕆 Mary & Joseph Strozewski
Sunday, February 25: 9 a.m. 🕆 Josephine Grof
Sunday, February 25: 11 a.m. 🕆 Dianna Walker
Sunday Collection: $5,285
Weekly Electronic Giving: $615
Thank you for your generosity!
Parish School of Religion
There will be no PSR classes on February 19 and 20 in observance of Presidents’ Day.
Mondays, 6:15 – 7:30 p.m. grades 1-4
Tuesdays, 6:15 – 7:30 p.m. grades 5-8
Weekly Bulletin
There will be no PSR classes on February 19 and 20 in observance of Presidents’ Day.
Mondays, 6:15 – 7:30 p.m. grades 1-4
Tuesdays, 6:15 – 7:30 p.m. grades 5-8
We’re looking for enthusiastic individuals who are interested in volunteering for Vacation Bible School. If you have some time to spare and would like to work with youth who want to learn about God, we would love to have your help. If you would like to sign up or have questions, contact Yih-ting Merk,
Join us in Alexander Hall on February 16 at 5:30 p.m. for St. Cyprian’s Lenten Dinner. Meatless pasta, garlic bread, salad and pizza will be served. Please remember to RSVP by tomorrow!
On March 3rd, after the 11 a.m. Mass, you are invited to come and paint a Lenten picture of Christ on the Cross. This will be led by one of our parishioners, Becky Ziemba. This is open to anyone who is willing to paint, but pre-registration is required. There is a $5 supply fee which can be paid the day of the event. Please email Debbie at no later than February 25 to register the number of people who will be attending.
Thank you to Parish Council for planning the Superbowl week Pancake Breakfast held last weekend! There was a profit of $147. Thanks to everyone that joined!
Calling all Pro-Life warriors to join the St. Cyprian Pro-Life Committee on February 17 and March 23 for a peaceful vigil of silent prayer and witness for the 40 Days for Life Campaign to end abortion. We meet at Family Planning now known as Signature Health’s Sexual and Reproductive Health Program at 54 S. State St. in Painesville form 10-11 a.m. Parking is on the street. The kickoff rally is at Our Lady of Mount Carmel on February 11 at 2 p.m. in Wickliffe. The speakers are Molly Smith of Cleveland Right to Life and Morgan Reece of Students for Life. Questions? Contact Paul Long or 440-488-0352
Come pray with us! The Rosary is one of the most powerful prayers to recite. We offer two opportunities each week to gather and pray the Holy Rosary together: Everyone is welcome to join us in this special devotion to the Blessed Mother after adoration on Tuesdays at 7 p.m. and for our country on Saturdays at 4:30 p.m. before Mass.
Lent is a great time to change your habits. Turn off the noise and turn on Catholic radio! The Chaplet of the Divine Mercy will continue to air on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 3 p.m. throughout Lent. To access the website for prayers, program guides and more go to or call 216-227-1260.
The Perry Center is our local food pantry supported by the churches in our community and private donations. For the month of February, The Perry Center is requesting peanut butter. There are boxes located at the entrances of our church. Thank you for helping those in need in our community
Rest in Peace
🕆 Mark Welch, Husband of Kathryn
🕆 Marcia Balash, Mother of Kristen Balash
Our sincere sympathy and prayers are with your family and friends
Lector Schedule for February 17-18
Saturday 5 pm: Frank Whalen
Sunday 9 am: Debbie Sanford
Sunday 11 am: Bea Woidtke
Server Schedule for February 17-18
Saturday 5 pm: Gabriel Davis, Marija Davis
Sunday 9 am: Hunter Shimko, Kaylee Napoli
Sunday 11 am: Alphonse Merk, Ethan Loerch, Evan Whittaker, Andrew Beardslee
Dates To Note
Feb 16 – Meatless Lenten Dinner, 6 p.m.
Feb 17 - Rosary for our Country, 4:30 p.m.
Feb 18 – Children’s Liturgy of the Word, 11 a.m. Mass
Mar 4 – Family Paint Day, after 11 a.m. Mass
Mass Intentions
Saturday, February 10: 5:00 p.m. 🕆 Frank Whalen, Sr.
Sunday, February 11: 9 a.m. 🕆 Rita Ciofani-Kercher
Sunday, February 11: 11 a.m. 🕆 Richard J. Jarold
Monday, February 12:8:30 a.m. 🕆 Ralph Brickman
Tuesday, February 13: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Josephine Grof
Wednesday, February 14 (Ash Wednesday): 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Austyn Cousins
Wednesday, February 14 (Ash Wednesday): 7:00 p.m. 🕆 Dennis Long
Thursday, February 15: 8:30 a.m. Healing for post abortive siblings
Friday, February 16: 7:00 a.m. For the Parish
Saturday, February 17: 5:00 p.m. 🕆 Lorene Yurkovich
Sunday, February 18: 9 a.m. 🕆 Rose Mihu
Sunday, February 18: 11 a.m. For the Parish
Sunday Collection: $4,499
Weekly Electronic Giving: $615
Monthly Electronic Giving: $2,805
Thank you for your generosity!
Weekly Bulletin
The Ladies Guild will be hosting our annual Mardi Gras Dinner Dance on Saturday, February 10 at 6:30 p.m. in Alexander Hall. The catered dinner will be followed by music by Dennis Ford from 7-10 p.m. Please see the bulletin insert and return your reservation form ASAP! Call Anne Zalar with questions at 440-669-9500
We’re looking for enthusiastic individuals who are interested in volunteering for Vacation Bible School. If you have some time to spare and would like to work with youth who want to learn about God, we would love to have your help. If you would like to sign up or have questions, contact Yih-ting Merk,
Join us in Alexander Hall on February 16 at 5:30 p.m. for St. Cyprian’s Lenten Dinner. Meatless pasta, garlic bread and salad will be served. Use the bulletin insert or call the parish office to RSVP no later than February 11th.
This Sunday we recognize and give thanks for those who have consecrated their lives to God and the church through the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. The consecrated life is one way that women and men live out their baptismal commitment as followers of Jesus. Please pray for all those who have made commitments in the consecrated life and be sure to thank them on their special day.
Come pray with us! The Rosary is one of the most powerful prayers to recite. We offer two opportunities each week to gather and pray the Holy Rosary together: Everyone is welcome to join us in this special devotion to the Blessed Mother after adoration on Tuesdays at 7 p.m. and for our country on Saturdays at 4:30 p.m. before Mass.
From February 14 – March 24, you are invited to join with other Christians for 40 Days for Life – 40 days of prayer and fasting for an end to abortion. You are also invited to stand and peacefully pray anytime between 7 a.m. – 7 p.m. during the 40 day vigil in the public right-of-way outside Family Planning in Painesville. Join the Kickoff Rally at Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Wickliffe on February 11 at 2 p.m.
On March 3rd, after the 11 a.m. Mass, you are invited to come and paint a Lenten picture of Christ on the Cross. This will be led by one of our parishioners, Becky Ziemba. This is open to anyone who is willing to paint, but pre-registration is required. There is a $5 supply fee which can be paid the day of the event. Please email Debbie at no later than February 25 to register the number of people who will be attending.
The Perry Center is our local food pantry supported by the churches in our community and private donations. For the month of February, The Perry Center is requesting peanut butter. There are boxes located at the entrances of our church. Thank you for helping those in need in our community
Rest in Peace
🕆 Austyn Cousins, son of John & Denise Cousins
Our sincere sympathy and prayers are with your family and friends
Lector Schedule for February 10-11
Saturday 5 pm: Tina Sajn
Sunday 9 am: Pat Freeman
Sunday 11 am: Joe Tromba
Server Schedule for February 10-11
Saturday 5 pm: Gabriel Davis, Marija Davis
Sunday 9 am: Hunter Shimko, Kaylee Napoli
Sunday 11 am: Alphonse Merk, Ethan Loerch, Evan Whittaker, Andrew Beardslee
Dates To Note
Feb 4 – Superbowl week Pancake Breakfast 9 am – 1 pm
Feb 10 & 11 – Charity Appeal, All Masses
Feb 10 - Rosary for our Country, 4:30 p.m.
Feb 10 – Mardi Gras Dinner Dance, 6:30 p.m.
Feb 11 – Children’s Liturgy of the Word, 11 a.m. Mass
Feb 16 – Meatless Lenten Dinner, 6 p.m.
Mar 4 – Family Paint Day, after 11 a.m. Mass
Mass Intentions
Saturday, February 3: 5:00 p.m. 🕆 Mary & Joseph Strozewski
Sunday, February 4: 9 a.m. 🕆 Sean Gilson
Sunday, February 4: 11 a.m. 🕆 James Coyle
Monday, February 5:8:30 a.m. 🕆 Debbie Anderson
Tuesday, February 6: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Ralph Brickman
Wednesday, February 7: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Charlie Robinson
Thursday, February 8: 8:30 a.m. For the Parish
Friday, February 9: 7:00 a.m. 🕆 Analda Koeth
Saturday, February 10: 5:00 p.m. 🕆 Frank Whalen, Sr.
Sunday, February 11: 9 a.m. 🕆 Rita Ciofani-Kercher
Sunday, February 11: 11 a.m. 🕆 Richard J. Jarold
Sunday Collection: $4,037.00
Weekly Electronic Giving: $615
Thank you for your generosity!
January Announcements (01-2024)
Weekly Bulletin
St. Cyprian Youth Group will be making donation bags for Project Hope for the Homeless. We are looking for the following items by January 28 at noon. Please consider purchasing an item and dropping it off in one of the boxes in the parish office or in the back of the church. Gallon & snack size ziplock bags, individual cereal, fruit cups, spoons, shelf-stable juice, breakfast/granola/protein bars, individual danishes/donuts, lip balm, tissue packs, cough drops, mints, disposable foot/hand warmers, pair of socks, $1 gloves, disposable cups & lids, instant hot cocoa, peppermint stick/starlite mints, mini marshmallows, individual instant coffee, snack cakes, ear plugs, fuzzy socks, chamomile tea, paperback puzzle books/ small notebooks/ pens, travel lotion
The Ladies Guild will be hosting our annual Mardi Gras Dinner Dance on Saturday, February 10 at 6:30 p.m. in Alexander Hall. The catered dinner will be followed by music by Dennis Ford from 7-10 p.m. Look for the bulletin insert next weekend so you can return your reservation form by Feb 4! Call Anne Zalar with questions at 440-669-9500
Catholic Cemeteries Association continues their free monthly in-office grief support group on January 21 In-Office at 3 p.m. at All Souls Cemetery in Chardon and Virtual at 5 p.m. They offer a comfortable, private and safe environment where you are free to explore your grief. Meetings are open discussion format, surrounding a monthly topic or whatever is on your heart. If you are not yet able to talk about your grief, come and listen and be in the presence of those who understand. The January topic is “Facing the New Year with Hope and Love”. Please RSVP or 216-930-4866
We’re looking for enthusiastic individuals who are interested in volunteering for Vacation Bible School. If you have some time to spare and would like to work with youth who want to learn about God, we would love to have your help. If you would like to sign up or have questions, contact Yih-ting Merk,
Looking for volunteers! Seeds of Literacy is an award-winning, innovative adult literacy program that provides FREE, one-to-one tutoring in basic education and high school equivalency test prep to adults. Tutoring just one class a week (2 hours) is all it takes to change a life. They have opportunities for in-person tutoring, as well as virtual. For more information, call 216-661-7950 ext. 128 or email Seeds provides volunteers with thorough tutor training, all study materials & lesson plans for each student and ongoing support in the classroom.
Save the Date: On Sunday, June 9 at 2 p.m., we will celebrate with all couples married in 1974. Contact the Marriage and Family Office at the Diocese of Cleveland if you have an questions. This year we will also be printing anniversary certificates once a month so that couples can request them early and have them for their anniversary parties. Visit the website to request a certificate:
The Perry Center is our local food pantry supported by the churches in our community and private donations. For the month of January, The Perry Center is requesting canned fruit. There are boxes located at the entrances of our church. Thank you for helping those in need in our community
Lector Schedule for January 27-28
Saturday 5 pm: Pat Merrell
Sunday 9 am: Jonathan Kacsaka
Sunday 11 am: Debbie Hull
Server Schedule for January 27-28
Saturday 5 pm: Gabriel Davis, Marija Davis
Sunday 9 am: Hunter Shimko, Kaylee Napoli
Sunday 11 am: Alphonse Merk, Ethan Loerch, Evan Whittaker, Andrew Beardslee
Dates To Note
Jan 27 - Rosary for our Country, 4:30 p.m.
Jan 21 – Donut Sunday today!
Jan 28 – Children’s Liturgy of the Word, 11 a.m. Mass
Jan 28 – Youth group, 6 p.m.
Feb 4 – Superbowl Pancake Breakfast 9am – 1 pm
Feb 10 & 11 – Charity Appeal, All Masses
Feb 10 – Mardi Gras Dinner Dance, 6:30 p.m.
Feb 16 – Meatless Lenten Dinner, 6 p.m.
Mass Intentions
Saturday, January 20: 5:00 p.m. 🕆 Mary Platko
Sunday, January 21: 9 a.m. 🕆 Jan & Brandy Siegel
Sunday, January 21: 11 a.m. 🕆 Robert DiFranco
Monday, January 22:8:30 a.m. 🕆 Doris Biro
Tuesday, January 23: 8:30 a.m. Healing for post-abortive fathers
Wednesday, January 24: 8:30 a.m. For the Parish
Thursday, January 25: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Alan Fedele
Friday, January 26: 7:00 a.m. 🕆 Ted Dust
Saturday, January 27: 5:00 p.m. 🕆 Josephine Grof
Sunday, January 28: 9 a.m. 🕆 John Leonbruno, Sr.
Sunday, January 28: 11 a.m. 🕆 Analda Koeth
Sunday Collection: $4,209.00
Weekly Electronic Giving: $615
Thank you for your generosity!
Weekly Bulletin
The start of a new year is the perfect time to make a resolution to become a regular blood or platelet donor in 2024. January is National Blood Donor Month! All who come to give blood on January 11 will automatically be entered for a chance to win an exciting trip for two to Super Bowl LVIII in Las Vegas! Includes travel, hotel, $1,000 gift card, pre-game activities and more! Terms apply; visit
Father George would like to thank the entire community of St. Cyprian Parish for your prayers, well wishes, and gifts. You are truly appreciated! May God bless and keep you!
St. Cyprian Youth Group will again be making donation bags for Project Hope for the Homeless. We are looking for the following items by January 28 at noon. Please consider helping us by purchasing an item and dropping it off in one of the boxes in the church office or in the back of the church. Gallon & snack size ziplock bags, individual cereal, fruit cups, spoons, shelf-stable juice, breakfast/granola/protein bars, individual danishes or donuts, lip balm, tissue packs, cough drops, mints, disposable foot/hand warmers, pair of socks, $1 gloves, disposable cups with lids, instant hot cocoa, peppermint stick/starlite mints, mini marshmallows, individual instant coffee, snack cakes, ear plugs, fuzzy socks, chamomile tea bags, paperback puzzle books/ small notebooks/ pens, travel lotion
Catholic Cemeteries Association continues their free monthly in-office grief support group on January 21 In-Office at 3 p.m. at All Souls Cemetery in Chardon and Virtual at 5 p.m. They offer a comfortable, private and safe environment where you are free to explore your grief. Meetings are open discussion format, surrounding a monthly topic or whatever is on your heart. If you are not yet able to talk about your grief, come and listen and be in the presence of those who understand. The January topic is “Facing the New Year with Hope and Love”. Please RSVP or 216-930-4866
The Perry Center needs volunteers to help in the Food Room. You will be assisting clients in choosing their food and restocking shelves as needed. This position is once a month on the 3rd or 4th Friday from 1-4 p.m. By helping only 3 hours a month, you will be giving a break to the volunteers who are there six hours a week. If you have questions, call the Perry Center and ask for Carole or Brenda. 259-3332
The Perry Center is our local food pantry supported by the churches in our community and private donations. For the month of January, The Perry Center is requesting canned fruit. There are boxes located at the entrances of our church. Thank you for helping those in need in our community
Rest in Peace
🕆 Catherine Zitney
Our sincere sympathy and prayers are with your family and friends
Lector Schedule for January 13-14
Saturday 5 pm: Bea Woidtke
Sunday 9 am: Debbie Sanford
Sunday 11 am: Mike Ryan
Server Schedule for January 13-14
Saturday 5 pm: Gabriel Davis, Marija Davis
Sunday 9 am: Hunter Shimko, Kaylee Napoli
Sunday 11 am: Alphonse Merk, Ethan Loerch, Evan Whittaker, Andrew Beardslee
Dates To Note
Jan 11 – St. Cyprian Blood Drive, 1-6 p.m.
Jan 13 - Rosary for our Country, 4:30 p.m.
Jan 14 – Children’s Liturgy of the Word, 11 a.m. Mass
Jan 21 – Youth group, 6 p.m.
Jan 28 – Youth group, 6 p.m.
Mass Intentions
Saturday, January 6: 5:00 p.m. 🕆 Henry & Irene Strozewski
Sunday, January 7: 9 a.m. 🕆 Analda Koeth
Sunday, January 7: 11 a.m. 🕆 Kathy Engle
Monday, January 8:8:30 a.m. 🕆 Debbie Anderson
Tuesday, January 9: 8:30 a.m. For the Parish
Wednesday, January 10: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Susan Muzic
Thursday, January 11: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Josephine Grof
Friday, January 12: 7:00 a.m. 🕆 Marlyn Leonbruno
Saturday, January 13: 5:00 p.m. 🕆 Marie Parker
Sunday, January 14: 9 a.m. For the Parish
Sunday, January 14: 11 a.m. 🕆 Dianna Walker & David DiFranco
Sunday Collection: $4,574
Weekly Electronic Giving: $615
Monthly Electronic Giving: $2,685
New Year Collection: $903
Thank you for your generosity!