2020 Weekly Bulletins

December Announcements (12-2020)

Week of December 27, 2020

Weekly Bulletin


If you wish to have a copy of your church contributions sent to you for tax purposes, please drop the envelope from your packet into the basket at Mass no later than Sunday, January 3.


The Perry Center is our local food pantry supported by the churches in our community and private donations.  For the month of December, The Perry Center is requesting Dessert items (ex. brownies, cake mix, frosting).  There are boxes located at the entrances of our church.  Thank you for helping those in need in our community.


Oplatek is a thin wafer symbolizing the body of Christ as well as the universal gesture of breaking bread to signify peace and goodwill.  If you are interested, there will be some available for parishioners in the sacristy


The American Red Cross urges people to share their good health and resolve to give blood regularly, beginning in January with National Blood Donor Month.  Donors of all blood types are urged to give now to help the Red Cross maintain the blood supply.  Medical conditions and emergencies don’t stop for a pandemic, seasonal illnesses or winter weather.  Our next blood drive is Thursday, January 28 from 1:30 – 6:30 p.m.  Make your appointment now at RedCrossBlood.org


PSR classes will resume on January 4-5.


*Observe all safe social distancing guidelines. We respectfully ask everyone to wear facemasks.  

*Only enter and exit the church through the elevator doors or the doors in the back of the church

*All songbooks, prayer materials, etc., will be removed temporarily. You may bring your own missals

*We will be cleaning and sanitizing the church after each Mass.

*When coming to receive Holy Communion, maintain safe social distance as best as possible. Please receive Communion on the hand and simply lower your mask for the moment you receive.

*For weekend Masses, place your collection envelope or monetary gift in the baskets provided in the rear of the church. There will not be passing of baskets, nor bringing up the gifts temporarily.  

*Please have respect and concern for others and use common sense. Let’s all do our part to help each other as we come to celebrate together.

*Please have patience, as we evaluate the situation, we may need to make adjustments as we go.

*As eager as we all are to celebrate Mass together as a community, we recognize that for many it may be too soon.  Please know that it is OK to stay home. Mass will continue to be taped and available on the website each weekend. The dispensation from attendance at Mass on Sundays and holy days of obligation continues to remain in effect.


Catholic Cemeteries Association continues their free monthly in-office Grief Support Group on January 17 with limited seating for social distancing.  They offer a comfortable, private, and safe environment where you are free to talk about your grief.  Meetings do not build off each other so you can stop in any month and fit right in.  You do not even have to talk, but come and listen and be in the presence of those who understand.  The January topic is “Facing the New Year with Hope and Love” but discussions follow whatever is on your heart.  Meetings are the 3rd Sunday of every month from 3-4 p.m. at All Souls Cemetery in Chardon.  Meeting sites are sanitized and seating is arranged so everyone is at a safe distance.  Please RSVP to Rhonda 216-930-4866.  Protective facial coverings are required.


Calling all college students looking for a paid summer internship!  The FEST is looking for summer interns to make this year’s event the best FEST yet!  We are looking for students with interests in theology, business marketing & communications, event planning or logistics management to join the team that puts together our annual Diocesan Family Festival.  Interns will be a part of a fast-paced team and will play a critical role in the marketing, planning and coordination this annual event. For more info or to apply, please send your resume to Caitlin@theFEST.us by January 10th. 


The holiday season can be full of stress, mixed emotions and challenges, especially for those who are separated or divorced.  Join us for our Holiday Helps program, presented on January 5 via Zoom.  We will explore ways to start afresh with a positive growth mindset and tips on how to achieve more happiness in 2021.  The new year is a good time to make decisions and often we are motivated to make positive changes.  Setting goals that are challenging yet realistic is a wonderful way to increase positivity after a very difficult 2020.  Registration is required.  Call Karen 440-352-8282 or email kjubeck@st-gabriel.org  The sessions are led by trained, caring facilitators, and attendance will be limited to 10 participants.  You will be contacted via email with an invite to join the meeting.

Sunday Collections:  $4,615.00

Thank you for your generosity!

Dates To Note

Dec 28 – No Monday PSR

Dec 29 – Eucharistic Adoration, after 8:30 a.m. Mass

Dec 29 – Divine Mercy Chaplet, 3 p.m./Rosary, 7:00 p.m.

Dec 29– No Tuesday PSR 

Jan 28 – St. Cyprian Blood Drive, 1:30 – 6:30 p.m.

Mass Intentions

Sunday, December 27: 9:00 a.m. 🕆 Sharon Lohan

Sunday, December 27: 11:00 a.m. For the Parish

Monday, December 28: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Thayer & Florence Anderson

Tuesday, December 29: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Pat Willis

Wednesday, December 30: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Kitty Kyle

Thursday, December 31 (New Year's Eve): 8:30 a.m. 🕆 John Palumbo

Thursday, December 31 (New Year's Eve): 5:00 p.m. 🕆 Lorene Yurkovich

Friday, January 1 (New Years Day): 10:00 a.m. 🕆 Mary Cicero

Saturday, January 2: 5:00 p.m. 🕆 James Daley, Sr.

Sunday, January 3: 9:00 a.m. 🕆 Sharon Lohan

Sunday, January 3: 11:00 a.m. 🕆  Nicholas Trent

December 18, 2020

In Loving Memory

We are saddened to share that Deborah “Debbie” Anderson was taken to heaven to be with Jesus and her beloved angels on Friday, December 11, 2020. Debbie has touched countless lives and hearts during her time with us, she will be deeply missed by her family and friends at St. Cyprian. 

Please join us in celebrating Debbie's memory, videos of her funeral services and links to Behm Family Funeral Homes groups are below.

Week of December 20, 2020

Advent Confession Schedule

Monday, 12/21: 9:00-9:30 a.m.

Tuesday, 12/22: 6:30 p.m.

Wednesday, 12/23: 9:00-9:30 a.m.

Thursday, 12/24: 11:00 a.m.-noon

Christmas Mass Schedule

December 24, 3:30 p.m. –Mass

December 24, 5:30 p.m. –Mass

December 24, 11:30 p.m. – Carols 

December 24, Midnight – Shepherd’s Mass

December 25, 10 a.m. – Christmas Mass

Week of December 20, 2020

Weekly Bulletin


PSR classes will resume on January 4-5.


The Perry Center is our local food pantry supported by the churches in our community and private donations.  For the month of December, The Perry Center is requesting Dessert items (ex. brownies, cake mix, frosting).  There are boxes located at the entrances of our church.  Thank you for helping those in need in our community.


If you wish to have a copy of your church contributions sent to you for tax purposes, please drop the envelope from your packet into the basket at Mass no later than Sunday, January 3.


On all Tuesdays during Advent, the Blessed Sacrament will be exposed after the 8:30 a.m. Mass for adoration and prayer.  


Please remember to pick up the photos of your loved ones that were on our Tree of Life throughout the month of November.  They will be in the deacons’ office.


*Observe all safe social distancing guidelines. We respectfully ask everyone to wear facemasks.  

*Only enter and exit the church through the elevator doors or the doors in the back of the church

*All songbooks, prayer materials, etc., will be removed temporarily. You may bring your own missals

*We will be cleaning and sanitizing the church after each Mass.

*When coming to receive Holy Communion, maintain safe social distance as best as possible. Please receive Communion on the hand and simply lower your mask for the moment you receive.

*For weekend Masses, place your collection envelope or monetary gift in the baskets provided in the rear of the church. There will not be passing of baskets, nor bringing up the gifts temporarily.  

*Please have respect and concern for others and use common sense. Let’s all do our part to help each other as we come to celebrate together.

*Please have patience, as we evaluate the situation, we may need to make adjustments as we go.

*As eager as we all are to celebrate Mass together as a community, we recognize that for many it may be too soon.  Please know that it is OK to stay home. Mass will continue to be taped and available on the website each weekend. The dispensation from attendance at Mass on Sundays and holy days of obligation continues to remain in effect.


The American Red Cross urges people to share their good health and resolve to give blood regularly, beginning in January with National Blood Donor Month.  Donors of all blood types are urged to give now to help the Red Cross maintain the blood supply.  Medical conditions and emergencies don’t stop for a pandemic, seasonal illnesses or winter weather.  Our next blood drive is Thursday, January 28 from 1:30 – 6:30 p.m.  Make your appointment now at RedCrossBlood.org


Calling all college students looking for a paid summer internship!  The FEST is looking for summer interns to make this year’s event the best FEST yet!  We are looking for students with interests in theology, business marketing & communications, event planning or logistics management to join the team that puts together our annual Diocesan Family Festival.  Interns will be a part of a fast-paced team and will play a critical role in the marketing, planning and coordination this annual event. For more info or to apply, please send your resume to Caitlin@theFEST.us by January 10th.


The holiday season can be full of stress, mixed emotions and challenges, especially for those who are separated or divorced.  Join us for our Holiday Helps program, presented on January 5 via Zoom.  We will explore ways to start afresh with a positive growth mindset and tips on how to achieve more happiness in 2021.  The new year is a good time to make decisions and often we are motivated to make positive changes.  Setting goals that are challenging yet realistic is a wonderful way to increase positivity after a very difficult 2020.  Registration is required.  Call Karen 440-352-8282 or email kjubeck@st-gabriel.org  The sessions are led by trained, caring facilitators, and attendance will be limited to 10 participants.  You will be contacted via email with an invite to join the meeting.

Rest in Peace

🕆 Debbie Anderson, Wife of Greg & Mother of Charles

Our sincere sympathy and prayers are with your family and friends

Immaculate Conception Collection: $1,264.00

Sunday Collections:  $5,931.00

Thank you for your generosity!

Dates To Note

Dec 21 – No Monday PSR

Dec 22 – Eucharistic Adoration, after 8:30 a.m. Mass

Dec 22 – Divine Mercy Chaplet, 3 p.m./Rosary, 7:00 p.m.

Dec 22– No Tuesday PSR 

Mass Intentions

Saturday, December 19: 5:00 p.m. 🕆 Henry Strozewski

Sunday, December 20: 9:00 a.m. 🕆 Haas Family

Sunday, December 20: 11:00 a.m. 🕆 Nicholas Trent

Monday, December 21: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Gail Donahue

Tuesday, December 22: 8:30 a.m. Healing for post abortive fathers

Wednesday, December 23: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Flora Moccia

Thursday, December 24 (Christmas Eve): 3:30  p.m. 🕆 Sharon Lohan

Thursday, December 24 (Christmas Eve): 5:00 p.m. 🕆 Mary Cicero

Friday, December 25 (Christmas Day): 12:00 a.m. 🕆 Suzanne Novak

Friday, December 25 (Christmas Day): 10:00 a.m. For the Parish

Saturday, December 26: 9:00 a.m. Special Intention

Saturday, December 26: 5:00 p.m. 🕆 Don King

Sunday, December 27: 9:00 a.m. 🕆 Sharon Lohan

Sunday, December 27: 11:00 a.m. For the Parish

Week of December 20, 2020

PSR Reminder

PSR classes will resume on January 4-5

December 13, 2020

Christmas Oplatek

Oplatek is a thin wafer symbolizing the body of Christ as well as the universal gesture of breaking bread to signify peace and goodwill.

If you are interested, there will be some available for parishioners in the sacristy.

Week of December 6, 2020

Weekly Bulletin


The Perry Center is our local food pantry supported by the churches in our community and private donations.  For the month of December, The Perry Center is requesting Dessert items (ex. brownies, cake mix, frosting).  There are boxes located at the entrances of our church.  Thank you for helping those in need in our community.


It’s almost time for the Salvation Army bell ringing campaign.  Rideout’s IGA has generously agreed to host us again and each church has been asked to fill a number of days.  St. Cyprian’s days are December 9th -16th (but not Sunday).  The signup sheets are located in the sacristy.  Due to the pandemic, all bell ringers will be required to wear a mask.  If you are uncomfortable ringing this year, please consider sponsoring an hour.  Donations may be sent to the Perry Center.  If you have any questions, please contact Lisa Huston at 440-487-8259. (call or text) 


Our parish is ending Heart of a Shepherd campaign.  Through the commitment weekend we exceeded our goal of $164,000.  65% of every dollar raised up to this goal will support our own parish.  For every dollar raised beyond, 80% will stay at St. Cyprian.  Now we are over $210,000!  Thank you to everyone who participated in this campaign and everyone’s generosity.  If you have not had the chance to participate, there is still time.


If you wish to have a copy of your church contributions sent to you for tax purposes, please drop the envelope from your packet into the basket at Mass no later than Sunday, January 3.


*Observe all safe social distancing guidelines. We respectfully ask everyone to wear facemasks.  

*Only enter and exit the church through the elevator doors or the doors in the back of the church

*All songbooks, prayer materials, etc., will be removed temporarily. You may bring your own missals

*We will be cleaning and sanitizing the church after each Mass.

*When coming to receive Holy Communion, maintain safe social distance as best as possible. Please receive Communion on the hand and simply lower your mask for the moment you receive.

*For weekend Masses, place your collection envelope or monetary gift in the baskets provided in the rear of the church. There will not be passing of baskets, nor bringing up the gifts temporarily.  

*Please have respect and concern for others and use common sense. Let’s all do our part to help each other as we come to celebrate together.

*Please have patience, as we evaluate the situation, we may need to make adjustments as we go.

*As eager as we all are to celebrate Mass together as a community, we recognize that for many it may be too soon.  Please know that it is OK to stay home. Mass will continue to be taped and available on the website each weekend. The dispensation from attendance at Mass on Sundays and holy days of obligation continues to remain in effect.


Do you believe in miracles?  Join The Rock on Saturdays at 7 p.m. for “The Miracle Hunter” as host Michael O’Neill delves into the world of miracles and takes listeners on a hunt that explores the greatest mysteries and marvels of the Catholic Church.


Please join Catholic Cemeteries Association for their free monthly in-office Grief Support Group on November 15.  The November topic is “Thanks-giving Grief/Preparing for the Holidays” but discussions follow whatever is on your heart. We will meet from 3-4 p.m. at the All Souls Cemetery office in Chardon on the 3rd Sunday of every month.  Meeting sites are sanitized and seating will be arranged so everyone is at a safe distance.  Participants are requested to RSVP so we can plan appropriate social distancing at each location.  It is required that participants  wear protective facial coverings.  To RSVP or for questions, please contact Rhonda at 216-930-4866


Please remember to pick up the photos of your loved ones that were on our Tree of Life throughout the month of November.  They will be in the deacons’ office.


The holiday season can be full of stress, mixed emotions and challenges, especially for those who are separated or divorced.  Join us for our Holiday Helps program, presented on December 1 and January 5 via Zoom.  Our December 1 session will focus on the upcoming holidays.  While they can be joyful, they can also be difficult as a result of separation and divorce, not to mention the realities of a pandemic.  The fact is, this year is going to be different.  Join us for a discussion on how to reset expectations and embrace new traditions.  Following up on January 5, we will explore ways to start afresh with a positive growth mindset and tips on how to achieve more happiness in 2021.  The new year is a good time to make decisions and often we are motivated to make positive changes.  Setting goals (whether short of long-term) that are challenging yet realistic is a wonderful way to increase positivity after a very difficult 2020.  Registration is required.  call Karen 440-352-8282 or email kjubeck@st-gabriel.org  The sessions are led by trained, caring facilitators, and attendance will be limited to 10 participants.  You will be contacted via email with an invite to join the meeting.

Rest in Peace

🕆 Joan McMillan

Our sincere sympathy and prayers are with your family and friends

Sunday Collections:  $4,269.50

Thank you for your generosity!

Dates To Note

Dec 7 – Monday PSR, 6:15 – 7:30 p.m.

Dec 8 – Immaculate Conception Mass, 8:30 a.m. & 7 p.m.

Dec 8 – Eucharistic Adoration, after 8:30 a.m. Mass

Dec 8 – Divine Mercy Chaplet, 3 p.m./Rosary, 6:30 p.m.

Dec 8 – Tuesday PSR, 6:15 – 7:30 p.m.

Mass Intentions

Saturday December 5: 5:00 p.m. 🕆 Irene Strozewski

Sunday, December 6: 9:00 a.m. 🕆 Holy Souls in Purgatory

Sunday, December 6: 11:00 a.m. 🕆 Sharon Lohan

Monday, December 7: 8:30 a.m. For the Parish

Tuesday, December 8 (Immaculate Conception): 8:30 a.m. 🕆  Ray Mestrovich

Tuesday, December 8 (Immaculate Conception): 7:00 p.m. 🕆  Kathleen Fisher

Wednesday, December 9: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Anne Knaus

Thursday, December 10: 9:00 a.m. 🕆 Mary Alice & Paul Seibenick

Friday, December 11: 7:00 a.m. 🕆 Carroll Miller

Saturday, December 12: 5:00 p.m. 🕆 Myrtle & Vincent Galyas

Sunday, December 13: 9:00 a.m. 🕆Jim Garofalo

Sunday, December 13: 11:00 a.m. 🕆 Tina Piszczor

November Announcements (11-2020)

Week of November 22, 2020

Weekly Bulletin


The Perry Center is our local food pantry supported by the churches in our community and private donations.  For the month of November, The Perry Center is requesting cereal.  There are boxes located at the entrances of our church.  Thank you for helping those in need in our community.


Baptism class can be taken before or after the birth of your child. The next baptism class at St. Cyprians will be Monday, November 23 at 7:35 p.m. in Alexander Hall.  Please register in advance by calling 440-259-2344 ext. 3 or email Kelly@stcypriansparish.com


St. Cyprian has exceeded our goal for the Heart of a Shepherd campaign!  Our goal is $164,000. 65% of every dollar raised up to this goal will support our own parish. For every dollar raised beyond, 80% will stay at St. Cyprian. Thank you to everyone who participated in our commitment weekend and for everyone’s generosity.  If you have not had a chance to donate, there is still time.


It’s almost time for the Salvation Army bell ringing campaign.  Rideout’s IGA has generously agreed to host us again and each church has been asked to fill a number of days.  St. Cyprian’s days are Wednesday, 12/9-12/16 (but not Sunday).  The signup sheets are located in the sacristy.  Due to the pandemic, all bell ringers will be required to wear a mask.  If you are uncomfortable ringing this year, please consider sponsoring an hour.  Our kettle at IGA last year collected an average of $35 per hour, so you can make a donation to the Salvation Army marked Perry Red Kettle Campaign in lieu of ringing.  Donations may be sent to the Perry Center.  If you have any questions, please contact Lisa Huston at 440-487-8259. (call or text) 


The DVD, unplanned, is available for those interested.  This movie tells the true story of Abby Johnson, one of the youngest Planned Parenthood Clinic Directors in the nation.  One day, what she saw changed everything, and she became an ardent Pro-Life advocate.  If you would like to borrow this movie, call Donna Anderson 259-1925


*Observe all safe social distancing guidelines. We respectfully ask everyone to wear facemasks.  

*Only enter and exit the church through the elevator doors or the doors in the back of the church

*All songbooks, prayer materials, etc., will be removed temporarily. You may bring your own missals

*We will be cleaning and sanitizing the church after each Mass.

*When coming to receive Holy Communion, maintain safe social distance as best as possible. Please receive Communion on the hand and simply lower your mask for the moment you receive.

*For weekend Masses, place your collection envelope or monetary gift in the baskets provided in the rear of the church. There will not be passing of baskets, nor bringing up the gifts temporarily.  

*Please have respect and concern for others and use common sense. Let’s all do our part to help each other as we come to celebrate together.

*Please have patience, as we evaluate the situation, we may need to make adjustments as we go.

*As eager as we all are to celebrate Mass together as a community, we recognize that for many it may be too soon.  Please know that it is OK to stay home. Mass will continue to be taped and available on the website each weekend. The dispensation from attendance at Mass on Sundays and holy days of obligation continues to remain in effect.


If you are an Ohio resident and can’t afford your prescription medicine, you may qualify for assistance.  Call or email 440-352-1999 papofohio@gmail.com

Or check out the website www.papofohio.com to see if they have your medicine and if you are eligible.


The holiday season can be full of stress, mixed emotions and challenges, especially for those who are separated or divorced.  Join us for our Holiday Helps program, presented on December 1 and January 5 via Zoom.  Our December 1 session will focus on the upcoming holidays.  While they can be joyful, they can also be difficult as a result of separation and divorce, not to mention the realities of a pandemic.  The fact is, this year is going to be different.  Join us for a discussion on how to reset expectations and embrace new traditions.  Following up on January 5, we will explore ways to start afresh with a positive growth mindset and tips on how to achieve more happiness in 2021.  The new year is a good time to make decisions and often we are motivated to make positive changes.  Setting goals (whether short of long-term) that are challenging yet realistic is a wonderful way to increase positivity after a very difficult 2020.  Registration is required.  call Karen 440-352-8282 or email kjubeck@st-gabriel.org  The sessions are led by trained, caring facilitators, and attendance will be limited to 10 participants.  You will be contacted via email with an invite to join the meeting.

Sunday Collections:  $5,191.00

Thank you for your generosity!

Dates To Note

Nov 23 – Monday PSR, 6:15 – 7:30 p.m.

Nov 23 – Baptism Class, 7:35 p.m.

Nov 24 – Eucharistic Adoration, after 8:30 a.m. Mass

Nov 24 – Divine Mercy Chaplet, 3 p.m./Rosary, 7 p.m.

Nov 24 – Tuesday PSR, 6:15 – 7:30 p.m.

Nov 29 – Youth Group Movie night, 6-7:30 p.m.

Mass Intentions

Saturday, November 21: 5:00 p.m. 🕆 Dick Kish

Sunday, November 22: 9:00 a.m. 🕆 Mary Blazek

Sunday, November 22: 11:00 a.m. 🕆 Ernest “Pat” Willis

Monday, November 23: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Mary Alice & Paul Seibenick

Tuesday, November 24: 8:30 a.m. For the Parish

Wednesday, November 25: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Mary Ann Corthals

Thursday, November 26 (Thanksgiving Day): 9:00 a.m. 🕆 Robert & Ethel Hazel

Friday, November 27: No Mass

Saturday, November 28: 5:00 p.m. 🕆 Pauline Galyas

Sunday, November 29 (1st Sunday of Advent): 9:00 a.m. 🕆 Charlie Haas

Sunday, November 29 (1st Sunday of Advent): 11:00 a.m. 🕆 Leonard Jagoda

Week of November 8, 2020

Weekly Bulletin


The Perry Center is our local food pantry supported by the churches in our community and private donations.  For the month of November, The Perry Center is requesting cereal.  There are boxes located at the entrances of our church.  Thank you for helping those in need in our community.


Please join us on Sunday, Nov. 8 at the 11 a.m. Mass, which will be dedicated to honoring our military personnel and their families.  A short ceremony will be held outside near the flagpole following Mass.  


All 7th and 8th graders are required to attend our first Confirmation meeting on Sunday, November 8 from 12:30-1:30 p.m. in the church.


Baptism class can be taken before or after the birth of your child. The next baptism class at St. Cyprians will be Monday, November 23 at 7:35 p.m. in Alexander Hall.  Please register in advance by calling 440-259-2344 ext. 3 or email Kelly@stcypriansparish.com


The Youth Group will be collecting items to pack in bags for Project Hope.  Some items we are requesting include gallon ziplock bags, travel tissues, ear plugs, $1 gloves, tea packets, fuzzy socks, fruit cups, plastic spoons, cereal bars, travel lotion and lip balm.  For a complete list, check the posters inside the church or the parish website.  Bins will be located outside by the grotto during outside Mass and in the church by the elevator and in the front and back of the church.  Please return by November 15th.  For questions, please contact Debbie at dkacsala@gmail.com


*Observe all safe social distancing guidelines. We respectfully ask everyone to wear facemasks.  

*Only enter and exit the church through the elevator doors or the doors in the back of the church

*All songbooks, prayer materials, etc., will be removed temporarily. You may bring your own missals

*We will be cleaning and sanitizing the church after each Mass.

*When coming to receive Holy Communion, maintain safe social distance as best as possible. Please receive Communion on the hand and simply lower your mask for the moment you receive.

*For weekend Masses, place your collection envelope or monetary gift in the baskets provided in the rear of the church. There will not be passing of baskets, nor bringing up the gifts temporarily.  

*Please have respect and concern for others and use common sense. Let’s all do our part to help each other as we come to celebrate together.

*Please have patience, as we evaluate the situation, we may need to make adjustments as we go.

*As eager as we all are to celebrate Mass together as a community, we recognize that for many it may be too soon.  Please know that it is OK to stay home. Mass will continue to be taped and available on the website each weekend. The dispensation from attendance at Mass on Sundays and holy days of obligation continues to remain in effect.


If you are an Ohio resident and can’t afford your prescription medicine, you may qualify for assistance.  Call or email 440-352-1999 papofohio@gmail.com

Or check out the website www.papofohio.com to see if they have your medicine and if you are eligible.


Please join Catholic Cemeteries Association for their free monthly in-office Grief Support Group on November 15.  The November topic is “Thanks-giving Grief/Preparing for the Holidays” but discussions follow whatever is on your heart. We will meet from 3-4 p.m. at the All Souls Cemetery office in Chardon on the 3rd Sunday of every month.  Meeting sites are sanitized and seating will be arranged so everyone is at a safe distance.  Participants are requested to RSVP so we can plan appropriate social distancing at each location.  It is required that participants  wear protective facial coverings.  To RSVP or for questions, please contact Rhonda at 216-930-4866


Divorced or separated and struggling with the holidays?  Join us for a special 4-week mini support group for those having difficulty facing the holidays as a result of separation and divorce.  This special program is intended to offer practical advice on building new holiday traditions, identifying and managing the emotions of divorce, opening opportunities for growth & new beginnings, and turning a corner and facing a new year.  Attend one session, all four, or anything in between.  We will meet on Tuesday evenings from 7-9 p.m. on December 1, 8, 15 and January 5 at St. Noel Church in Willoughby Hills.  To register or for more info: call Karen 440-352-8282 or email kjubeck@st-gabriel.org 


Do we truly listen to God’s voice and follow His will for us?  Listen to “God Calling“, a new original program from AM 1260The Rock to hear local men and women from all walks of life and learn how they listen to and follow God’s lead in their lives.  Our program is moderated by Cleveland multiple Emmy award winning journalist and devout Catholic, Paul Orlousky, and will air on Sundays at 4:30 p.m.

Sunday Collections:  $7,408.00

Fill the Boot Collection: $926.93

Thank you for your generosity!

Dates To Note

Nov 8 – 7th and 8th Grade Confirmation Mtg, 12:30 – 1:30 

Nov 9 – Monday PSR, 6:15 – 7:30 p.m.

Nov 10 – Eucharistic Adoration, after 8:30 a.m. Mass

Nov 10 – Divine Mercy Chaplet, 3 p.m./Rosary, 7 p.m.

Nov 10 – Tuesday PSR, 6:15 – 7:30 p.m.

Nov 23 – Baptism Class, 7:35 p.m.

Nov 29 – Youth Group Movie night, 6-7:30 p.m.

Mass Intentions

Sunday, November 8: 9:00 a.m. 🕆 Charlie Haas

Sunday, November 8: 11:00 a.m. 🕆 Sharon Lohan

Monday, November 9: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Elmer Novak

Tuesday, November 10: 8:30 a.m. Healing for post abortive grandparents

Wednesday, November 11: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Carroll Miller

Thursday, November 12: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Joanne Zienka

Friday, November 13: 7:00 a.m. 🕆 Jennie Sorine

Saturday, November 14: 2:30 p.m. Caratelli/Daughters Wedding

Saturday, November 14: 5:00 p.m. For the Parish

Sunday, November 15: 9:00 a.m. 🕆 Jesse C. Weisinger

Sunday, November 15: 11:00 a.m. 🕆 Nicholas Trent

November 8, 2020

Heart of a Shepherd Campaign

Week of November 1, 2020

Weekly Bulletin


The Perry Center is our local food pantry supported by the churches in our community and private donations.  For the month of November, The Perry Center is requesting cereal.  There are boxes located at the entrances of our church.  Thank you for helping those in need in our community.


The Feast of All Souls will be celebrated Monday, November 2 at 8:30 a.m..  We will especially remember all those who died this past year and all our departed loved ones and parishioners.  Give us the names of those you want to be added to our Book of Remembrance throughout the month of November.  


Please join us on Sunday, Nov. 8 at the 11 a.m. Mass, which will be dedicated to honoring our military personnel and their families.  A short ceremony will be held outside near the flagpole following Mass.  If you have any deceased family or friends who served in the military, we would like to include them in our Veterans Memorial Book, which currently has over 300 names.  Please drop a note in the collection box no later than Nov. 1 providing us with the name, rank, branch of service, service start and end years, and any war or conflict during their service.  You may also contact Tom or Donna Anderson 259-1925


Baptism class can be taken before or after the birth of your child. The next baptism class at St. Cyprians will be Monday, November 23 at 7:35 p.m. in Alexander Hall.  Please register in advance by calling 440-259-2344 ext. 3 or email Kelly@stcypriansparish.com


*Observe all safe social distancing guidelines. We respectfully ask everyone to wear facemasks.  

*Only enter and exit the church through the elevator doors or the doors in the back of the church

*All songbooks, prayer materials, etc., will be removed temporarily. You may bring your own missals

*We will be cleaning and sanitizing the church after each Mass.

*When coming to receive Holy Communion, maintain safe social distance as best as possible. Please receive Communion on the hand and simply lower your mask for the moment you receive.

*For weekend Masses, place your collection envelope or monetary gift in the baskets provided in the rear of the church. There will not be passing of baskets, nor bringing up the gifts temporarily.  

*Please have respect and concern for others and use common sense. Let’s all do our part to help each other as we come to celebrate together.

*Please have patience, as we evaluate the situation, we may need to make adjustments as we go.

*As eager as we all are to celebrate Mass together as a community, we recognize that for many it may be too soon.  Please know that it is OK to stay home. Mass will continue to be taped and available on the website each weekend. The dispensation from attendance at Mass on Sundays and holy days of obligation continues to remain in effect.


Please join Catholic Cemeteries Association for their free monthly in-office Grief Support Group on November 15.  The November topic is “Thanks-giving Grief/Preparing for the Holidays” but discussions follow whatever is on your heart. We will meet from 3-4 p.m. at the All Souls Cemetery office in Chardon on the 3rd Sunday of every month.  Meeting sites are sanitized and seating will be arranged so everyone is at a safe distance.  Participants are requested to RSVP so we can plan appropriate social distancing at each location.  It is required that participants  wear protective facial coverings.  To RSVP or for questions, please contact Rhonda at 216-930-4866


Nick Caratelli and Jessica Daughters


The Heart of a Shepherd initiative is an endeavor designed to strengthen and better meet the needs of the Saint Mary and Borromeo Seminaries via renovation to the seminaries, support to the clergy pensions and relief for clergy tuition debt. The Diocese of Cleveland is committed to training the future shepherds of the Church and to aiding those who have served our Diocese with a Diocesan goal of $30 million and a parish goal of $164,000.  In addition, 65% of all the gifts St. Cyprians raises will return to our parish for Alexander Hall renovations and roof repairs. Father George can answer any questions you may have. Pledges can be paid over a three-year period 


The Youth Group will be collecting items to pack in bags for Project Hope.  Some items we are requesting include gallon ziplock bags, travel tissues, ear plugs, $1 gloves, tea packets, fuzzy socks, fruit cups, plastic spoons, cereal bars, travel lotion and lip balm.  For a complete list, check the posters inside the church or the parish website.  Bins will be located outside by the grotto during outside Mass and in the church by the elevator and in the front and back of the church.  Please return by November 15th.  For questions, please contact Debbie at dkacsala@gmail.com

Rest in Peace

🕆 Paul Klim, Husband of Theresa Klim 

Our sincere sympathy and prayers are with your family and friends

Sunday Collections:  $3,523.00

Thank you for your generosity!

Dates To Note

Nov 1 – All Saints Day

Nov 1 – Youth Group, 6-7:30 p.m.

Nov 2 – All Souls Day, 8:30 a.m. Mass

Nov 2 – Monday PSR, 6:15 – 7:30 p.m.

Nov 3 – Eucharistic Adoration, after 8:30 a.m. Mass

Nov 3 – Divine Mercy Chaplet, 3 p.m./Rosary, 7 p.m.

Nov 3 – Tuesday PSR, 6:15 – 7:30 p.m.

Nov 5 – St. Cyprian Blood Drive, 1:30 – 6:30 p.m.

Nov 23 – Baptism Class, 7:35 p.m.

Nov 29 – Youth Group Movie night, 6-7:30 p.m.

Mass Intentions

Saturday, October 31: 5:00 p.m. 🕆 Champion/Fadley Famlies

Sunday, November 1 (All Saints Day): 9:00 a.m. 🕆 Frank Whalen, Sr.

Sunday, November 1 (All Saints Day: 11:00 a.m. 🕆 Helen Jagoda

Monday, November 2 (All Souls Day): 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Souls in Purgatory

Tuesday, November 3:  8:30 a.m. 🕆 Frank & Anne Knaus

Wednesday, November 4: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Larry J. Fults & Hervey Warren

Thursday, November 5: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Robert Vicini

Friday, November 6: 7:00 a.m. For the Parish

Saturday, November 7: 5:00 p.m. 🕆 Valaria & Ed Janusz

Sunday, November 8: 9:00 a.m. 🕆 Charlie Haas

Sunday, November 8: 11:00 a.m. 🕆 Sharon Lohan

October Announcements (10-2020)

Week of October 25, 2020

Donations for Project Hope

Saint Cyprian Youth Group

The Youth Group will be collecting items to pack in bags for Project Hope. We ask that if you're able to contribute, please drop any items off to the church by November 15th.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Debbie at dkacsala@gmail.com.

Thank you very much for your assistance!

Week of October 18, 2020

Weekly Bulletin


The Perry Center is our local food pantry supported by the churches in our community and private donations.  For the month of October, The Perry Center is requesting juice.  There are boxes located at the entrances of our church.  Thank you for helping those in need in our community.


*Observe all safe social distancing guidelines. We respectfully ask everyone to wear facemasks.  

*Only enter and exit the church through the elevator doors or the doors in the back of the church

*All songbooks, prayer materials, etc., will be removed temporarily. You may bring your own missals

*We will be cleaning and sanitizing the church after each Mass.

*When coming to receive Holy Communion, maintain safe social distance as best as possible. Please receive Communion on the hand and simply lower your mask for the moment you receive.

*For weekend Masses, place your collection envelope or monetary gift in the baskets provided in the rear of the church. There will not be passing of baskets, nor bringing up the gifts temporarily.  

*Please have respect and concern for others and use common sense. Let’s all do our part to help each other as we come to celebrate together.

*Please have patience, as we evaluate the situation, we may need to make adjustments as we go.

*As eager as we all are to celebrate Mass together as a community, we recognize that for many it may be too soon.  Please know that it is OK to stay home. Mass will continue to be taped and available on the website each weekend. The dispensation from attendance at Mass on Sundays and holy days of obligation continues to remain in effect.


When donors come to give in October, they will have a chance to win a $1,000 Amazon.com gift card!  We’re giving away 5!  Restrictions apply, see amazon.com/gc-legal.  Terms and conditions apply; visit rcblood.org/unite.  All donors are still being tested for COVID-19 antibodies with test results available online 7-10 days after donating.  


Please join us on Sunday, Nov. 8 at the 11 a.m. Mass, which will be dedicated to honoring our military personnel and their families.  A short ceremony will be held outside near the flagpole following Mass.  If you have any deceased family or friends who served in the military, we would like to include them in our Veterans Memorial Book, which currently has over 300 names.  Please drop a note in the collection box no later than Nov. 1 providing us with the name, rank, branch of service, service start and end years, and any war or conflict during their service.  You may also contact Tom or Donna Anderson (259-1925) with the Veteran’s information.  


Forms are available on the parish website if you are interested in an electronic option for making your regular weekly or monthly offering.  Contributions can be automatically debited from your checking or savings account.  If you are currently giving on a weekly basis, you will no longer need to write out 52 checks a year.  This program will allow your weekly or monthly contributions to continue on an uninterrupted basis when travel, illness or other circumstances prevent you from attending Mass. Forms can be placed in the basket at Mass or given to Father George or one of the deacons.


The Catholic Church has a great concern for those who suffer from Celiac Disease or other medical issues concerning gluten intolerance.  There have been many innovations in the last 10 years in order to address this specific need among God’s people.  St. Cyprian is now offering a low-gluten host approved by the Vatican as valid matter for Eucharist. This low gluten content is still enough to obtain the confection of bread for the Eucharist. Many gluten-intolerant persons may be able to consume it, or some portion of it. Such persons, however, are strongly advised to consult in advance with their physicians.   If you are gluten intolerant, please speak to Father George so the procedure for coming forward to receive communion can be worked out ahead of time.


The current Pandemic and its restrictions have caused many of us to feel alone and isolated, especially those that are struggling with separation and divorce.  In an effort to bridge the gap, we are hosting a virtual support group using Zoom beginning Monday, Oct 26 from 7-9 p.m.  Registration is required to be included in the group meeting.  Please visit our website, divorced-separated.net to register or contact Karen at kjubeck@st-gabriel.org or 440-352-8282.  The 8-week support group is developed to meet the needs of those who are separated or divorced.  Sessions focus on relevant topics and provide valuable information and direction along with the tools for coping with this life-changing experience.  Being part of a group provides the opportunity to share experiences, support and encouragement.  The group will meet on Zoom for the first 4 weeks and the meetings will be facilitated by a caring, trained professional.  At the conclusion of the 4th week, the facilitator and group will determine if they will continue to meet using Zoom or choose to meet at St. Bede Parish, Mentor.

Sunday Collections:  $6,244.00

Thank you for your generosity!

Dates To Note

Oct 29 – St. Cyprian Blood Drive, 1:30 – 6:30 p.m.

Oct 19 – Monday PSR, 6:15 – 7:30 p.m.

Oct 20 – Eucharistic Adoration, after 8:30 a.m. Mass

Oct 20 – Divine Mercy Chaplet, 3 p.m./Rosary, 7 p.m.

Oct 20 – Tuesday PSR, 6:15 – 7:30 p.m.

Oct 29 – St. Cyprian Blood Drive, 1:30 – 6:30 p.m.

Oct 31 – Nov 1 – Fill the Boot Collection for Perry Center

Nov 5 – St. Cyprian Blood Drive, 1:30 – 6:30 p.m

Mass Intentions

Sunday, October 18: 9:00 a.m. 🕆 Barry Martin

Sunday, October 18: 11:00 a.m. 🕆  Mary Panzarella

Monday, October 19: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Paul Janos Family

Tuesday, October 20: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Joseph Hambor Family

Wednesday, October 21: 8:30 a.m. For the Parish

Thursday, October 22: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Sharon Lohan

Friday, October 23: 7:00 a.m. 🕆 Bill Mattingly

Saturday, October 24: 5:00 p.m. 🕆 Anderson Family

Sunday, October 25: 9:00 a.m. 🕆 Louis, Stella & Peggy Freeman

Sunday, October 25: 11:00 a.m. For the Parish

Sunday Homily: October 11th, 2020

Deacon Jay Daley

October is Respect Life Month. As Bishop Malesic  points out in his letter to the diocese, it is a time to focus on “God’s precious gift of human life and our responsibility to care for, protect and defend the lives of our brothers and sisters, both born and yet to be born.”

He speaks of Pope St. John Paul II’s defense of the right to life not only in their mother’s womb, but also to the elderly, those persons with disabilities and the marginalized. He reminds us that every life has value…It is a gift that no one has the right to disregard.

The Declaration of Independence proclaimed that all people are created equal…that they are endowed by our creator with certain unalienable rights….that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. You have the right to food. None of us wants our loved ones to go to bed hungry.

That leads to the right to have a warm and dry place to live.

You have the right to an education, which leads directly into the right to work. Work gives you a sense of self worth because all work has value and dignity. 

You have the right to healthcare, you should not be turned away or given sub-standard treatment for any reason.

You have the right to practice your Faith. Our constitution says you have freedom of religion…so that our government can’t tell us who or how to worship. It states you have FREEDOM OF RELIGION…not FROM RELIGION. 

You have the right to be respected for who you are….regardless of your race, nationality , the job you hold or neighborhood you live in.

God has given you the right to be forgiven of your sins.

-God does not care if you make a lot of money 

-He doesn’t care where you live

-It doesn’t matter to him if you are a man or a woman or how old you are

-He only cares about your desire to repent…your desire to change your life according to the gospel.

This is why he invited everyone to the wedding feast…everyone matters to him…and no one who loves Him will be excluded.

With that in mind, how old do you need to be before you have no value?...The bible tells us to be patient with your parents when they get old and their mind fails.

Or what about the handicapped? Was Stephen Hawkins a burden to society? Or President Roosevelt when he was afflicted with polio? Jesus healed the blind, the lame and the leper. Society move on without them. But Jesus recognized that every person is part of the community and without them our community is incomplete.

Are they any different than an auto accident victim with permanent disabilities…or a mentally challenged person? Of course not. 

How sick do you have to be before you are too expensive to care for? When an insurance company decides you are a burden and they will no longer pay for your care. 

These rights of yours are all connected. I can’t imagine any of us not wanting all of these for ourselves and our loved ones. All of these are given to you at the moment of conception. God created you and wanted the best for you from that moment. 

At eight weeks after conception, an ultrasound picture shows us a tiny person in the womb. Yet pro-choice individuals will disagree. They now have chosen a new name for abortion to lie to anyone who will listen. They are calling it a women’s health issue. Pro-life individuals agree that all women are entitled to good health care. That includes neonatal care for the mother and her unborn child. 

If you have doubts about if a person created by God is in the womb, google abortion survivors.

As Catholics we believe that all people are entitled to these rights. Our Bishop reminds us in his letter,  that we must vote next month with an INFORMED CONSCIENCE…there are many issues to review and consider …but no candidate can hide their voting record…a very telling record is from a bill introduced in the senate titled “Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act.”…Those who voted against the bill are not concerned about a child’s rights. They won’t be concerned about yours either if they decide you are a burden to society. 

So PLEASE VOTE. You have a moral responsibility to do so. But first do your homework. Then vote for the candidates that will respect and protect your life  and your family’s life, both now and in the future.

And before anyone thinks I am promoting any one candidate over another…..I am not. I am only reminding you of our Catholic teaching. Years ago abortion was legalized. Currently it’s assisted suicide. What’s next? Sterilization of the poorest of society? Or euthanization of the elderly who are chronically sick? Is it a coincidence that a few governors sent COVID -19 patients into nursing homes with mostly healthy people to recover?

That is why Catholic Moral teaches all  life has value, has dignity…that’s why our bishop is asking us to inform ourselves and vote for the candidates who are defending all lives. Your life may depend on it.

Week of October 11, 2020

Weekly Bulletin


The Perry Center is our local food pantry supported by the churches in our community and private donations.  For the month of October, The Perry Center is requesting juice.  There are boxes located at the entrances of our church.  Thank you for helping those in need in our community.


*Observe all safe social distancing guidelines. We respectfully ask everyone to wear facemasks.  

*Only enter and exit the church through the elevator doors or the doors in the back of the church

*All songbooks, prayer materials, etc., will be removed temporarily. You may bring your own missals

*We will be cleaning and sanitizing the church after each Mass.

*When coming to receive Holy Communion, maintain safe social distance as best as possible. Please receive Communion on the hand and simply lower your mask for the moment you receive.

*For weekend Masses, place your collection envelope or monetary gift in the baskets provided in the rear of the church. There will not be passing of baskets, nor bringing up the gifts temporarily.  

*Please have respect and concern for others and use common sense. Let’s all do our part to help each other as we come to celebrate together.

*Please have patience, as we evaluate the situation, we may need to make adjustments as we go.

*As eager as we all are to celebrate Mass together as a community, we recognize that for many it may be too soon.  Please know that it is OK to stay home. Mass will continue to be taped and available on the website each weekend. The dispensation from attendance at Mass on Sundays and holy days of obligation continues to remain in effect.


On Tuesday, October 13, at 6 p.m., all are welcome to join Father George in Prayer followed by Rosary in honor of Our Lady of Fatima.  


The 34th annual Blanket Sunday appeal kicks off the weekend of October 10-11. Last year, funds from the appeal were used to purchase and distribute over 6,000 blankets and 200 beds to the homeless and low-income individuals and families throughout Northeast Ohio.  The need is still great and donations can be made securely online at http://www.svdpcle.org/donate-today/blanket-sunday/.  Checks may also be mailed to: St. Vincent de Paul Society Blanket Sunday, 1404 East 9th St. – 3rd Floor, Cleveland, OH 44114


When donors come to give in October, they will have a chance to win a $1,000 Amazon.com gift card!  We’re giving away 5!  Restrictions apply, see amazon.com/gc-legal.  Terms and conditions apply; visit rcblood.org/unite.  All donors are still being tested for COVID-19 antibodies with test results available online 7-10 days after donating.  


Forms are available on the parish website if you are interested in an electronic option for making your regular weekly or monthly offering.  Contributions can be automatically debited from your checking or savings account.  If you are currently giving on a weekly basis, you will no longer need to write out 52 checks a year.  This program will allow your weekly or monthly contributions to continue on an uninterrupted basis when travel, illness or other circumstances prevent you from attending Mass. Forms can be placed in the basket at Mass or given to Father George or one of the deacons.


In the footsteps of St. Dominic, The Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist, have extended their teaching to a wider classroom. The Lumen Ecclesiae Learning Portal will be a place for you, your children, and/or students to participate in courses taught by the Sisters, priests, laymen, and women. The educational and catechetical content is instructive, engaging, and professionally produced. We invite you to preview a demonstration of the two courses launching this fall.  Demos are available for each course! https://golepress.com/elearning/


The current Pandemic and its restrictions have caused many of us to feel alone and isolated, especially those that are struggling with separation and divorce.  In an effort to bridge the gap, we are hosting a virtual support group using Zoom beginning Monday, Oct 26 from 7-9 p.m.  Registration is required to be included in the group meeting.  Please visit our website, divorced-separated.net to register or contact Karen at kjubeck@st-gabriel.org or 440-352-8282.  The 8-week support group is developed to meet the needs of those who are separated or divorced.  Sessions focus on relevant topics and provide valuable information and direction along with the tools for coping with this life-changing experience.  Being part of a group provides the opportunity to share experiences, support and encouragement.  The group will meet on Zoom for the first 4 weeks and the meetings will be facilitated by a caring, trained professional.  At the conclusion of the 4th week, the facilitator and group will determine if they will continue to meet using Zoom or choose to meet at St. Bede Parish, Mentor.

Rest in Peace

🕆 Norma Curry

Our sincere sympathy and prayers are with your family and friends

Sunday Collections:  $6,548.00

Thank you for your generosity!

Dates To Note

Oct 12 – Monday PSR, 6:15 – 7:30 p.m.

Oct 13 – Eucharistic Adoration, after 8:30 a.m. Mass

Oct 13 – Divine Mercy Chaplet, 3 p.m./Rosary, 7 p.m.

Oct 13 – Fatima Mass, 6 p.m. (Fatima Prayer)

Oct 13 – Tuesday PSR, 6:15 – 7:30 p.m.

Oct 29 – St. Cyprian Blood Drive, 1:30 – 6:30 p.m.

Nov 5 – St. Cyprian Blood Drive, 1:30 – 6:30 p.m.

Mass Intentions

Sunday, October 11: 9:00 a.m. 🕆 Jim Garofalo

Sunday, October 11: 11:00 a.m. 🕆 Eugeniusz Barcikowski

Monday, October 12: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Mary Alice & Paul Seibenick

Tuesday, October 13: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Suzanne Novak

Tuesday, October 13: 6:00 p.m. Fatima Mass

Wednesday, October 14: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Ruth Catron

Thursday, October 15: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Jesse C. Weisinger

Friday, October 16: 7:00 a.m. 🕆  Ralph Brickman

Saturday, October 17: 5:00 p.m. 🕆 Martin Hilston

Sunday, October 18: 9:00 a.m. 🕆 Barry Martin

Sunday, October 18: 11:00 a.m. 🕆  Mary Panzarella

Week of October 4, 2020

Weekly Bulletin


The Perry Center is our local food pantry supported by the churches in our community and private donations.  For the month of October, The Perry Center is requesting juice.  There are boxes located at the entrances of our church.  Thank you for helping those in need in our community.


*Observe all safe social distancing guidelines. We respectfully ask everyone to wear facemasks. 

*Only enter and exit the church through the elevator doors or the doors in the back of the church

*All songbooks, prayer materials, etc., will be removed temporarily. You may bring your own missals

*We will be cleaning and sanitizing the church after each Mass.

*When coming to receive Holy Communion, maintain safe social distance as best as possible. Please receive Communion on the hand and simply lower your mask for the moment you receive.

*For weekend Masses, place your collection envelope or monetary gift in the baskets provided in the rear of the church. There will not be passing of baskets, nor bringing up the gifts temporarily. 

*Please have respect and concern for others and use common sense. Let’s all do our part to help each other as we come to celebrate together.

*Please have patience, as we evaluate the situation, we may need to make adjustments as we go.

*As eager as we all are to celebrate Mass together as a community, we recognize that for many it may be too soon.  Please know that it is OK to stay home. Mass will continue to be taped and available on the website each weekend. The dispensation from attendance at Mass on Sundays and holy days of obligation continues to remain in effect.


The Catholic Cemeteries Association invites you to attend a 1-hour pre-planning seminar on Saturday, October 10 at 1 p.m.  Come learn about your Catholic burial options, including options for cremated remains.  Attendees will receive a personal reference guide and special discount coupon.  We kindly ask that you RSVP to this event so we can make arrangements for proper social distancing.  Attendees are required to wear a facial covering throughout the duration of the seminar.  RSVP 216-641-7575 ext. 4


The 34th annual Blanket Sunday appeal kicks off the weekend of October 10-11. Last year, funds from the appeal were used to purchase and distribute over 6,000 blankets and 200 beds to the homeless and low-income individuals and families throughout Northeast Ohio.  The need is still great and donations can be made securely online at http://www.svdpcle.org/donate-today/blanket-sunday/.  Checks may also be mailed to: St. Vincent de Paul Society Blanket Sunday, 1404 East 9th St. – 3rd Floor, Cleveland, OH 44114


Forms are available on the parish website if you are interested in an electronic option for making your regular weekly or monthly offering.  Contributions can be automatically debited from your checking or savings account.  If you are currently giving on a weekly basis, you will no longer need to write out 52 checks a year.  This program will allow your weekly or monthly contributions to continue on an uninterrupted basis when travel, illness or other circumstances prevent you from attending Mass. Forms can be placed in the basket at Mass or given to Father George or one of the deacons. Automated Giving Authorization Form


In the footsteps of St. Dominic, The Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist, have extended their teaching to a wider classroom. The Lumen Ecclesiae Learning Portal will be a place for you, your children, and/or students to participate in courses taught by the Sisters, priests, laymen, and women. The educational and catechetical content is instructive, engaging, and professionally produced. We invite you to preview a demonstration of the two courses launching this fall.  Demos are available for each course! https://golepress.com/elearning/


The current Pandemic and its restrictions have caused many of us to feel alone and isolated, especially those that are struggling with separation and divorce.  In an effort to bridge the gap, we are hosting a virtual support group using Zoom beginning Monday, Oct 26 from 7-9 p.m.  Registration is required to be included in the group meeting.  Please visit our website, divorced-separated.net to register or contact Karen at kjubeck@st-gabriel.org or 440-352-8282.  The 8-week support group is developed to meet the needs of those who are separated or divorced.  Sessions focus on relevant topics and provide valuable information and direction along with the tools for coping with this life-changing experience.  Being part of a group provides the opportunity to share experiences, support and encouragement.  The group will meet on Zoom for the first 4 weeks and the meetings will be facilitated by a caring, trained professional.  At the conclusion of the 4th week, the facilitator and group will determine if they will continue to meet using Zoom or choose to meet at St. Bede Parish, Mentor.

Rest in Peace

🕆 Father John Valley

🕆 Dennis DeBiase

Our sincere sympathy and prayers are with your family and friends

Sunday Collections:  $3,678.00

Thank you for your generosity!

Dates To Note

Sept 27 – Feast of St. Cyprian

Sept 27 – Youth Group Movie, 6 p.m.

Sept 28 – Monday PSR Mass, 6:30 p.m. All Welcome

Sept 29 – Eucharistic Adoration, after 8:30 a.m. Mass

Sept 29 – Divine Mercy Chaplet, 3 p.m./Rosary, 7 p.m.

Sept 29 – Tuesday PSR Mass, 6:30 p.m. All Welcome

Mass Intentions

Saturday, October 3: 1:00 p.m. Slansky/Wheeler Wedding

Saturday, October 3: 3:00 p.m. Bradford/Hurley Wedding

Saturday, October 3: 5:00 p.m. 🕆 Drajica Jeras

Sunday, October 4: 9:00 a.m. 🕆 Maria Warren

Sunday, October 4: 11:00 a.m. 🕆  Doreen Kiernan

Monday, October 5: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Jennie Sorine

Tuesday, October 6: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Helen & Steve Galyas

Wednesday, October 7: 8:30 a.m. Respect for all life from conception to natural death           

Thursday, October 8: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Souls in Purgatory

Friday, October 9: 7:00 a.m. For the Parish

Saturday, October 10: 5:00 p.m. 🕆 Dick Kish

Sunday, October 11: 9:00 a.m. 🕆 Jim Garofalo

Sunday, October 11: 11:00 a.m. 🕆 Eugeniusz Barcikowski

September Announcements (09-2020)

Week of September 27, 2020

Weekly Bulletin


The Perry Center is our local food pantry supported by the churches in our community and private donations.  For the month of October, The Perry Center is requesting juice.  There are boxes located at the entrances of our church.  Thank you for helping those in need in our community.


*Observe all safe social distancing guidelines. We respectfully ask everyone to wear facemasks.  

*Only enter and exit the church through the elevator doors or the doors in the back of the church

*All songbooks, prayer materials, etc., will be removed temporarily. You may bring your own missals

*We will be cleaning and sanitizing the church after each Mass.

*When coming to receive Holy Communion, maintain safe social distance as best as possible. Please receive Communion on the hand and simply lower your mask for the moment you receive.

*For weekend Masses, place your collection envelope or monetary gift in the baskets provided in the rear of the church. There will not be passing of baskets, nor bringing up the gifts temporarily.  

.*Please have respect and concern for others and use common sense. Let’s all do our part to help each other as we come to celebrate together.

*Please have patience, as we evaluate the situation, we may need to make adjustments as we go.

*As eager as we all are to celebrate Mass together as a community, we recognize that for many it may be too soon.  Please know that it is OK to stay home. Mass will continue to be taped and available on the website each weekend. The dispensation from attendance at Mass on Sundays and holy days of obligation continues to remain in effect.           


Thank you to Mike and Debbie Kacsala for generously donating a sound system for St. Cyprian outdoor Masses in the Grotto!


Individuals in 6-12th grade are invited to join us on Sunday, September 27 from 6-8ish p.m. for a movie night.  We will be watching the movie “Blind Side”.  Weather permitting the movie will be set up outside and if not, in Alexander Hall.  Prepare accordingly.  Due to restrictions because of Covid, no snacks will be provided at this time, but please feel free to bring your own.  Please bring a mask.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Mrs. Kacsala at dkacsala@gmail.com


Have you thought about becoming a Catholic?  Do you want to learn more about your faith?  RCIA is held Mondays from 6:15 -7:30 p.m.  Join Deacon Jay Daley to explore who we are as Catholics, what we believe and why.  Registration is required.  Please call the parish office 440-259-2344 ext 0 or speak to Father George or Deacon Jay.


The Catholic Cemeteries Association invites you to attend a 1-hour pre-planning seminar on Saturday, October 10 at 1 p.m.  Come learn about your Catholic burial options, including options for cremated remains.  Attendees will receive a personal reference guide and special discount coupon.  We kindly ask that you RSVP to this event so we can make arrangements for proper social distancing.  Attendees are required to wear a facial covering throughout the duration of the seminar.  RSVP 216-641-7575 ext. 4


The 34th annual Blanket Sunday appeal kicks off the weekend of October 10-11. Last year, funds from the appeal were used to purchase and distribute over 6,000 blankets and 200 beds to the homeless and low-income individuals and families throughout Northeast Ohio.  The need is still great and donations can be made securely online at http://www.svdpcle.org/donate-today/blanket-sunday/.  Checks may also be mailed to: St. Vincent de Paul Society Blanket Sunday, 1404 East 9th St. – 3rd Floor, Cleveland, OH 44114


Forms are available on the parish website if you are interested in an electronic option for making your regular weekly or monthly offering.  Contributions can be automatically debited from your checking or savings account.  If you are currently giving on a weekly basis, you will no longer need to write out 52 checks a year.  This program will allow your weekly or monthly contributions to continue on an uninterrupted basis when travel, illness or other circumstances prevent you from attending Mass. Forms can be placed in the basket at Mass or given to Father George or one of the deacons.


In the footsteps of St. Dominic, The Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist, have extended their teaching to a wider classroom. The Lumen Ecclesiae Learning Portal will be a place for you, your children, and/or students to participate in courses taught by the Sisters, priests, laymen, and women. The educational and catechetical content is instructive, engaging, and professionally produced. We invite you to preview a demonstration of the two courses launching this fall.  Demos are available for each course! https://golepress.com/elearning/

Wedding Bans

Jim Slansky and Rachel Wheeler

Matthew Bradford and Megan Hurley

Sunday Collections:  $5,141.00

Thank you for your generosity!

Dates To Note

Sept 27 – Feast of St. Cyprian

Sept 27 – Youth Group Movie, 6 p.m.

Sept 28 – Monday PSR Mass, 6:30 p.m. All Welcome

Sept 29 – Eucharistic Adoration, after 8:30 a.m. Mass

Sept 29 – Divine Mercy Chaplet, 3 p.m./Rosary, 7 p.m.

Sept 29 – Tuesday PSR Mass, 6:30 p.m. All Welcome

Mass Intentions

Sunday, September 27: 9:00 a.m. 🕆 David Difranco

Sunday, September 27: 11:00 a.m. For the Parish

Monday, September 28: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Meg Anderson

Monday, September 28: 6:30 p.m. PSR Mass

Tuesday, September 29: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Martin & Bernice Hilston

Tuesday, September 29: 6:30 p.m. PSR Mass

Wednesday, September 30: 8:30 a.m. For the Parish

Thursday, October 1: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Jane Mastro

Friday, October 2: 7:00 a.m. 🕆 Tina Piszczor

Saturday, October 3: 1:00 p.m. Slansky/Wheeler Wedding

Saturday, October 3: 3:00 p.m. Bradford/Hurley Wedding

Saturday, October 3: 5:00 p.m. 🕆 Drajica Jeras

Sunday, October 4: 9:00 a.m. 🕆 Maria Warren

Sunday, October 4: 11:00 a.m. 🕆  Doreen Kiernan

Week of September 20, 2020

Weekly Bulletin


The Perry Center is our local food pantry supported by the churches in our community and private donations.  For the month of September, The Perry Center is requesting spaghetti sauce.  There are boxes located at the entrances of our church.  Thank you for helping those in need in our community.


*Observe all safe social distancing guidelines. We respectfully ask everyone to wear facemasks.  

*Only enter and exit the church through the elevator doors or the doors in the back of the church

*All songbooks, prayer materials, etc., will be removed temporarily. You may bring your own missals

*We will be cleaning and sanitizing the church after each Mass.

*When coming to receive Holy Communion, maintain safe social distance as best as possible. Please receive Communion on the hand and simply lower your mask for the moment you receive.

*For weekend Masses, place your collection envelope or monetary gift in the baskets provided in the rear of the church. There will not be passing of baskets, nor bringing up the gifts temporarily.  

*Please have respect and concern for others and use common sense. Let’s all do our part to help each other as we come to celebrate together.

*Please have patience, as we evaluate the situation, we may need to make adjustments as we go.

*As eager as we all are to celebrate Mass together as a community, we recognize that for many it may be too soon.  Please know that it is OK to stay home. Mass will continue to be taped and available on the website each weekend. The dispensation from attendance at Mass on Sundays and holy days of obligation continues to remain in effect.


If you’d like to register your child for 1st grade PSR, call or stop in to the PSR office on Mondays or Tuesdays from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.  Children who attended PSR last year will be automatically enrolled for this school year.  440-259-2344 ext. 5


Have you thought about becoming a Catholic?  Do you want to learn more about your faith?  Join Deacon Jay to explore who we are as Catholics, what we believe and why.  To register, call the parish office 440-259-2344 ext 0


The Diocese of Cleveland's “protecting God's Children” program is a continuing effort to instruct and inform everyone about the protection of children from sexual abuse. To report any past or present suspected inappropriate behavior toward children by priests, deacons, religious, lay ecclesial ministers or personnel associated with the Church, please contact the Diocesan Response Service Office at 216-334-2999 or via email at responseservices@dioceseofcleveland.org. You are also asked to immediately inform local authorities about inappropriate behavior. 


The Pro Life group would like to invite parishioners to join us on September 26 and October 3 from 10 – 11 a.m. to pray in front of Family Planning in Painesville for an end to abortion.  This is a quiet and peaceful time for prayer which is needed now more than ever.  We welcome all.  Please note the change of address to 462 Chardon St. If you have any questions, contact Donna Anderson at 259-1925.


Lake County’s 27th Annual Silent Life Chain will take place on Sunday, October 4 from 1:30 – 2:30 at the intersection of Rt. 20 and Rt. 306 in Mentor.  This is our chance to silently “speak” for those who have no voice.  Park on the outer edges of Points East Shopping center and then join us on all four corners of the intersection as we silently hold signs reminding the community of the truth that abortion kills children.  


If you would like to make a donation to St. Cyprian’s Rainy Day Fund, please keep your donation separate from your weekly offering as this contribution is deposited into a different bank account.  Thank you!


The 34th annual Blanket Sunday appeal kicks off the weekend of October 10-11. Last year, funds from the appeal were used to purchase and distribute over 6,000 blankets and 200 beds to the homeless and low-income individuals and families throughout Northeast Ohio.  The need is still great and donations can be made securely online at http://www.svdpcle.org/donate-today/blanket-sunday/.  Checks may also be mailed to: St. Vincent de Paul Society Blanket Sunday, 1404 East 9th St. – 3rd Floor, Cleveland, OH 44114


Enjoy a free subscription to formed.org – an incredible online gateway to the best Catholic content, all in one place!  FORMED is a site with movies, e-books and audio programs with content for adults, teens and children, all designed to answer questions about the Catholic faith.  Register with this access code: CN8MBD

Rest in Peace

🕆John “Rick” Gibson, Husband of Janice Gibson

Our sincere sympathy and prayers are with your family and friends

Sunday Collections:  $4,544.00

Thank you for your generosity!

Dates To Note

Sept 21 – Monday PSR, 6:15 – 7:30 p.m.

Sept 22 – Tuesday PSR, 615 – 7:30 p.m.

Sept 22 – Eucharistic Adoration, after 8:30 a.m. Mass

Sept 22 – Divine Mercy Chaplet, 3 p.m./Rosary, 7 p.m.

Sept 27 – Feast of St. Cyprian

Mass Intentions

Sunday, September 20: 9:00 a.m. 🕆 Barry Martin

Sunday, September 20: 11:00 a.m. 🕆 Dominic & Marie Difranco

Monday, September 21: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 William Blazek

Tuesday, September 22: 8:30 a.m. For the Parish

Wednesday, September 23: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Lefelhoc Familiy

Thursday, September 24: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Bernard & Donna Vick

Friday, September 25: 7:00 a.m. 🕆 Souls in Purgatory

Saturday, September 26: 5:00 p.m. 🕆  Jack & Billie Fadley

Sunday, September 27: 9:00 a.m. 🕆 David Difranco

Sunday, September 27: 11:00 a.m. For the Parish

Week of September 13, 2020

Weekly Bulletin


AM 1260 The Rock will be broadcasting the Installation Mass of the 12th Bishop of Cleveland, Bishop Edward Malesic, on Monday, September 14 from 2-4 p.m.  Please tune in to The Rock and join us in prayer as we welcome Bishop Malesic and celebrate this wonderful occasion!


*Observe all safe social distancing guidelines. We respectfully ask everyone to wear facemasks.  

*Only enter and exit the church through the elevator doors or the doors in the back of the church

*All songbooks, prayer materials, etc., will be removed temporarily. You may bring your own missals

*We will be cleaning and sanitizing the church after each Mass.

*When coming to receive Holy Communion, maintain safe social distance as best as possible. Please receive Communion on the hand and simply lower your mask for the moment you receive.

*For weekend Masses, place your collection envelope or monetary gift in the baskets provided in the rear of the church. There will not be passing of baskets, nor bringing up the gifts temporarily.  

*Please have respect and concern for others and use common sense. Let’s all do our part to help each other as we come to celebrate together.

*Please have patience, as we evaluate the situation, we may need to make adjustments as we go.

*As eager as we all are to celebrate Mass together as a community, we recognize that for many it may be too soon.  Please know that it is OK to stay home. Mass will continue to be taped and available on the website each weekend. The dispensation from attendance at Mass on Sundays and holy days of obligation continues to remain in effect.


If you’d like to register your child for 1st grade PSR, call or stop in to the PSR office on Mondays or Tuesdays from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.  Children who attended PSR last year will be automatically enrolled for this school year.  440-259-2344 ext. 5


Have you thought about becoming a Catholic?  Do you want to learn more about your faith?  Join Deacon Jay to explore who we are as Catholics, what we believe and why.  To register, call the parish office 440-259-2344 ext 0


All are welcome to join Father George on Sunday, September 13, at 6 p.m.  in prayer to honor Our Lady of Fatima.  We have prayed for and will continue to pray for peace on the 13th of each Month through October. Note that there will not be an additional Mass this day.


The Diocese of Cleveland's “protecting God's Children” program is a continuing effort to instruct and inform everyone about the protection of children from sexual abuse. To report any past or present suspected inappropriate behavior toward children by priests, deacons, religious, lay ecclesial ministers or personnel associated with the Church, please contact the Diocesan Response Service Office at 216-334-2999 or via email at responseservices@dioceseofcleveland.org. You are also asked to immediately inform local authorities about inappropriate behavior. 


The Pro Life group would like to invite parishioners to join us on September 26 and October 3 from 10 – 11 a.m. to pray in front of Family Planning in Painesville for an end to abortion.  This is a quiet and peaceful time for prayer which is needed now more than ever.  We welcome all.  Please note the change of address to 462 Chardon St. If you have any questions, contact Donna Anderson at 259-1925.


Lake County’s 27th Annual Silent Life Chain will take place on Sunday, October 4 from 1:30 – 2:30 at the intersection of Rt. 20 and Rt. 306 in Mentor.  This is our chance to silently “speak” for those who have no voice.  Park on the outer edges of Points East Shopping center and then join us on all four corners of the intersection as we silently hold signs reminding the community of the truth that abortion kills children.  


The 34th annual Blanket Sunday appeal kicks off the weekend of October 10-11. Last year, funds from the appeal were used to purchase and distribute over 6,000 blankets and 200 beds to the homeless and low-income individuals and families throughout Northeast Ohio.  The need is still great and donations can be made securely online at http://www.svdpcle.org/donate-today/blanket-sunday/.  Checks may also be mailed to: St. Vincent de Paul Society Blanket Sunday, 1404 East 9th St. – 3rd Floor, Cleveland, OH 44114


The Perry Center is our local food pantry supported by the churches in our community and private donations.  For the month of September, The Perry Center is requesting spaghetti sauce.  There are boxes located at the entrances of our church.  Thank you for helping those in need in our community.


Enjoy a free subscription to formed.org – an incredible online gateway to the best Catholic content, all in one place!  FORMED is a site with movies, e-books and audio programs with content for adults, teens and children, all designed to answer questions about the Catholic faith.  Register with this access code: CN8MBD

Sunday Collections:  $6,160.00

Thank you for your generosity!

Dates To Note

Sept 13 – Fatima Prayer, 6 p.m. (NOT A MASS)

Sept 15 – Eucharistic Adoration, after 8:30 a.m. Mass

Sept 15 – Divine Mercy Chaplet, 3 p.m./Rosary, 7 p.m.

Sept 21 – Monday PSR, 6:15 – 7:30 p.m.

Sept 22 – Tuesday PSR, 615 – 7:30 p.m.

Mass Intentions

Sunday, September 13: 9:00 a.m. 🕆 Jesse C. Weisinger

Sunday, September 13: 11:00 a.m. 🕆 Jennie Sorine

Monday, September 14: 9:00 a.m. 🕆 Paul Janos Family

Tuesday, September 15: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Jesse C. Weisinger

Wednesday, September 16: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Joseph Hambor Family

Thursday, September 17: 8:30 a.m. For the Parish

Friday, September 18: 7:00 a.m. 🕆 Bill Sentinek

Saturday, September 19: 5:00 p.m. 🕆  Frank Whalen, Sr.

Sunday, September 20: 9:00 a.m. 🕆 Barry Martin

Sunday, September 20: 11:00 a.m. 🕆 Dominic & Marie Difranco

September 6, 2020

Updated Parish Office Hours

Please note, the updated Parish office hours  are below:

Monday: 7:30 am – 3 pm

Tuesday: 9:00 am - 2 pm

Wednesday: 7:30 am - 10 am

Thursday: 9 am - 12 pm

Friday: 10 am - 1 pm

Week of September 6, 2020

Weekly Bulletin


The Perry Center is our local food pantry supported by the churches in our community and private donations.  For the month of September, The Perry Center is requesting spaghetti sauce.  There are boxes located at the entrances of our church.  Thank you for helping those in need in our community.


*Observe all safe social distancing guidelines. We respectfully ask everyone to wear facemasks.  

*Only enter and exit the church through the elevator doors or the doors in the back of the church

*All songbooks, prayer materials, etc., will be removed temporarily. You may bring your own missals

*We will be cleaning and sanitizing the church after each Mass.

*When coming to receive Holy Communion, maintain safe social distance as best as possible. Please receive Communion on the hand and simply lower your mask for the moment you receive.

*For weekend Masses, place your collection envelope or monetary gift in the baskets provided in the rear of the church. There will not be passing of baskets, nor bringing up the gifts temporarily.  

*Please have respect and concern for others and use common sense. Let’s all do our part to help each other as we come to celebrate together.

*Please have patience, as we evaluate the situation, we may need to make adjustments as we go.

*As eager as we all are to celebrate Mass together as a community, we recognize that for many it may be too soon.  Please know that it is OK to stay home. Mass will continue to be taped and available on the website each weekend. The dispensation from attendance at Mass on Sundays and holy days of obligation continues to remain in effect.


If you’d like to register your child for 1st grade PSR, call or stop in to the PSR office on Mondays or Tuesdays from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.  Children who attended PSR last year will be automatically enrolled for this school year.  440-259-2344 ext. 5


Have you thought about becoming a Catholic?  Do you want to learn more about your faith?  Join Deacon Jay to explore who we are as Catholics, what we believe and why.  To register, call the parish office 440-259-2344 ext 0


All are welcome to join Father George on Sunday, September 13, at 6 p.m.  in prayer to honor Our Lady of Fatima.  We have prayed for and will continue to pray for peace on the 13th of each Month through October. Note that there will not be an additional Mass this day.


The Catholic Church has a great concern for those who suffer from Celiac Disease or other medical issues concerning gluten intolerance.  There have been many innovations in the last 10 years in order to address this specific need among God’s people.  St. Cyprian is now offering a low-gluten host approved by the Vatican as valid matter for Eucharist. This low gluten content is still enough to obtain the confection of bread for the Eucharist. Many gluten-intolerant persons may be able to consume it, or some portion of it. Such persons, however, are strongly advised to consult in advance with their physicians.   If you are gluten intolerant, please speak to Father George so the procedure for coming forward to receive communion can be worked out ahead of time.


The Diocese of Cleveland's “protecting God's Children” program is a continuing effort to instruct and inform everyone about the protection of children from sexual abuse. To report any past or present suspected inappropriate behavior toward children by priests, deacons, religious, lay ecclesial ministers or personnel associated with the Church, please contact the Diocesan Response Service Office at 216-334-2999 or via email at responseservices@dioceseofcleveland.org. You are also asked to immediately inform local authorities about inappropriate behavior. 


AM 1260 The Rock will be broadcasting the Installation Mass of the 12th Bishop of Cleveland, Bishop Edward Malesic, on Monday, September 14 from 2-4 p.m.  Please tune in to The Rock and join us in prayer as we welcome Bishop Malesic and celebrate this wonderful occasion!


Forms are available on the parish website if you are interested in an electronic option for making your regular weekly or monthly offering.  Contributions can be automatically debited from your checking or savings account.  If you are currently giving on a weekly basis, you will no longer need to write out 52 checks a year.  This program will allow your weekly or monthly contributions to continue on an uninterrupted basis when travel, illness or other circumstances prevent you from attending Mass. Forms can be placed in the basket at Mass or given to Father George or one of the deacons.


Enjoy a free subscription to formed.org – an incredible online gateway to the best Catholic content, all in one place!  FORMED is a site with movies, e-books and audio programs with content for adults, teens and children, all designed to answer questions about the Catholic faith.  Register with this access code: CN8MBD

Sunday Collections:  $5,565.00

Thank you for your generosity!

Dates To Note

Aug 25 – Eucharistic Adoration, after 8:30 a.m. Mass

Aug 25 – Divine Mercy Chaplet, 3 p.m./Rosary, 7 p.m.

Mass Intentions

Saturday, September 5:  5:00 p.m. 🕆 Anna & Andrew Poklar

Sunday, September 6: 9:00 a.m. 🕆 Frank & Stefanija Vidmar

Sunday, September 6: 11:00 a.m. 🕆 Sharon Lohan

Monday, September 7: 9:00 a.m. 🕆 Santina Yager

Tuesday, September 8: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Francesco & Carmel Leonbruno

Wednesday, September 9: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Souls in Purgatory

Thursday, September 10: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Michael Blazek

Friday, September 11: 7:00 a.m. Healing for post abortive fathers

Saturday, September 12: 5:00 p.m. For the Parish

Sunday, September 13: 9:00 a.m. 🕆 Jesse C. Weisinger

Sunday, September 13: 11:00 a.m. 🕆 Jennie Sorine

August Announcements (08-2020)

Week of August 23rd, 2020

Weekly Bulletin


The Perry Center is our local food pantry supported by the churches in our community and private donations.  For the month of August, The Perry Center is requesting canned pasta with meat.  There are boxes located at the entrances of our church.  Thank you for helping those in need in our community.


Congratulations to all our youth who recently celebrated the sacraments of First Eucharist and Confirmation!  May God bless you in all that you do. Thank you to everyone who guided them on their journey!


*Observe all safe social distancing guidelines. We respectfully ask everyone to wear facemasks.  

*Only enter and exit the church through the elevator doors or the doors in the back of the church

*All songbooks, prayer materials, etc., will be removed temporarily. You may bring your own missals

*We will be cleaning and sanitizing the church after each Mass.

*When coming to receive Holy Communion, maintain safe social distance as best as possible. Please receive Communion on the hand and simply lower your mask for the moment you receive.

*For weekend Masses, place your collection envelope or monetary gift in the baskets provided in the rear of the church. There will not be passing of baskets, nor bringing up the gifts temporarily.  

*Please have respect and concern for others and use common sense. Let’s all do our part to help each other as we come to celebrate together.

*Please have patience, as we evaluate the situation, we may need to make adjustments as we go.

*As eager as we all are to celebrate Mass together as a community, we recognize that for many it may be too soon.  Please know that it is OK to stay home. Mass will continue to be taped and available on the website each weekend. The dispensation from attendance at Mass on Sundays and holy days of obligation continues to remain in effect.


If you’d like to register your child for 1st grade PSR, call or stop in to the PSR office on Mondays or Tuesdays from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.  Children who attended PSR last year will be automatically enrolled for this school year.  440-259-2344 ext. 5


Have you thought about becoming a Catholic?  Do you want to learn more about your faith?  Join Deacon Jay to explore who we are as Catholics, what we believe and why.  To register, call the parish office 440-259-2344 ext 0


The Catholic Church has a great concern for those who suffer from Celiac Disease or other medical issues concerning gluten intolerance.  There have been many innovations in the last 10 years in order to address this specific need among God’s people.  St. Cyprian is now offering a low-gluten host approved by the Vatican as valid matter for Eucharist. This low gluten content is still enough to obtain the confection of bread for the Eucharist. Many gluten-intolerant persons may be able to consume it, or some portion of it. Such persons, however, are strongly advised to consult in advance with their physicians.   If you are gluten intolerant, please speak to Father George so the procedure for coming forward to receive communion can be worked out ahead of time.


Thanks to Bert Mechenbier and the Knights of Columbus for the generous donation of chair racks to hold the chairs we use for our outdoor Masses in the Grotto!


Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, all Ladies Guild events and activities are currently cancelled until further notice.  


The Christ Child Society of the Western Reserve is looking for “Caring Christian Women” to attend an informational coffee on Friday, September 4 at 1 p.m. at Veteran’s Memorial Park pavilion.  If you are a woman of faith and want an opportunity to broaden your friendships while serving the needs of the children of Lake County you will want to attend. Registration is required.  Call Jackie Kozich at 440-487-8078


Enjoy a free subscription to formed.org – an incredible online gateway to the best Catholic content, all in one place!  FORMED is a site with movies, e-books and audio programs with content for adults, teens and children, all designed to answer questions about the Catholic faith.  Register with this access code: CN8MBD


This 8 week support group designed to meet the needs of those who are divorced or separated, will begin Thursday, September 3 and conclude on October 22.  The group meets at St. Mary in Chardon in the Community Room from 7-9 p.m. and will be limited to 8 participants.  Registration is required.  Masks are required.  All necessary precautions will be taken to ensure the safety of our participants as well as our facilitator.  Our goal is to provide a place where we can share support and encouragement while offering direction and guidance.  Sessions are tailored to meet the needs of the participants and provide the tools for coping and moving on.  For more information or to register, please call Karen at 440-352-8282 or email kjubeck@st-gabriel.org.  There is no charge for this program and it is open to people of all faiths.

Sunday Collections:  $5,017.00

Thank you for your generosity!

Dates To Note

Aug 25 – Eucharistic Adoration, after 8:30 a.m. Mass

Aug 25 – Divine Mercy Chaplet, 3 p.m./Rosary, 7 p.m.

Mass Intentions

Saturday,  August 22: 5:00 p.m. 🕆 Marco Gianfagna

Sunday, August 23: 9:00 a.m. 🕆 Charlie Haas

Sunday, August 23: 11:00 a.m. 🕆 Vincent Panzarella

Monday, August 24: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Meg Anderson

Tuesday, August 25: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Brenda Babic

Wednesday, August 26: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Nancy Edwards

Thursday, August 27: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Thayer & Florence Anderson

Friday, August 28: 7:00 a.m. 🕆 Suzanne Novak

Saturday, August 29: 5:00 p.m. 🕆 Dan Angeloro

Sunday, August 30: 9:00 a.m. 🕆 Gayle Donahue

Sunday, August 30: 11:00 a.m. For the Parish

Week of August 8th, 2020

Weekly Bulletin


If you would like to make a donation to St. Cyprian’s Rainy Day Fund, please keep your donation separate from your weekly offering as this contribution is deposited into a different bank account.  Thank you!


*Observe all safe social distancing guidelines. We respectfully ask everyone to wear facemasks.  

*Only enter and exit the church through the elevator doors or the doors in the back of the church

*All songbooks, prayer materials, etc., will be removed temporarily. You may bring your own missals

*We will be cleaning and sanitizing the church after each Mass.

*When coming to receive Holy Communion, maintain safe social distance as best as possible. Please receive Communion on the hand and simply lower your mask for the moment you receive.

*For weekend Masses, place your collection envelope or monetary gift in the baskets provided in the rear of the church. There will not be passing of baskets, nor bringing up the gifts temporarily.  

*Please have respect and concern for others and use common sense. Let’s all do our part to help each other as we come to celebrate together.

*Please have patience, as we evaluate the situation, we may need to make adjustments as we go.

*As eager as we all are to celebrate Mass together as a community, we recognize that for many it may be too soon.  Please know that it is OK to stay home. Mass will continue to be taped and available on the website each weekend. The dispensation from attendance at Mass on Sundays and holy days of obligation continues to remain in effect.


St. Cyprian has been an amazing lifesaving resource since April. Last Thursday we collected 29 pints on our patient need goal of 22, which equates to potentially 87 people in need we helped during this difficult time!  The Red Cross sends a BIG thank you!


The Catholic Church has a great concern for those who suffer from Celiac Disease or other medical issues concerning gluten intolerance.  There have been many innovations in the last 10 years in order to address this specific need among God’s people.  St. Cyprian is now offering a low-gluten host approved by the Vatican as valid matter for Eucharist. This low gluten content is still enough to obtain the confection of bread for the Eucharist. Many gluten-intolerant persons may be able to consume it, or some portion of it. Such persons, however, are strongly advised to consult in advance with their physicians.   If you are gluten intolerant, please speak to Father George so the procedure for coming forward to receive communion can be worked out ahead of time.


Forms are available on the parish website if you are interested in an electronic option for making your regular weekly or monthly offering.  Contributions can be automatically debited from your checking or savings account.  If you are currently giving on a weekly basis, you will no longer need to write out 52 checks a year.  This program will allow your weekly or monthly contributions to continue on an uninterrupted basis when travel, illness or other circumstances prevent you from attending Mass. Forms can be placed in the basket at Mass or given to Father George or one of the deacons.


Stay in your car and receive a bag of fresh produce with curbside delivery every Wednesday through August 12 at Laketran Park-n-Ride, 8650 Market St. in Mentor.  Lake County residents 60 and older are eligible.  Produce is limited so please register in advance.  When you register you will be given a time slot between noon and 2:30 p.m. Please be prepared to open your trunk and have room available for the bag of items.  Call Lifeline at 2-1-1 or 440-639-4420 Mon – Sun 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. OR call the Council on Aging at 440-205-8111 Mon – Fri 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.


The Catholic Cemeteries Association Monthly Sunday Grief Support is August 16.  Please join us as we continue our gradual return to “in-office” Sunday Grief Support Group on August 16th with limited seating for appropriate social distancing.  The August topic is “He Knows Me; He Calls My Name”.  We will meet from 3 – 4 p.m. at All Souls Cemetery, Chardon office.  Meeting sites will be sanitized and seating will be arranged so everyone is at a safe distance.  Participants are requested to RSVP so we can plan appropriate social distancing at each location.  We require all in attendance to wear protective face coverings.  To RSVP or for questions, please contact Rhonda at rabrams@clecem.org or at 216-930-4866.  To view our most updated calendar of events please visit clecem.org. 


The Perry Center is our local food pantry supported by the churches in our community and private donations.  For the month of August, The Perry Center is requesting canned pasta with meat.  There are boxes located at the entrances of our church.  Thank you for helping those in need in our community.

Sunday Collections:  $6,962.00

Thank you for your generosity!

Dates To Note

Aug 11 – Eucharistic Adoration, after 8:30 a.m. Mass

Aug 11 – Divine Mercy Chaplet, 3 p.m./Rosary, 7 p.m.

Aug 13 – Our Lady of Fatima Mass and Rosary, 7 p.m.

Mass Intentions

Saturday, August 8: 5:00 p.m. 🕆 Florence & Thayer Anderson

Sunday, August 9: 9:00 a.m. 🕆 Robert & Ethel Hazel

Sunday, August 9: 11:00 a.m. Healing for post abortive mothers

Monday, August 10: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Calvin Leis

Tuesday, August 11: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Joseph Hodapp

Wednesday, August 12: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Souls in Purgatory

Thursday, August 13: 8:30 a.m. For the Parish

Thursday, August 13: 7:00 p.m. Our Lady of Fatima

Friday, August 14: 7:00 a.m. 🕆 Anne Knaus

Saturday, August 15 (Feast of the Assumption): 9:00 a.m. For the Parish

Saturday, August 15 (Feast of the Assumption): 5:00 p.m. 🕆 Jesse C. Weisinger

Sunday, August 16: 9:00 a.m. 🕆 Barry Martin

Sunday, August 16: 11:00 a.m. 🕆 Kenneth Larkin

August 3rd, 2020

The FEST at Home

The highlight of the summer for over 40,000 people typically takes place in Wickliffe, Ohio – it’s called The FEST. This year, the glorious day of faith, family and fun will take place virtually at your home. The FEST brings thousands from across our region for great live music, activities for the kids, great family-friendly food and much more. 

The FEST at Home will be on Sunday, August 9 from 3:00pm - 10:00pm. Please visit the FEST at home website for more information.

July Announcements (07-2020)

Week of July 26th, 2020

Weekly Bulletin


The Perry Center is our local food pantry supported by the churches in our community and private donations.  For the month of August, The Perry Center is requesting canned pasta with meat.  There are boxes located at the entrances of our church.  Thank you for helping those in need in our community.


*Observe all safe social distancing guidelines. We respectfully ask everyone to wear facemasks.  

*Only enter and exit the church through the elevator doors or the doors in the back of the church

*All songbooks, prayer materials, etc., will be removed temporarily. You may bring your own missals

*We will be cleaning and sanitizing the church after each Mass.

*When coming to receive Holy Communion, maintain safe social distance as best as possible. Please receive Communion on the hand and simply lower your mask for the moment you receive.

*For weekend Masses, place your collection envelope or monetary gift in the baskets provided in the rear of the church. There will not be passing of baskets, nor bringing up the gifts temporarily.  

*Please have respect and concern for others and use common sense. Let’s all do our part to help each other as we come to celebrate together.

*Please have patience, as we evaluate the situation, we may need to make adjustments as we go.

*As eager as we all are to celebrate Mass together as a community, we recognize that for many it may be too soon.  Please know that it is OK to stay home. Mass will continue to be taped and available on the website each weekend. The dispensation from attendance at Mass on Sundays and holy days of obligation continues to remain in effect.


The American Red Cross has an urgent need for blood donations.  Eligible donors are encouraged to donate during the Covid-19 outbreak.  The Red Cross follows the highest standards of safety and infection control.  The American Red Cross has begun testing all blood, platelet and plasma donations for COVID-19 “antibodies”.  They are not testing donors to diagnose illness, but will provide donors insight into whether they may have been exposed to the coronavirus.  Donations will be tested using samples obtained at the time of donation and sent to a testing laboratory where they will also undergo routine screening and infectious disease testing.  Donors can expect to receive results of their antibody test within 7-10 days through the Red Cross Blood Donor App or on our donor portal at RedCrossBlood.org.  Donors should not donate if they are not feeling well, and wait 28 days before rescheduling their appointments.  Appointments can be made and more information found on the COVID-19 antibody test at Red Cross Blood.org. 


The Catholic Church has a great concern for those who suffer from Celiac Disease or other medical issues concerning gluten intolerance.  There have been many innovations in the last 10 years in order to address this specific need among God’s people.  St. Cyprian is now offering a low-gluten host approved by the Vatican as valid matter for Eucharist. This low gluten content is still enough to obtain the confection of bread for the Eucharist. Many gluten-intolerant persons may be able to consume it, or some portion of it. Such persons, however, are strongly advised to consult in advance with their physicians.   If you are gluten intolerant, please speak to Father George so the procedure for coming forward to receive communion can be worked out ahead of time.


Forms are available on the parish website if you are interested in an electronic option for making your regular weekly or monthly offering.  Contributions can be automatically debited from your checking or savings account.  If you are currently giving on a weekly basis, you will no longer need to write out 52 checks a year.  This program will allow your weekly or monthly contributions to continue on an uninterrupted basis when travel, illness or other circumstances prevent you from attending Mass. Forms can be placed in the basket at Mass or given to Father George or one of the deacons.


Glorious! Incredible! These are words that describe The FEST@Home on Sunday, August 9.  Nine national Christian bands will come to your home with amazing music to inspire you to a great faith and trust in the Lord.  The FEST website will be your MAIN Stage to listen to the music while you can go ‘visit’ kids activities, listen to inspiring speakers, and learn about ways to strengthen your faith and family at the same time!  It’s going to be amazing!!!  Tell everyone you know (anywhere in the world) to join you and your family for The FEST@Home.  Like always, it will be an inspiring day of faith, family and fun – all for FREE – thanks to our great sponsors.  Join us in thanking our good friends at Marc’s, Baron Bus, Sherwood Food, and Dole for making this day possible.  It’s a day of hope and inspiration.  All the details can be found at: www.theFEST.us. 

Rest in Peace

🕆 Lorene Yurkovich, Wife of Frank Yurkovich

🕆 Georgia Patriarca, Mother of Mary Patriarca

Our sincere sympathy and prayers are with your family and friends.

Sunday Collections:  $3,718.00

Thank you for your generosity!

Dates To Note

Jul 28 – Eucharistic Adoration, after 8:30 a.m. Mass

Jul 28 – Divine Mercy Chaplet, 3 p.m./Rosary, 7 p.m.

July 30 – St. Cyprian Blood Drive, 1:30 – 6:30 p.m.

Aug 2 – 8th Grade Confirmation Practice, 12:15 p.m.

Aug 3 – Baptism Class, 7 p.m. (Registration Required)

Aug 9 – Confirmation, During 11 a.m. Mass

Aug 13 – Our Lady of Fatima Mass and Rosary, 7 p.m.

Mass Intentions

Saturday, July 25: 5:00 p.m. 🕆 Dick Kish

Sunday, July 26: 9:00 a.m. 🕆 Charlie Haas

Sunday, July 26: 11:00 a.m. 🕆 Edward & Janet Rackel

Monday, July 27: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Ryan Troy Bridge

Tuesday, July 28: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Andrew, Sr. & Margaret Novak

Wednesday, July 29: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Pace Family

Thursday, July 30: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Souls in Purgatory

Friday, July 31: 7:00 a.m. 🕆 David Pawelkiewicz

Saturday, August 1: 12:00 p.m. Staron/ Lenk Wedding

Saturday, August 1: 5:00 p.m. 🕆 Helen Panfil

Sunday, August 2: 9:00 a.m. 🕆 Charlie Haas

Sunday, August 2: 11:00 a.m. 🕆 Edward & Janet Rackel

July 22nd, 2020

St. Cyprian Blood Drive

St. Cyprian will be hosting a Blood Drive on Thursday, July 30th from 1:30 – 6:30 p.m. A tremendous THANK YOU to everyone who is able to participate for their generosity and support of the American Red Cross. Your donations will save lives and help those in need.

The American Red Cross has begun testing all blood, platelet and plasma donations for COVID-19 antibodies. They are not testing donors to diagnose illness, but will provide donors insight into whether they may have been exposed to the coronavirus.  Donors can expect to receive results of their antibody test within 7-10 days through the Red Cross Blood Donor App or on our donor portal at RedCrossBlood.org. 

July 22nd, 2020

Low Gluten Hosts Available

St. Cyprian is now offering a low-gluten host approved by the Vatican as valid matter for Eucharist. This low gluten content is still enough to obtain the confection of bread for the Eucharist. Many gluten-intolerant persons may be able to consume it, or some portion of it. Such persons, however, are strongly advised to consult in advance with their physicians.   

If you are gluten intolerant, please speak to Father George so the procedure for coming forward to receive communion can be worked out ahead of time.

Week of July 19th, 2020

Guidelines for Mass

*Observe all safe social distancing guidelines. We respectfully ask everyone to wear facemasks.  

*Only enter and exit the church through the elevator doors or the doors in the back of the church

*All songbooks, prayer materials, etc., will be removed temporarily. You may bring your own missals

*We will be cleaning and sanitizing the church after each Mass.

*When coming to receive Holy Communion, maintain safe social distance as best as possible. Please receive Communion on the hand and simply lower your mask for the moment you receive.

*For weekend Masses, place your collection envelope or monetary gift in the baskets provided in the rear of the church. There will not be passing of baskets, nor bringing up the gifts temporarily.  

*Please have respect and concern for others and use common sense. Let’s all do our part to help each other as we come to celebrate together.

*Please have patience, as we evaluate the situation, we may need to make adjustments as we go.

*As eager as we all are to celebrate Mass together as a community, we recognize that for many it may be too soon.  Please know that it is OK to stay home. Mass will continue to be taped and available on the website each weekend.

The dispensation from attendance at Mass on Sundays and holy days of obligation continues to remain in effect.

Week of July 19th, 2020

Weekly Bulletin


The Perry Center is our local food pantry supported by the churches in our community and private donations.  For the month of July, The Perry Center is requesting beef stew.  There are boxes located at the entrances of our church.  Thank you for helping those in need in our community.


*Observe all safe social distancing guidelines. We respectfully ask everyone to wear facemasks.  

*Only enter and exit the church through the elevator doors or the doors in the back of the church

*All songbooks, prayer materials, etc., will be removed temporarily. You may bring your own missals

*We will be cleaning and sanitizing the church after each Mass.

*When coming to receive Holy Communion, maintain safe social distance as best as possible. Please receive Communion on the hand and simply lower your mask for the moment you receive.

*For weekend Masses, place your collection envelope or monetary gift in the baskets provided in the rear of the church. There will not be passing of baskets, nor bringing up the gifts temporarily.  

*Please have respect and concern for others and use common sense. Let’s all do our part to help each other as we come to celebrate together.

*Please have patience, as we evaluate the situation, we may need to make adjustments as we go.

*As eager as we all are to celebrate Mass together as a community, we recognize that for many it may be too soon.  Please know that it is OK to stay home. Mass will continue to be taped and available on the website each weekend. The dispensation from attendance at Mass on Sundays and holy days of obligation continues to remain in effect.


Stay in your car and receive a bag of fresh produce with curbside delivery every Wednesday through August 12 at Laketran Park-n-Ride, 8650 Market St. in Mentor.  Lake County residents 60 and older are eligible.  Produce is limited so please register in advance.  When you register you will be given a time slot between noon and 2:30 p.m. Please be prepared to open your trunk and have room available for the bag of items.  Call Lifeline at 2-1-1 or 440-639-4420 Mon – Sun 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. OR call the Council on Aging at 440-205-8111 Mon – Fri 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.


Forms are available on the parish website if you are interested in an electronic option for making your regular weekly or monthly offering.  Contributions can be automatically debited from your checking or savings account.  If you are currently giving on a weekly basis, you will no longer need to write out 52 checks a year.  This program will allow your weekly or monthly contributions to continue on an uninterrupted basis when travel, illness or other circumstances prevent you from attending Mass. Forms can be placed in the basket at Mass or given to Father George or one of the deacons.


Baptism class can be taken before or after the birth of your child. The next baptism class at St. Cyprians will be Monday, August 3 at 7 p.m. in Alexander Hall.  Please register in advance by calling 440-259-2344 ext. 3 or email Kelly@stcypriansparish.com


Please join Catholic Cemeteries Association as they continue the gradual return to in-office Sunday Grief Support Group on July 19 with limited seating from appropriate social distancing.  The July topic is “Taking Care of Yourself While Grieving”.  We will meet from 3-4 p.m. at the All Souls Cemetery office in Chardon.  Meeting sites will be sanitized and seating will be arranged so everyone is at a safe distance.  Participants are requested to RSVP so we can plan appropriate social distancing at each location.  We recommend that participants wear protective masks.  To RSVP or for questions, please contact Rhoda at rabrams@clecem.org or 216-930-4866.  To view our most updated calendar of events, please visit clecem.org. 


The FEST loves moms!!! Every year our friends at Marc’s sponsor the Mom’s Relaxation Station with tons of giveaways, along with opportunities to learn about some of the best ways to take care of yourself and your family.  This year, The FEST is coming to your home AND like always, Marc’s and The FEST will bring you a virtual Mom’s Station.  You can get great recipes, win amazing giveaway baskets and receive awesome coupons and savings for your next shopping trip to Marc’s, all from the comfort of your home.  Go online today to sign up for your Marc’s Mom’s giveaways (www.theFEST.us/moms).  While you are on our website, learn more about the 9 national bands that will lift your spirit and stir your soul all from the comfort of your home.  Join us on Sunday, August 9 for The FEST@Home.  


If you would like to make a donation to St. Cyprian’s Rainy Day Fund, please keep your donation separate from your weekly offering as this contribution is deposited into a different bank account.  Thank you!

Rest in Peace

🕆 Jack Terchek, Husband of Marilyn Terchek

Our sincere sympathy and prayers are with your family and friends.

Sunday Collections:  $5,801.00

Thank you for your generosity!

Dates To Note

Jul 19 – First Communion, 1 p.m.

Jul 21 – Eucharistic Adoration, after 8:30 a.m. Mass

Jul 21 – Divine Mercy Chaplet, 3 p.m./Rosary, 7 p.m.

Jul 26 – Class for 8th graders, 9:15 – 10:45 a.m.

Aug 2 – 8th Grade Confirmation Practice, 12:15 p.m.

Aug 3 – Baptism Class, 7 p.m. (Registration Required)

Aug 9 – Confirmation, During 11 a.m. Mass

Aug 13 – Our Lady of Fatima Mass and Rosary, 7 p.m.

Mass Intentions

Sunday , July 19: 9:00 a.m. 🕆 Velma A. Zalar

Sunday , July 19: 11:00 a.m. 🕆 David Bossart

Sunday,  July 19: 1:00 p.m.  First Communion Mass

Monday, July 20: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 James Daley, Sr.

Tuesday, July 21: 8:30 a.m. The Victims of abortion

Wednesday, July 22: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Brenda Babic

Thursday, July 23: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Mary Fadley

Friday, July 24: 7:00 a.m. Jay & Chris Daley

Saturday, July 25: 5:00 p.m. 🕆 Dick Kish

Sunday, July 26: 9:00 a.m. 🕆 Charlie Haas

Sunday, July 26: 11:00 a.m. 🕆 Edward & Janet Rackel

July 16th, 2020

Bishop-designate Edward C. Malesic appointed for Diocese of Cleveland

Pope Francis has appointed the Most Reverend Edward C. Malesic bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland. Bishop-designate Malesic takes over the governance of the Diocese of Cleveland from Bishop Nelson Perez who was named the Archbishop of Philadelphia in February 2020. Father Don Oleksiak will continue as administrator of the diocese until Bishop-designate Malesic is installed as the 12 th bishop of the Diocese of Cleveland on Monday, Sept. 14 during Mass at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist in downtown Cleveland.

Please see the announcement letter published by the Diocese, and visit Diocese of Cleveland website for additional details and information!

Week of July 12th, 2020

Weekly Bulletin


The Perry Center is our local food pantry supported by the churches in our community and private donations.  For the month of July, The Perry Center is requesting beef stew.  There are boxes located at the entrances of our church.  Thank you for helping those in need in our community.


*Observe all safe social distancing guidelines. We respectfully ask everyone to wear facemasks.  

*Only enter and exit the church through the elevator doors or the doors in the back of the church

*All songbooks, prayer materials, etc., will be removed temporarily. You may bring your own missals

*We will be cleaning and sanitizing the church after each Mass.

*When coming to receive Holy Communion, maintain safe social distance as best as possible. Please receive Communion on the hand and simply lower your mask for the moment you receive.

*For weekend Masses, place your collection envelope or monetary gift in the baskets provided in the rear of the church. There will not be passing of baskets, nor bringing up the gifts temporarily.  

.*Please have respect and concern for others and use common sense. Let’s all do our part to help each other as we come to celebrate together.

*Please have patience, as we evaluate the situation, we may need to make adjustments as we go.

*As eager as we all are to celebrate Mass together as a community, we recognize that for many it may be too soon.  Please know that it is OK to stay home. Mass will continue to be taped and available on the website each weekend. The dispensation from attendance at Mass on Sundays and holy days of obligation continues to remain in effect.


Stay in your car and receive a bag of fresh produce with curbside delivery every Wednesday through August 12 at Laketran Park-n-Ride, 8650 Market St. in Mentor.  Lake County residents 60 and older are eligible.  Produce is limited so please register in advance.  When you register you will be given a time slot between noon and 2:30 p.m. Please be prepared to open your trunk and have room available for the bag of items.  Call Lifeline at 2-1-1 or 440-639-4420 Mon – Sun 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. OR call the Council on Aging at 440-205-8111 Mon – Fri 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.


Forms are available on the parish website if you are interested in an electronic option for making your regular weekly or monthly offering.  Contributions can be automatically debited from your checking or savings account.  If you are currently giving on a weekly basis, you will no longer need to write out 52 checks a year.  This program will allow your weekly or monthly contributions to continue on an uninterrupted basis when travel, illness or other circumstances prevent you from attending Mass. Forms can be placed in the basket at Mass or given to Father George or one of the deacons.


Baptism class can be taken before or after the birth of your child. The next baptism class at St. Cyprians will be Monday, August 3 at 7 p.m. in Alexander Hall.  Please register in advance by calling 440-259-2344 ext. 3 or email Kelly@stcypriansparish.com


Please join Catholic Cemeteries Association as they continue the gradual return to in-office Sunday Grief Support Group on July 19 with limited seating from appropriate social distancing.  The July topic is “Taking Care of Yourself While Grieving”.  We will meet from 3-4 p.m. at the All Souls Cemetery office in Chardon.  Meeting sites will be sanitized and seating will be arranged so everyone is at a safe distance.  Participants are requested to RSVP so we can plan appropriate social distancing at each location.  We recommend that participants wear protective masks.  To RSVP or for questions, please contact Rhoda at rabrams@clecem.org or 216-930-4866.  To view our most updated calendar of events, please visit clecem.org. 


On Monday, July 13, at 7 p.m., all are welcome to join Father George in celebrating Mass followed by Rosary in honor of Our Lady of Fatima.  We have prayed for and will continue to pray for peace on the 13th of each Month through October.


Join us on Sunday, August 9 for The FEST@Home.  You’ll get to hear 9 national Christian artist bands, along with inspiring presentations, crafts for the kids, and opportunities for prayer and reflection all from the safety and comfort of your home.  It’s a great way to invite Christ into your heart and into your home.  The FEST, like always, concludes with an inspiring outdoor Mass followed by an amazing American Fireworks display.  The FEST is a great day of faith, family and fun – this year – at home.  Invite everyone you know to join you on Sunday, August 9.  For all the details, and to see how easy it will be to have an inspiring day for you and your family, go to: www.theFEST.us. 

Rest in Peace

🕆 Jeanette Papp, Wife of Michael Papp

🕆 Raymond Brll, Sr., Father of Raymond Brill

Our sincere sympathy and prayers are with your family and friends.

Sunday Collections:  $8,011.00

Thank you for your generosity!

Dates To Note

Jul 13 – Our Lady of Fatima Mass and Rosary, 7 p.m.

Jul 14 – Eucharistic Adoration, after 8:30 a.m. Mass

Jul 14 – Divine Mercy Chaplet, 3 p.m./Rosary, 7 p.m.

Jul 19 – First Communion, 1 p.m.

Jul 26 – Class for 8th graders, 9:15 – 10:45 a.m.

Aug 2 – 8th Grade Confirmation Practice, 12:15 p.m.

Aug 3 – Baptism Class, 7 p.m. (Registration Required)

Aug 9 – Confirmation, During 11 a.m. Mass

Mass Intentions

Sunday, July 12: 9:00 a.m. 🕆 Peggy Freeman

Sunday, July 12: 11:00 a.m. 🕆 Souls in Purgatory

Monday, July 13: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 The Paul Janos Family

Monday, July 13: 7:00 p.m. Our Lady of Fatima Mass

Tuesday, July 14: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 The Joseph Hambor Family

Wednesday, July 15: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Jesse C. Weisinger

Thursday, July 16: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Magdalen Siler

Friday, July 17: 7:00 a.m. For the Parish

Saturday, July 18: 5:00 p.m. 🕆 Anne Knaus

Sunday , July 19: 9:00 a.m. 🕆 Velma A. Zalar

Sunday , July 19: 11:00 a.m. 🕆 David Bossart

Week of July 5th, 2020

Weekly Bulletin


The Perry Center is our local food pantry supported by the churches in our community and private donations.  For the month of July, The Perry Center is requesting beef stew.  There are boxes located at the entrances of our church.  Thank you for helping those in need in our community.


*Observe all safe social distancing guidelines. We respectfully ask everyone to wear facemasks.  

*Only enter and exit the church through the elevator doors or the doors in the back of the church

*All songbooks, prayer materials, etc., will be removed temporarily. You may bring your own missals

*We will be cleaning and sanitizing the church after each Mass.

*When coming to receive Holy Communion, maintain safe social distance as best as possible. Please receive Communion on the hand and simply lower your mask for the moment you receive.

*For weekend Masses, place your collection envelope or monetary gift in the baskets provided in the rear of the church. There will not be passing of baskets, nor bringing up the gifts temporarily.  

*Please have respect and concern for others and use common sense. Let’s all do our part to help each other as we come to celebrate together.

*Please have patience, as we evaluate the situation, we may need to make adjustments as we go.

*As eager as we all are to celebrate Mass together as a community, we recognize that for many it may be too soon.  Please know that it is OK to stay home. Mass will continue to be taped and available on the website each weekend. The dispensation from attendance at Mass on Sundays and holy days of obligation continues to remain in effect.


Stay in your car and receive a bag of fresh produce with curbside delivery every Wednesday through August 12 at Laketran Park-n-Ride, 8650 Market St. in Mentor.  Lake County residents 60 and older are eligible.  Produce is limited so please register in advance.  When you register you will be given a time slot between noon and 2:30 p.m. Please be prepared to open your trunk and have room available for the bag of items.  Call Lifeline at 2-1-1 or 440-639-4420 Mon – Sun 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. OR call the Council on Aging at 440-205-8111 Mon – Fri 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.


Forms are available on the parish website if you are interested in an electronic option for making your regular weekly or monthly offering.  Contributions can be automatically debited from your checking or savings account.  If you are currently giving on a weekly basis, you will no longer need to write out 52 checks a year.  This program will allow your weekly or monthly contributions to continue on an uninterrupted basis when travel, illness or other circumstances prevent you from attending Mass. Forms can be placed in the basket at Mass or given to Father George or one of the deacons.


FEST 2020 is a little more than a month away, and we need volunteer help to assemble craft kits, put together giveaways, host watch parties and more!  To get involved and learn more -  visit www.theFEST.us/volunteer    It will still take hundreds of volunteers to make The FEST possible this year.  Volunteers will get a free t-shirt and make this wonderful day of faith, family and fun possible. 


If you would like to make a donation to St. Cyprian’s Rainy Day Fund, please keep your donation separate from your weekly offering as this contribution is deposited into a different bank account.  Thank you!


Maybe you have just moved into our community or you have been attending St. Cyprian and just never thought about registering.  Registration in the parish can be important for a number of reasons: 

Enables us to provide you with the necessary forms showing that you are registered and practicing your faith at St. Cyprian in case you are asked to be a Baptism or Confirmation sponsor.

Allows you to register your children for religious education

Allows us to mail you our quarterly newsletter or contact you with any questions.

Makes available a record of your contributions for income tax purposes.

It is also important to register as an individual once you have reached adult age and no longer live with your parents.  Contact the parish office to register, to update your information or with any questions. 440-259-2344 x 3


If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it.  Happy moments, praise God.  Difficult moments, seek God.  Quiet moments, worship God.  Painful moments, trust God.  Every moment, thank God!

Rest in Peace

🕆 Mary Cicero, Grandmother of Erica Cicero

🕆 Heirudin Crnic, Husband of Maria Crnic

Our sincere sympathy and prayers are with your family and friends.

Sunday Collections:  $4,758.00

Thank you for your generosity!

Dates To Note

   Jun 30 – Eucharistic Adoration, after 8:30 a.m. Mass

Jun 30 – Divine Mercy Chaplet, 3 p.m./Rosary, 7 p.m.

Jul 11 – Class for 2nd Graders, 9-11 a.m.

Jul 11 – First Reconciliation, 11 a.m.

Jul 19 – First Communion, 1 p.m.

Jul 26 – Class for 8th graders, 9:15 – 10:45 a.m.

Aug 2 – 8th Grade Confirmation Practice, 12:15 p.m.

Aug 3 – Baptism Class, 7 p.m. (Registration Required)

Aug 9 – Confirmation, During 11 a.m. Mass

Mass Intentions

Sunday,  July 5: 9:00 a.m. 🕆 Barry Martin

Sunday, July 5: 11:00 a.m. 🕆 Leonard Jagoda

Monday, July 6: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 David Kanda

Tuesday, July 7: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Szymanski Family

Wednesday, July 8: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Vitold Zwolinski

Thursday, July 9: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Panzarella Family

Friday, July 10: 7:00 a.m. 🕆 Christopher Ziga

Saturday, July 11: 5:00 p.m. 🕆 Art Strozewski

Sunday, July 12: 9:00 a.m. 🕆 Peggy Freeman

Sunday, July 12: 11:00 a.m. 🕆 Souls in Purgatory

June Announcements (06-2020)

Week of June 28th, 2020

Weekly Bulletin


The Perry Center is our local food pantry supported by the churches in our community and private donations.  For the month of July, The Perry Center is requesting beef stew.  There are boxes located at the entrances of our church.  Thank you for helping those in need in our community.


*Observe all safe social distancing guidelines. We respectfully ask everyone to wear facemasks.  

*Only enter and exit the church through the elevator doors or the doors in the back of the church

*All songbooks, prayer materials, etc., will be removed temporarily. You may bring your own missals

*We will be cleaning and sanitizing the church after each Mass.

*When coming to receive Holy Communion, maintain safe social distance as best as possible. Please receive Communion on the hand and simply lower your mask for the moment you receive.

*For weekend Masses, place your collection envelope or monetary gift in the baskets provided in the rear of the church. There will not be passing of baskets, nor bringing up the gifts temporarily.  

*Please have respect and concern for others and use common sense. Let’s all do our part to help each other as we come to celebrate together.

*Please have patience, as we evaluate the situation, we may need to make adjustments as we go.

*As eager as we all are to celebrate Mass together as a community, we recognize that for many it may be too soon.  Please know that it is OK to stay home. Mass will continue to be taped and available on the website each weekend. The dispensation from attendance at Mass on Sundays and holy days of obligation continues to remain in effect.


AM 1260 The Rock, Cleveland Catholic Radio, is pleased to present our newest EWTN program, “Women Made New!”  Author and speaker Crystalina Evert chats with her guests about the hard topics and struggles in women’s daily lives.  She and her guests remind everyone it’s never too late to start over.  Women Made New! Is women helping women!  Listen to “Women Made New!” Saturdays at noon on AM 1260 The Rock.  For a complete schedule of programs, visit www.am1260therock.com 


Stay in your car and receive a bag of fresh produce with curbside delivery every Wednesday through August 12 at Laketran Park-n-Ride, 8650 Market St. in Mentor.  Lake County residents 60 and older are eligible.  Produce is limited so please register in advance.  When you register you will be given a time slot between noon and 2:30 p.m. Please be prepared to open your trunk and have room available for the bag of items.  Call Lifeline at 2-1-1 or 440-639-4420 Mon – Sun 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. OR call the Council on Aging at 440-205-8111 Mon – Fri 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.


Forms are available on the parish website if you are interested in an electronic option for making your regular weekly or monthly offering.  Contributions can be automatically debited from your checking or savings account.  If you are currently giving on a weekly basis, you will no longer need to write out 52 checks a year.  This program will allow your weekly or monthly contributions to continue on an uninterrupted basis when travel, illness or other circumstances prevent you from attending Mass. Forms can be placed in the basket at Mass or given to Father George or one of the deacons.


We are excited and blessed to announce that FEST 2020 is not cancelled!  Instead, it will come to you ‘live’ from the comfort of your own home.  We will be streaming FEST day with messages of faith and inspiration, songs from national Christian bands and so much more!  We will have an engaging and interactive website where you will be able to experience and do all the things you love to do on FEST day – from crafts and activities to sponsor bags and more! Visit www.theFEST.us for more info!


If you would like to make a donation to St. Cyprian’s Rainy Day Fund, please keep your donation separate from your weekly offering as this contribution is deposited into a different bank account.  Thank you!


Maybe you have just moved into our community or you have been attending St. Cyprian and just never thought about registering.  Registration in the parish can be important for a number of reasons: 

Enables us to provide you with the necessary forms showing that you are registered and practicing your faith at St. Cyprian in case you are asked to be a Baptism or Confirmation sponsor.

Allows you to register your children for religious education

Allows us to mail you our quarterly newsletter or contact you with any questions.

Makes available a record of your contributions for income tax purposes.

It is also important to register as an individual once you have reached adult age and no longer live with your parents.  Contact the parish office to register, to update your information or with any questions. 440-259-2344 x 3

Sunday Collections:  $4,228.00

Thank you for your generosity!

Dates To Note

   Jun 30 – Eucharistic Adoration, after 8:30 a.m. Mass

Jun 30 – Divine Mercy Chaplet, 3 p.m./Rosary, 7 p.m.

Jul 11 – Class for 2nd Graders, 9-11 a.m.

Jul 11 – First Reconciliation, 11 a.m.

Jul 19 – First Communion, 1 p.m.

Jul 26 – Class for 8th graders, 9:15 – 10:45 a.m.

Aug 2 – 8th Grade Confirmation Practice, 12:15 p.m.

Aug 3 – Baptism Class, 7 p.m. (Registration Required)

Aug 9 – Confirmation, During 11 a.m. Mass

Mass Intentions

Sunday, June 28: 9:00 a.m. 🕆  David Kanda

Sunday, June 28: 11:00 a.m. 🕆 Charles Panzarella

Monday, June 29: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Kenneth Larkin

Tuesday, June 30: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Souls in Purgatory

Wednesday, July 1: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Sharon Lohan

Thursday, July 2: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Elizabeth & Harry Bezkorovan

Friday, July 3: 7:00 a.m. 🕆 Pauline Mott

Saturday, July 4: 5:00 p.m. 🕆 Elizabeth Downey

Sunday,  July 5: 9:00 a.m. 🕆 Barry Martin

Sunday, July 5: 11:00 a.m. 🕆 Leonard Jagoda

Week of June 21st, 2020

Weekly Bulletin


*Observe all safe social distancing guidelines. We respectfully ask everyone to wear facemasks.  

*Only enter and exit the church through the elevator doors or the doors in the back of the church

*All songbooks, prayer materials, etc., will be removed temporarily. You may bring your own missals

*We will be cleaning and sanitizing the church after each Mass.

*When coming to receive Holy Communion, maintain safe social distance as best as possible. Please receive Communion on the hand and simply lower your mask for the moment you receive.

*For weekend Masses, place your collection envelope or monetary gift in the baskets provided in the rear of the church. There will not be passing of baskets, nor bringing up the gifts temporarily.  

*Please have respect and concern for others and use common sense. Let’s all do our part to help each other as we come to celebrate together.

*Please have patience, as we evaluate the situation, we may need to make adjustments as we go.

*As eager as we all are to celebrate Mass together as a community, we recognize that for many it may be too soon.  Please know that it is OK to stay home. Mass will continue to be taped and available on the website each weekend. The dispensation from attendance at Mass on Sundays and holy days of obligation continues to remain in effect.


The American Red Cross has an urgent need for blood donations. Eligible donors are encouraged to donate during the Covid-19 outbreak.  The Red Cross follows the highest standards of safety and infection control and volunteer donors are the only source of blood for those in need. The American Red Cross has begun testing all blood, platelet and plasma donations for COVID-19 “antibodies” as of June 15.  The Red Cross will use the antibody test authorized by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The Red Cross is not testing donors to diagnose illness, but will provide donors insight into whether they may have been exposed to the coronavirus. Donations will be tested using samples obtained at the time of donation ad sent to a testing laboratory where they will also undergo routine screening and infectious disease testing.  Donors can expect to receive the results of their antibody test within 7-10 days through the Red Cross Blood Donor App or on our donor portal at RedCrossBlood.org.  Donors should not donate if they are not feeling well and wait 28 days before rescheduling their appointments. Appointments can be made, and more information found on the COVID-19 antibody testing, at RedCrossBlood.org.


AM 1260 The Rock, Cleveland Catholic Radio, is pleased to present our newest EWTN program, “Women Made New!”  Author and speaker Crystalina Evert chats with her guests about the hard topics and struggles in women’s daily lives.  She and her guests remind everyone it’s never too late to start over.  Women Made New! Is women helping women!  Listen to “Women Made New!” Saturdays at noon on AM 1260 The Rock.  For a complete schedule of programs, visit www.am1260therock.com 


Stay in your car and receive a bag of fresh produce with curbside delivery every Wednesday through June 24 at Laketran Park-n-Ride, 8650 Market St. in Mentor.  Lake County residents 60 and older are eligible.  Produce is limited so please register in advance.  When you register you will be given a time slot between noon and 2:30 p.m. Please be prepared to open your trunk and have room available for the bag of items.  Call Lifeline at 2-1-1 or 440-639-4420 Mon – Sun 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. OR call the Council on Aging at 440-205-8111 Mon – Fri 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.    


If you would like to make a donation to St. Cyprian’s Rainy Day Fund, please keep your donation separate from your weekly offering as this contribution is deposited into a different bank account.  Thank you!


Maybe you have just moved into our community or you have been attending St. Cyprian and just never thought about registering.  Registration in the parish can be important for a number of reasons: 

Enables us to provide you with the necessary forms showing that you are registered and practicing your faith at St. Cyprian in case you are asked to be a Baptism or Confirmation sponsor.

Allows you to register your children for religious education

Allows us to mail you our quarterly newsletter or contact you with any questions.

Makes available a record of your contributions for income tax purposes.

It is also important to register as an individual once you have reached adult age and no longer live with your parents.  Contact the parish office to register, to update your information or with any questions. 440-259-2344 x 3


The Perry Center is our local food pantry supported by the churches in our community and private donations.  For the month of June, The Perry Center is requesting jelly or jam.  There are boxes located at the entrances of our church.  Thank you for helping those in need in our community.

Sunday Collections: $7,160.00

Thank you for your generosity!

Dates To Note

   June  Jun 23 – Eucharistic Adoration, after 8:30 a.m. Mass

Jun 23 – Divine Mercy Chaplet, 3 p.m.

Jun 25 – St. Cyprian Blood Drive, 1:30 – 6:30 p.m.

   July  Jul 11 – Class for 2nd Graders, 9-11 a.m.

Jul 11 – First Reconciliation, 11 a.m.

Jul 19 – First Communion, 1 p.m.

Jul 26 – Class for 8th graders, 9:15 – 10:45 a.m.

   August  Aug 2 – 8th Grade Confirmation Practice, 12:15 p.m.

Aug 3 – Baptism Class, 7 p.m. (Registration Required)

Aug 9 – Confirmation, During 11 a.m. Mass

Mass Intentions

Saturday, June 20:  5:00 p.m. 🕆 Mary & Vince Panzarella

Sunday, June 21: 9:00 a.m. 🕆  Stanley A. Zalar, Sr.

Sunday, June 21: 11:00 a.m. 🕆 Andrew Stash

Monday, June 22: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 James Joseph McDade

Tuesday, June 23: 8:30 a.m. For an end to abortion

Wednesday, June 24: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Stella Freeman

Thursday, June 25: 8:30 a.m. 🕆 Caroll Miller

Friday, June 26: 7:00 a.m. For the Parish

Saturday, June 27: 5:00 p.m. 🕆 Dick Kish

Sunday, June 28: 9:00 a.m. 🕆  David Kanda

Sunday, June 28: 11:00 a.m. 🕆 Charles Panzarella

May Announcements (05-2020)

Week of May 31st, 2020

Weekly Bulletin

Rest In Peace

Sharon Lohan

Our sincerest sympathy and prayers are with John (President, Parish Council), Erica, and Libby Lohan, and all family and friends.


My dear Brothers and Sisters, you are in my prayers!  May Almighty God bless you.  May the Resurrected Jesus give you strength and hope, and the Holy Spirit fill you with His gifts.  May the Blessed Mother protect you from peril. 



Please join the Catholic Cemeteries Association as they make a gradual return to in-office Sunday Grief Support Group on June 28 with limited seating for appropriate social distancing.  The June topic is “Let not your hearts be troubled”.  The meeting will take place at the All Souls Cemetery office in Chardon from 3-4 p.m. Meeting sites will be sanitized and seating will be arranged so everyone is at a safe distance.  Participants are requested to RSVP so we can plan appropriate social distancing.  We recommend that participants wear protective masks.  To RSVP or for questions, please contact Rhonda at rabrams@clecem.org or 216-930-4866.  To view the most updated calendar of events, please visit clecem.org 


If you would like to make a donation to St. Cyprian’s Rainy Day Fund, please keep your donation separate from your weekly offering as this contribution is deposited into a different bank account.  Thank you!


Forms are available on the parish website if you are interested in an electronic option for making your regular weekly or monthly offering.  Contributions can be automatically debited from your checking or savings account.  If you are currently giving on a weekly basis, you will no longer need to write out 52 checks a year.  This program will allow your weekly or monthly contributions to continue on an uninterrupted basis when travel, illness or other circumstances prevent you from attending Mass. Forms can be placed in the basket at Mass or given to Father George or one of the deacons.


The DVD, Unplanned, is available for those interested.  This is an excellent movie telling the true story of Abby Johnson, one of the youngest Planned Parenthood Clinic Directors in the nation, who was involved in more than 22,000 abortions.  One day, what she saw changed everything and she became an ardent Pro-Life advocate.  The film is rated R because of two scenes showing blood, but there is no foul language or other criteria that require this rating.  If you would like to borrow this DVD, call Donna Anderson 259-1925.

Sunday Collections: $2,925.00

Thank you for your generosity!

Dates To Note

Jun 25 – St. Cyprian Blood Drive, 1:30 – 6:30 p.m.

Aug 3 – Baptism Class, 7 p.m.

Mass Intentions

Saturday, May 30: 5:00 p.m. ✞ Anne Knaus

Pentecost Sunday, May 31: 9:00 a.m. Conversion for those in abortion industry

Pentecost Sunday, May 31: 11:00 a.m. For the Parish

Monday, June 1: 8:30 a.m. ✞ Louis Freeman

Tuesday, June 2: 8:30 a.m. ✞ Carl Sebetich

Wednesday, June 3: 8:30 a.m. ✞ Butler Family

Thursday, June 4: 8:30 a.m. ✞ Kenneth Larkin

Friday, June 5: 7:00 a.m. ✞ Alice Zwolinski

Saturday, June 6: 5:00 p.m. ✞ Dick Kish

Sunday, June 7: 9:00 a.m. For the Parish

Sunday, June 7: 11:00 a.m. ✞ Zdzislaw Uloga

Week of May 24th, 2020

Mass Intentions

Sunday, May 24: For the Parish

Sunday, May 24: ✞ Veterans and their Famlies

Monday, May 25: Memorial Day

Tuesday, May 26: ✞ Robert C. Hazel, Sr.

Wednesday, May 27: ✞ Albert & Bertha Schneider

Thursday, May 28: ✞ Anna &Andrew Poklar

Friday, May 29: ✞ Souls in Purgatory

Saturday, May 30: ✞ Anne Knaus

May 19th, 2020

Father George's Letter to the Parish

My dear Brothers and Sisters! Many of us, or maybe everyone, is feeling tired of the rigorous atmosphere of fear of spreading of the corona virus. The "stay at home" direction has been going on for over two months. Churches closed and as well as other social places. It is getting harder and harder, and we have come to feel like we are "cut off from the world." For all of us, who are a faithful people, the inability to receive the sacraments is particularly troublesome. The positive in the whole situation is the "necessity" of spending more time with family and strengthening our relationships with each other. We have also had the opportunity to devote more time to prayer and reflection. 

There is a spark of hope for change, as we received the words of Christ from the sixth Easter Sunday Gospel: "I will not leave you orphans"! The Bishops of Ohio and our Administrator Fr. Oleksiak decided to open the churches on the Solemnity of Pentecost, that is on the last weekend of May. Although there are still restrictions, it is important, that we will be able to celebrate Mass together and open our hearts to the gifts of the Holy Spirit. That strengthens us in faith and builds stronger bonds among the members of Christ's Church. 

We should also try to remember our devotion to the Blessed Mother during the month of May. A touching moment was a prayer on the 103rd Anniversary of the apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima - the 13th May. And unlike past years, we honored all our mothers on the second Sunday of May, just is a slightly different way.  I am convinced that spiritual gifts we offered to our mothers this year were more pronounced than an armful of flowers.

Brothers and Sisters! I have observed and heard of many signals that as a Parish Family, we regularly pray in our virtual space, remembering each other, supporting each other in difficult times and enjoying and sharing many positive moments with one another. Thank you all for staying with God, strengthening your relationship with Him and with each other. I am extremely thankful that we are One Family, showing that community and mutual support strengthens our faith and brings us closer to God.

Brothers and Sisters! I also thank you for your material concern for our Parish, for your financial support, for every gesture, that shows your willingness to help!  Using this opportunity to communicate with all our parishioners, and at the same time to think about a faster and easier way to communicate in the future, please update the enclosed data, such as your current phone number and / or your email address. It will be a great help in the future to increase the effectiveness of our communication between the Parish office and each member of our community. Please fill out the details and send this information to the Parish office or put to the collection basket during the weekend Masses. During this Resurrection Season we can see that the springtime and Nature comes to life. They are strong signs that we, too, should be awakened to a renewed life, renewed in our Master - the Risen Christ! Alleluia!!!

Please check regularly our Parish website: www.stcypriansparish.com for current announcements!

May God bless you all! 

Fr. George with deacons: Andy, Jay and George

May 19th, 2020

Guidelines for attending Mass at St. Cyprian

Below are detailed guidelines regarding restrictions that we should observe when attending Mass: 

Week of May 17th, 2020

Weekly Bulletin

Sunday Collections: $3,623.00

Thank you for your generosity!

Divorce Recovery for Catholics – Join us for a Zoom Virtual Support Group

The current Pandemic and its restrictions have caused many of us to feel alone and isolated, especially those that are struggling with separation and divorce.  In an effort to bridge the gap, we are hosting a virtual support group using Zoom beginning Monday, June 8th from 6:30-8:30 PM. Registration is required to be included in the group meeting, only takes a minute, and is easy!  Just click HERE.

The 8-week support group is developed to meet the needs of those who are separated or divorced. Sessions focus on relevant topics and provide valuable information and direction along with the tools for coping with this life-changing experience. Being part of a group provides the opportunity to share experiences, support, and encouragement.  

The group will meet on Zoom for the first 4 weeks and the meetings will be facilitated by a caring, trained professional. At the conclusion of the 4th week, the facilitator and group will determine if they will continue to meet using Zoom or choose to move to a physical location. If further information is needed, please contact Karen at 352-8282 or email kjubeck@st-gabriel.org

Mass Intentions

Sunday, May 17: ✞ Barry Martin

Sunday, May 17: ✞ Suzanne Novak

Monday, May 18: ✞ The Joseph Hambor Family

Tuesday, May 19: For the Parish

Wednesday, May 20: ✞ Elizabeth & Harry Bezkorovan

Thursday, May 21: ✞ John Briganti

Friday, May 22: ✞ Lee Gleason

Saturday, May 23: ✞ Charles Panzarella

May 14th, 2020

Preparations & guidelines for resuming daily Mass celebration

From the Diocese of Cleveland, below are some of the guidelines the faithful should expect  before, during and after Mass when they return to their churches later this month:

Please visit www.dioceseofcleveland.org for additional information and details.

May 12th, 2020

COVID-19 Update

Cleveland Diocese Churches begin opening for weekday Mass starting May 25th

Father Don Oleksiak has announced that the parishes within the Diocese of Cleveland may reopen for public celebration of weekday Masses starting on May 25th, 2020. Public celebration of Sunday Mass will resume the weekend of May 30th & 31st, 2020.

For the health and safety of all, additional guidelines will be observed when public Mass celebration resumes. Please visit www.dioceseofcleveland.org for additional details.

The dispensation from attendance at Mass on Sundays and holy days of obligation continues to remain in effect.

Please see below for Fr. Oleksiak's letter here: Letter To The Faithful

Week of May 11th, 2020

Weekly Bulletin

Sunday Collections: $5,130.00

Thank you for your generosity!

Mass Intentions

Sunday, May 10: ✞ Ken Janz

Sunday, May 10: Special Intention

Monday, May 11: ✞ Carroll Miller

Tuesday, May 12: ✞ Souls in Purgatory

Wednesday, May 13: ✞ Robert Sullivan

Thursday, May 14: ✞ Paul Janos Family

Friday, May 15: ✞ Jesse C. Weisinger

Saturday, May 16: For the Parish

May 8th, 2020

COVID-19 Update

Ohio's Catholic Bishops setting dates in May to resume publicly celebrated weekday Masses

The Catholic Conference of Ohio, the state’s conference of Catholic bishops, announced on May 8th a plan that will allow a soft opening  date later this month for resuming the public celebration of weekday Masses/liturgies. Protocols will be in place to ensure that the celebrations can be achieved safely.

The dispensation from the obligation to attend Sunday Mass/Liturgy remains in effect.

Please visit the link below for the announcement from Father Don Oleksiak, Administrator for the Diocese of Cleveland, or visit https://www.dioceseofcleveland.org/.

Please also see the link below to the statement released by the Catholic Bishops of Ohio, or visit https://www.ohiocathconf.org/.

May 4th, 2020

St. Cyrian Blood Drive - Thank you!

Thank you for taking the time on April 30th to donate blood with the American Red Cross.  Thank you to all the volunteers that donated their time as well! 

With the help of generous people like you, we registered 27 donors, collected 25 pints of blood and recruited 5 first-time donors.  Your efforts helped boost the community blood supply and ensure hospital patients have the lifesaving blood they need.  Of course, the real winners are the patients in need of blood.  As you know, each blood donation can help save up to three lives.

Your donation is truly appreciated by the blood recipients and their loved ones. 

Week of May 3rd, 2020

Weekly Bulletin

Rest In Peace

Helen Troha

Our sincere sympathy and prayers are with the Troha family and friends.

Sunday Collections: $7,881.00

Thank you for your generosity!

Mass Intentions

Sunday, May 3: ✞ Ricky Rought

Sunday, May 3: ✞ The King Family

Monday, May 4: ✞ Robert Vicini

Tuesday, May 5: ✞ Don King

Wednesday, May 6: ✞ Kenneth Larkin

Thursday, May 7: ✞ Suzanne Novak

Friday, May 8: For the Parish

Saturday, May 9: ✞ Bertha Strozewski

April Announcements (04-2020)

April 28th, 2020

COVID-19 Update

On April 27th 2020, Governor Mike DeWine presented a strategy to begin a multi-phased plan, even while the executive “Stay at Home Order” remains in place. His plan begins a process for Ohioans gradually to return to work and daily activity and provides hope and evidence that our cooperation with the governor’s orders has significantly curbed the spread of the virus. 

Out of deep concern for the common good as well as the physical and spiritual well-being of all the people of Ohio, the Catholic Bishops of Ohio have agreed once again to cooperate with the governor, and to support and abide by the multi-phased approach to returning to work and eventual public gathering in large groups.

The Catholic Bishops of Ohio have extended the temporary suspension of all publicly celebrated Masses/liturgies ending on May 29th, with the hope of publicly celebrating together the Solemnity of Pentecost on the weekend of May 30/31.

Please see their latest full statement, and visit https://www.ohiocathconf.org for additional information.

Week of April 26th, 2020

Weekly Bulletin

Rest In Peace

Tina Piszczor, Daughter of Sandra Willis

Jennie Sorine, Mother of Michael Sorine

Our sincere sympathy and prayers are with your family and friends.


Sunday Collections: $4,805.00

Thank you for your generosity!

Mass Intentions

Sunday, April 26: ✞ Caroline Cawley

Sunday, April 26: ✞ Suzanne Novak

Monday: April 27: ✞ Kenneth Larkin

Tuesday, April 28: ✞ King Family

Wednesday, April 29: Jay & Chris Daley

Thursday, April 30: ✞ Souls in Purgatory

Friday, May 1: For the Parish

Saturday, May 2: ✞ Betty Downey

Week of April 19th, 2020

Weekly Bulletin

Rest In Peace

Dennis Sullivan, Husband of Maureen Sullivan

Our sincere sympathy and prayers are with your family and friends.

The Easter 5 Minutes booklets from The Word Among Us will be available under the arch in the Grotto throughout the Easter season.

Sunday Collections: $5,973.00

Thank you for your generosity!

Mass Intentions

Sunday, April 19: Agnes Vidmar

Sunday, April 19: Niko Jeras & Stosija Jeras

Monday, April 20: For the Parish

Tuesday, April 21: ✞ Joe Paquin

Wednesday, April 22: ✞ Irene Kormanec

Thursday, April 23, Healing for post-abortive mothers

Friday, April 24: ✞ Anne Knaus

Saturday, April 25: ✞ Don King

April 17th, 2020

Updated Parish Office Hours

For health and safety, throughout the duration of Ohio's stay at home order, the Parish office will only be open on Mondays.

We will continue checking voicemails and messages daily!

Monday: 7:30 a.m. – 3 p.m.

Tuesday: Closed

Wednesday: Closed

Thursday: Closed

Friday: Closed

Any new changes will be posted as soon as available.

Thank you!

Week of April 12th, 2020

Weekly Bulletin

Rest In Peace

E. Patrick "Pat" Willis, Husband of Sandy Willis

Kitty Kyle, Mother of Richard Dilgren

Janet Rackel, Grandmother of Jason Ziga

Our sincere sympathy and prayers are with your family and friends.

Easter Collection: $9,517.00

Sunday Collection:  $5,689.00

Thank you for your generosity!

Mass Intentions

Easter Sunday, April 12: Ursula Strozewski

Easter Sunday, April 12: Barry Martin

Easter Sunday, April 12: Mary “Tita” Fadley

Monday, April 13: The Paul Janos Family

Tuesday, April 14: The Joseph Hambor Family

Wednesday, April 15: Jesse C. Weisinger

Thursday, April 16: For the Parish

Friday, April 17: Christie Carpentar

Saturday, April 18: Suzanne Novak

April 12th, 2020

Birthday Wishes to Father George Kusy!

Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday Father George!

Prayers that your special day will be filled with all the glory and the wonder of God’s unfailing love, and may you feel his presence working on your life all throughout the coming years!

Wszystkiego najlepszego z okazji urodzin!


April 9th, 2020

St Cyprian Blood Drive, April 30th

St. Cyprian will be hosting a Blood Drive on Thursday, April 30 from 1:30 – 6:30 p.m. A tremendous THANK YOU to everyone who is able to participate for their generosity and support of the American Red Cross. Your donations will save lives and help those in need.

Please see below for additional information from the American Red Cross on donating during the coronavirus:

American Red Cross coronavirus update flyer

Visit the American Red Cross website for additional information on donation during coronavirus

Week of 4/5/2020

St Cyprian Easter Letter

Happy Easter season to all! This week we will be mailing out a letter from Father George and our Deacons to all parishioners, we hope this letter finds everyone safe and healthy! Holy Week and Easter celebrations are a little different this year while we're unable to gather as community. We hope everyone is able to keep high spirits, and find inner peace during prayer to the Lord.

Please find a digital copy of Father George's letter below, and visit our Announcements page for links to the online resources. All are welcomed to participate in the St Cyprian Prayer Chain, we hope that everyone will feel the support of our spiritual community!

St Cyprian Easter Letter

Week of 4/5/2020

Weekly Bulletin

The Easter 5 minutes booklets will be available on the Grotto Altar beginning Easter Sunday and throughout the week after Easter.

Palm Sunday Collection: $6,655

Thank you for your generosity!

St. Cyprian will host a Blood Drive Thursday, April 30 from 1:30 – 6:30 p.m. Click here for the flyer with more information!

Mass Intentions

Palm Sunday, April 5: Vincent Pomietlo

Palm Sunday, April 5: Charlie Haas

Monday, April 6: Souls in Purgatory

Tuesday, April 7: For the Parish

Wednesday, April 8: Kenneth Larkin

Holy Thursday, April 9: Suzanne Novak

Holy Saturday, April 11: Sandy Satler

April 4th, 2020

Act of Spiritual Communion

On occasions where we may be unable to receive the Eucharist during Mass, we may make an act of spiritual communion and be united to God in prayer.

Until we may celebrate Mass together as a faith community, we ask everyone to offer this prayer for the Lord.

My Jesus,

I believe that You

are present in the most Blessed Sacrament.

I love You above all things

and I desire to receive You into my soul.

Since I cannot now

receive You sacramentally,

come at least spiritually into my heart.

I embrace You as if You were already there,

and unite myself wholly to You.

Never permit me to be separated from You.


April 4th, 2020

Palms Available on Palm Sunday

This coming Sunday (Palm Sunday, April 5th) during the morning Mass , Father George will be blessing palm branches to be distributed as we start Holy Week. These palm branches will be made available around 9AM and placed on the altar in the outdoor grotto, located at the North end of the Eastern parking lot. At your convenience, we invite everyone to hop by and pick up palm branches for celebration with your families at home!

As a courtesy, for the health & safety of yourself, your family, and all parishioners who will be visiting on Sunday and throughout Holy Week, we kindly ask everyone to please observe all recommended social distancing guidelines while visiting the grotto or Church. When picking up palms, if others are already present you may prefer to wait patiently at your vehicle until the grotto is free; we would encourage a friendly greeting or wave in passing, of course!

May the peace of Christ reign in our hearts through faith!

April 2th, 2020

Coronavirus Update

Governor Mike DeWine extended the executive “Stay at Home Order” to continue to curb the spread of the Coronavirus in the State of Ohio. Out of deep concern for the common good, as well as the physical and spiritual well-being of all the people of Ohio, the Catholic Bishops of Ohio have agreed once again to cooperate with the governor’s direction. The Catholic Bishops of Ohio extend the temporary suspension of all publicly celebrated Masses/liturgies at least through and including Sunday May 3rd.

Please join us in praying for all who are suffering from the Coronavirus, for all health care workers and first responders, and for an easing of the anxiety and tension caused by this pandemic. Relying on the Motherly care of Our Lady, Health of the Sick, we unite our sufferings to those of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and we trust in the glorious hope of His resurrection.

Please see their statement here, and visit https://www.ohiocathconf.org for additional information.

March Announcements (03-2020)

March 31st, 2020

Automatic Weekly Offerings

(Updated: online form download available!)

Looking to simplify your weekly contributions? Sign up to give automatically!

Contributions can be automatically debited from your checking or savings account.  If you are currently giving on a weekly basis, you no longer need to write out 52 checks a year.  This program will allow your weekly or monthly contributions to continue on an uninterrupted basis when travel, illness or other circumstances prevent you from attending Mass. 

Please print the form and send in the mail or drop it off in the mailbox at the Church. For your online safety, please do not submit a form containing your financial information via email. If you have any questions, please give us a call or email our Parish Secretary, Kelly Krause, for more information.

Thank you for your generosity!

Week of March 29th, 2020

Weekly Bulletin

Mass Intentions

Sunday, March 29: Goldie Sherlock

Sunday, March 29: Kenneth Larkin

Monday, March 30: Bill Palmer

Tuesday, March 31: Jane Mastro

Wednesday, April 1: For the Parish

Thursday, April 2: Barbara Ritzannio

Friday, April 3: Suzanne Novak

Saturday, April 4: Weisinger Family

Week of March 22nd, 2020

Weekly Bulletin

Mass Intentions

Monday, March 23: Lisa Wardeiner

Tuesday, March 24: For the Parish

Wednesday, March 25: Healing for post abortive grandparents

Thursday, March 26: Jesse Mott

Friday, March 27: Raymond & Emma Joles

Saturday, March 28: Dragica Jeras

March 16th, 2020

Coronavirus Update

The Catholic Bishops of Ohio, out of concern for the common good and the physical as well as spiritual well-being of all the people of Ohio, have agreed to cooperate with the governor’s direction to create “social distance”.  Therefore, they will dispense the Catholic faithful who reside in Ohio and all other Catholics currently in Ohio from the obligation of attending Sunday Mass.

Out of charity and concern for our brothers and sisters in Christ, we encourage all the faithful in particular those who are sick, experiencing symptoms of illness, or are at risk of illness seriously to consider refraining from Mass attendance.   Please join together in praying for all who are suffering from illness or disease of any kind, and for an easing of the tension caused by this situation.  May Our Lady of Lourdes, Health of the Sick and Mother of Mercy, intercede for us, and may the Holy Spirit continue to guide and protect us all.

Please see their statement here, or visit https://www.ohiocathconf.org/ for more information.